A/N: Hey, everyone… I decided to write a Naruto fan fiction, my first one ever. Feel free to review because it will definitely be beneficial. I think most of the time I glance over your profile and occasionally read your stories if you review me… not that it's a bribe, I'm just telling you I do most of the time do that… so yeah… reviews can help you too ;-) anyway, I plan on getting the next chapter done… I'm not making any promises cuz of … well, I guess I'll have to blame it on my laziness, but expect one soon. My obsession with this kind of story will force me to write at least sooner than later on in the story.

Btw, this story might sound yaoi at first, but Orochimaru x Sasuke is SO disgusting. So it's definitely not that… so don't tell me your ideas, some of you sick people out there, unless they don't have to do with yaoi. LOL, I'm jk. Tell me what you want. Anyway, enjoy :-)


Part 1 – Soul Transfer


Chapter 1 – An Unexpected Death


"Get back on your feet," the snake voiced hissed for a sixth time.

Sasuke Uchiha had obeyed each time, the feat getting harder as the minutes ticked by. The curse mark, visible on his neck, throbbed, and the pain was growing steadily stronger. He couldn't stop, though. He had to become powerful enough to beat his brother Itachi. There was no other choice, no other way although this new path of life carried many regrets.

"Now use the jutsu," Orochimaru commanded, a hungry glint in his eyes.

Sasuke forced his exhausted arms to for the hand signals for his Chidori. Like the past four times, the technique failed and Sasuke fell to the ground due to the pain of his burning curse mark.

"Get back on your—"

"No," Sasuke objected, rubbing his neck. "I've had enough."

"Oh, but poor Sasuke," Orochimaru purred. "You've just barely started. Don't tell me you're exhausted already." His tone turned more commanding. "Just one more Chidori, one more. Now get up and try again."

Sasuke's body groaned in protest as he heaved himself up. If he wanted a break, he had to get the Chidori complete for a third time that day. Otherwise, he knew he'd be too weak to get up again, and Orochimaru would have his servants beat him. He still felt the marks and scars from the last two times he failed.

Kakashi-sensei, his former teacher, had said Chidori wouldn't work for him a third time, and didn't press him to keep trying. But now, he was forced to focus his Chakra, so he wouldn't waste any, all thanks to Orochimaru. Of course, Kakashi would never allow such cruel methods, but in a way Orochimaru, the snake who didn't care if a loss of Chakra could result in death, was teaching Sasuke in a way that Kakashi never could. Sasuke might not have been fond of this method, but he knew one thing: that he would walk out of this horrific place trained better than he could be anywhere else.

"Use your hate of Itachi, Sasuke," the pale immortal continued. "Let it flow through you and fuel your Chakra. You will grow more powerful than ever if you simply do as I say."

Sasuke formed the hand signals quicker than ever before. His hate was driving his need to strengthen his Chakra. "Chidori!" he yelled louder than ever and watched as the small, electrical ball illuminated on his hand. Then, right then, his curse mark lighted on fire, and he collapsed, knowing he had failed… and would be beaten. The last thing he saw was Orochimaru's lustful face, the room spinning, and the darkness that consumed it all.

Later, he lay bruised and bloody on a cold stone floor. Sasuke was locked in a chamber without any light… it added to the effect of torturing, making your victim feel alone. Sasuke, although he was use to this since his clan had become extinct, was terrified of the darkness all over again. And the pain he felt from his beating didn't help much either… he was alone.

XXX Three Years Later XXX

Sasuke's eyes opened to the usual dark and small chamber, possessing a small bed with scratchy, uncomfortable covers. He had grown use to his environment long ago… the blackness, the screams billowing in the background—no doubt the work of Orochimaru's "games."

That snake, Sasuke thought as he realized how many families had been broken up by Orochimaru's "fun" with torturing his prisoners. The screams didn't bother him now as they did three years ago, and neither did the pain that rarely missed following his training.

In this period of three years, Sasuke had learned how to use three Chidori a day… one more, and he would be caught up with Kakashi-sensei if not better. But that wasn't all he had learned. He knew several Jutsus now, all of which would soon be molded into destroying his brother. The time for that had almost arrived.

But something felt different today… it was either the silence, despite all the cries from torture, or it was the ghostly darkness of the shadows, hanging on his walls. Whatever the source of the feeling, something today wasn't right….. something ominous today was going to happen…

Soon a sharp knock came at his door, and, after Sasuke's approval, Kabuto stepped in. A long while ago Kabuto had learned to show a little respect to Sasuke, seeing as the Uchiha was the only one alive under Orochimaru's care for three years, besides Kabuto himself.

"What do you want, Kabuto?" Sasuke demanded.

Kabuto smirked although it was almost invisible in the stench of darkness consuming the room. "You need to come with me," he said. It was not a suggestion, it was a command.

Sasuke frowned and chose to disobey. "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because if you don't," Kabuto explained in a sing-song voice, "Orochimaru won't be very happy."

Sasuke knew in order to continue his training, it was not the best idea to get Orochimaru pissed off. "Fine," he stated simply. He rose from his bed, got dressed, and soon followed Kabuto down the long stretches of the hallway. They strode together in silence, not looking at each other in the slightest. But Sasuke's suspicions already began to grow… Why was Kabuto acting so mischievous and less polite than he usually did? What was Orochimaru up to? He was sure after three years, he might be able to understand the snake and his follower better, but it seemed his theory was wrong.

Finally they made it to Orochimaru's doorway, and almost instantly as Sasuke opened the door, he found his arms held behind his back by Kabuto and tied together firmly.

"What the—" Sasuke protested, but Kabuto had gagged him with an abnormally dry clothe… It wasn't like him to get hurt anymore, but the cloth was so dry and tight it was almost unbearable. He struggled not to fall flat on his face as Kabuto thrust him forward with only one hand. However, tripping seemed inevitable, and Sasuke found cold, rough stone cushion his forehead, as he fell forward. The door snapped shut behind him, and Kabuto was gone. Still there remained a presence in the room… It was… Orochimaru.

"Welcome, my dear Sasuke," the snake's voice slowly but surely spoke. "I hope Kabuto didn't do this too roughly… but if he didn't, you might have been able to escape.

Sasuke felt sharp pointy objects poke his arms tied behind his back and realized they were Orochimaru's fingernails. He found himself on his feet, pulled up aggressively by his teacher's hands.

"Oh, what should I ever do with that Kabuto?" Orochimaru commented, stroking the cloth wrapped around Sasuke's mouth with his slender fingers. "I never told him to gag you. He must've had quite a lot of fun with you. Of course, he could not have had nearly as much fun as I will have with you…"

Sasuke's eyes widened.

"…for an eternity," Orochimaru continued in a whisper. He undid the cloth's knot, allowing Sasuke to talk. "So," the snake started. "Any final words before your mind is annihilated?"

"What?" Sasuke gasped in shock. He was going to die? After three years of training and mastering of Jutsus, never before known to him, Orochimaru was going to kill him. "B-but why?" He felt tears sting his eyes as he regretted never killing his brother, never telling Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura how important they were to him. How could this happen?

"Because you've outgrown your usefulness as a person to me."

"But I'm so much stronger now…" Sasuke argued. He was so confused, so flustered for the first time of his life. He wondered if this was just one of Orochimaru's tricks in order to help his training.

"Oh, yes, I know," Orochimaru chuckled. "You have become very powerful, and I would love to add that power to my own. But no matter how much I try, I will never trust you… I can trust no one, so instead of adding your power I will combine it with mine. The only one to take the fall here is…" He let out a small laugh. "Well, you."

Sasuke shook his head as a result of not believing any of this. "But… my brother…"

"No worries, Sasuke. I can kill him for you because I myself have a thing against him. I'll make sure that part of your destiny is completed."

The Uchiha started to struggle but to no avail. Kabuto had tied his arms too tightly to get away… not that he could get away from Orochimaru.

"Calm down, dear boy," the snake reassured, putting a hand on Sasuke's sweaty brow. "I can't guarantee it will be painless, but I'll be sure to make it quick."

Sasuke's struggles became desperate now. "No!" he screamed. His cheeks became wet with tears.

"Stop acting like a helpless child... even though that is what you are." Orochimaru's breathed a word Sasuke couldn't make out due to his terrible fear and frustration. Then Sasuke felt as though he just… disappeared.


A/N: Yeah!! My first chapter of my first Naruto fic. Hehe. Hope y'all enjoyed because this was very exciting to write. The chapter will get longer as I continue, so no worries… and Sasuke is SOOOOOOO my favorite character. Like I would allow him to die :-P lol

Sasuke might have been a little OOC at the end of this fic, but… seriously ppl, how would you feel? Huh? Huh:-P and besides that, he does act that way when Itachi kind of… "tortures" him and stuff, so… I have my reasons, but you can have your opinions. So again, review if you have the time :-D