Again, sorry for the wait. I've been really busy with school and whatever else.

Chapter 4- Enter: The Black Knight

"Don't tell me you three came here to be captured by the Black Knight too?" Maron said. "that's why all the new actresses are coming these days." Maron Kusabe is Hinata's new roommate at Theatre de Knights. She is seventeen, has brown hair with blond highlights, brown eyes, and wore a yellow and green school uniform. ((A/N: Yes, for those of you who know "Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" I'm talking about her.))

"The Black Knight? Never heard of him. Who is that?" questioned Hinata.

"He's only the hottest guy in the history of EVER!" the brown-haired girl squealed. "He comes hair to steal away beautiful girls with dark hair and light eyes." She looks at Hinata's dark blue hair and pale lavendar eyes. "Oh Hinata, you have no idea how jealous I am of you right now!"

"Have you ever seen the Black Knight before? Is he really that cute?"

"I've seen him twice actually, and he is to die for!"

"What's he look like?" Hinata wanted to know more about the kidnapper hoping to catch him.

"He is your age, has long black, spiky hair, pure black eyes, always has a cold hateful expression, is kind of arrogant, he's a loner..." the older girl kept talking as Hinata was thinking about the description she was already given.

'That description fits perfectly to...'

"...Oh and occasionally, his eyes are red with three black tendrails."

"Sasuke!" Hinata cried suddenly.

"Who?" asked Maron.

"The Black Knight is my old friend Sasuke Uchiha! The description you gave me is perfect! Thank you sooo much Maron for the information you gave me!" She hugs Maron and then runs off. 'I must tell Naruto and Sai!' Hinata goes to Naruto and Sai's room, bursting through the door. Sai no longer was wearing his wig or dress, but in his normal clothes; same with Naruto.

"Hinata, what's wrong?" Naruto asked, seeing that his friend was out of breath.

"It's Sasuke! The kidnapper is Sasuke Uchiha! He knows we're here. He was the one staring at me before! I know his eyes anywhere!" Naruto sighed.

"Hinata, please, not again..." For many days after Sasuke left, Hinata claimed to be seeing him everywhere.

"Naruto, I swear, I'm NOT lying this time! Please believe me."

Naruto shook his head. "I'm sorry, Hinata, I just can't." She let out an aggravated yell and runs off back to her room in tears.

"Hinata, what's wrong?" Maron asked as she saw the younger girl walk in in tears.

"Leave me the hell alone, Maron" she replies coldly. Maron backs off and Hinata walks out onto the balcony to look at the starlit night. "Beautiful," she sighs.

"So are you," says an oddly familiar voice. Her eyes widen as a pair of lips press up against her neck.


"Hm?" Once she realized it really was him, she screams and pushes him off her. Warm tears drip down her face. She loves and hates the Uchiha at the same time.

"Hinata--" Maron runs out onto the balcony but stops when she sees Hinata face blushed and red, and then looks at Sasuke. "The...the Black Knight...?"

"Sasuke," comes a softer voice. The voice is familiar, but from where? "I saw what you did to her. I though you didn't have feelings for her anymore...?"

"Aww, Karin, don't do this to me!"

"I thought you loved me?" the girl cries and disappears; Sasuke follows behind her. Hinata felt tears come to her eyes as well.

'He loves someone else?' She drops to her kneesand cries into her palms.

"Hinata?!" Nariki and Saiya run up to the Hyuuga girl. "Hinata, what's wrong? We heard you scream and now you're crying?" Nariki asked her but Hinata did not respond. She/he turned towards Maron. "Do you know what happened?"

"I'm not quite sure. I heard Hinata scream, so I came out to see what had happened and the Black Knight was here, and she was madly blushing. Then some girl named Karin, who had the ugliest red hair I've ever seen, came and was all like, 'Sasuke, I thought you loved me?' Then they disappeared and she broke down in tears."

"So it was Sasuke?" Nariki asked. "That bastard, I'll kill him!"

Hinata stands up, stops crying, and glares fiercly at Naruto. "Don't touch him." Then she walks away.

"Sasuke, I sent Konoha that mission to Team Kakashi so that you could kill Naruto, not so that you could flirt with your old girlfriend!"

"Karin, I'm sorry, but she...I couldn't help myself..."

"BASTARD!!" Karin slaps him hard across the face. "I'm gonna do something so miserably horrible to her. Once she's out of the way, YOU WILL BE ALL MINE SASUKE UCHIHA!!!!"

Aaah. Karin is scary...damn it sucks I have the same name as that whore, but w/e. Okay this is kinda short, but hey, at least I updated it, so be happy.