
Summary-Naruto foresees Hinata's death and will stop at nothing to prevent it. NaruHina.

Note-This story takes place after the time skip and Team 7 is made up of Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke.

Chapter 1-The Nightmare

"If we had met in a different time, do you think we could've been...friends?"

"Yes, Naruto, I do believe so, but as for now I have failed Zabuza, therefore, kill me." Naruto hesitated, but then charged forward at Haku with killing intent. In a mere second, Haku sensed Zabuza in trouble. "I'm sorry, Naruto, but I'm not ready to die just yet!" He then disappeared.

Naruto looked around as the mist began to lift. In the distance, he saw three figures. One was blocking another from hitting it's target with Chidori. He realized what had happened. "Haku!" he yelled. As he ran towards the three, the the faces changed, but it showed the same exact scene. One person was taking the hit of Chidori instead of the other. As he stepped closer, the faces became clearer. The one being protected is himself; he sees his eyes wide with shock by what just happened. The one attacking is Sasuke, who's also shocked, and also scared of himself, for he has the blood of the girl he had loved on his hands, and her death on his shoulders. They both stared at the girl between them.

"I'm s-sorry...Sasuke, but I...could not let you hurt N-Naruto..." the girl coughed up blood and some landed on Sasuke's face. "I-I l-love you both...s-so much...Good...bye..." With those being her final words, Naruto watched as the girl closed her eyes and fell backwards into his arms.

"HINATA!!" Naruto woke up in a cold sweat. He felt tears flow down his cheeks, burning as they did. He put his face in his hands. "I-it was just a nightmare." Somewhere deep down inside, he heard a faint voice.

"Prevent this from happening or face the consequences of losing the one you love forever..." His head shot up as he realized what his nightmare was. It was the past repeating itself. It was a premonition of his teammate, Hinata Hyuuga's death.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter. I hope u enjoy so far, i plan to update within the nxt week. Please review. ty