My Emo Little Sasuke

Disclaimor; I do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT! Own Naruto or anyone in it.

Summary; Sasuke's emo, how typical, right? Yeah yeah, I know, so bite me. And Naruto's the cause, is that a comman story plot? Oh well.

...I was listening to 'Teenagers' last night by MCR...

And it made me laugh. Because it's true. I may be a teen, but they scare the shit outta me. xD


Sasuke laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, tears streaking his face, dspite how hard he had tried to force them back. How the hell did the fifteen-year-old let himself get so involved with something like that? He closed his eyes and rolled to his side, trying to fall asleep, despite the fact it was only six in the evening. With every breath he took, his heart twisted and pain shot through his body. All he wanted was to sleep and not wake up until the feeling was gone for good. He became still when he reached his side, his eyes opening only half way, only to stare at the spot that was previously occupied by a certain blonde. He could remember everything clearly, though he was trying his damndest to force it back.

"Sasuke?" Sasuke looked to the boy with a small smile, pulling him closer.

"What is it, Naruto?" Naruto seemed to hesitate, only making Sasuke more curious. It had been three years since the two had gotten together. "Naruto?" Sasuke asked what seemed an eternity of silence, concern filling his voice.

"I can't do this." Sasuke felt his heart skip a beat at the boys words. What did he mean? "I...Sasuke, it's nothing bad, it's just...This isn't right." The blonde seemed to have read his thoughts. Sasuke gave a nervous smile and rolled on top of him, pinning him there.

"Don't do this, Naruto." His voice almost begged as he stared down at Naruto. After much prodding and prying three years ago, Naruto had finally snapped Sasuke back to reality and Sasuke had willingly took the bate, jumping into the relationshit they had. Naruto knew Sasuke wasn't going to make this easy, and felt bad for the Uchiha. He should have never given into his silly little crush for Sasuke and he wouldn't be hurting him now.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke." Naruto was expecting Sasuke's explosive temper to snap, waiting for Sasuke to hit him. Instead, Sasuke burried his face in Naruto's shoulder. "S-Sasuke?"

"Please, Naruto, don't do this." Sasuke begged. Naruto could feel Sasuke's breathing become short, shallow intakes of air. What right did Naruto think he had to do this to Sasuke? He could feel the slightly older teen tense up before relaxing. This was something Naruto had known to be his attempts to calm his nerves, to push back any tears that threatened. Sasuke tensed and remained that way. Why had he had to give into his silly little crush for Naruto? He wouldn't be in this ammount of pain if he hadn't, though the crush seemed to be much more to him now. He was genuially in love with this boy. And he HATED it! "I'm begging you, I don't want to lose you." Naruto could hear the desporation in Sasuke's voice. Why the hell was this bothering him so much? Naruto was over his crush and wanted to end the relationship, so why was Sasuke so upset? It wasn't like he was in love with him, or was he?

"Don't act like that, Sasuke. You and I both knew it was just a silly little crush that we let get out of ha..." He stopped talking when Sasuke's body relaxed completely, then the ragged breath escaped Sasuke's lips.

"Silly little crush?" Sasuke questioned from his spot against Naruto's shoulder. How could Naruto say something like that? What was wrong with him? "Was that all it was?" His voice was oddly cold, and hurt, his body completely relaxed, which made Naruto nervous. He hated when Sasuke did this to him. He was unpredicatble when the emotions drained from his features, though it was rare. Naruto didn't answer and Sasuke gave a small laugh, pushing himself off Naruto.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked when Sasuke turned his back to him. "We can still be..."

"Get out." Sasuke spoke in a cold voice, his body seemed to tense up a bit, but Naruto figured it was his imagination. Sasuke was way too calm to be at the verge of crying. Naruto did as he was told, not wanting to push the situation further, almost afraid Sasuke would snap and beat the shit out of him. When he exited the room, he heard several things glass crash against the wall, failing to hear the quiet sobs that had escaped Sasuke's lips and the genuine hurt voice that spoke quietly, "I loved you, fucker."

Sasuke grabbed a pillow and pushed it over his head, trying to block out the images of the blonde when sleep failed to come to him. This wasn't working. He had to do something to ease the pain. He had several messages, all from the blonde, on his phone, since he hadn't left the house all day. The even had happened around five that morning. Sasuke finally got up and walked to the kitchen, searching through the drawers for something, anything, to occupy him. He pulled the drawer to the silverware open and the blades from the knives glittered against the kitchen light. His eyes fell imediately fell on the smooth blade of one. His body acted on it's own as he grabbed the black handle, pulling it from the drawer. Getting a damp cloth, he sat on the floor, examining his skin. Flawlessly smooth. Not for much longer. He pressed the blade down, watching where he trailed it, careful to avoid anything vital to life.

When he pulled the blade away, he could feel the pain slowly spilling out with his blood as relief washed over him. He decided against pressing anything against the new wound, resting back against the counter, his hand gently placed, palm up, on the floor next to him. For what seemed the millionth time that day, the phone rang. He carefully pushed himself up, falling back against the counter for support, his head beginning to spin. He closed his eyes and took a few, calmed breaths before walking to the phone in the front room. As soon as he reached the area, he collapsed ontop the couch, pulling the phone to his ear, his eyesight fading in and out from the dizzy spell. "God, Sasuke! Do you know how to answer your phone!" Naruto's voice sounded. That stabbing pain returned to Sasuke's heart, but he decided against making a new wound for the night, knowing it would him no good if he couldn't walk around. Sasuke said nothing to Naruto, staring at the T.V., trying to get his vision to clear up. "Teme!" Naruto snapped.

"Huh? What?" Sasuke asked, coming back from his daze.

"Sasu-kun, something wrong?" Naruto's worried voice asked. Sasuke tensed from the name and gave a small growl.

"No." He lied. "And don't call me that anymore."

"But..." Naruto protested.

"You ended it, so don't call me that anymore." Sasuke snapped, finding himself rather agrivated with the blonde.

"Geeze, calm down." Naruto muttered. "Why haven't you answered your phone all day? You've had us worried."

"What's it matter?" Sasuke shot, sitting back, his vision cleared.

"You're still a frie..."

"Don't even try that bullshit!" Sasuke yelled. "I don't want to be just friends, Naruto! I can't do it! It wasn't just a stupid little crush, you idiot!" Sasuke snapped, feeling the pain force it's way back. Another cut should do it. Sasuke thought, waiting for Naruto to reply. He shifted the phone so it was held but his shoulder and ear, looking to the knife he hadn't noticed he had carried to the front room with him. He returned to look at his wrist, tracing a new line. He must have made some kind of noise, because he heard Naruto's voice shift from a slight annoyance to a gentle worry.

"What happened, Sasuke?" Sasuke stared, satisfied with his work, returning his good hand to the phone.

"Nothing. Why?" Sasuke lied, masking his voice so it was calm and emotionless.

"Liar. I'm coming over to check on you."

"Good luck. I won't answer the door."

"I have a key." Naruto shot at Sasuke.

"Why do you still have it?"

"My shit's over there!" Sasuke went silent, then lied back on the couch.

"Sure. Whatever. Just get your shit and leave." He said, hanging up. He hid the knife under the couch and rolled over so he was facing the back of the couch. He didn't want to bother with the small pools of blood in the kitchen, or the trail that led to the couch. He just wanted to hide his wrist against his chest and fall asleep, now that it wanted to come to him. It wasn't but five minutes before Sasuke was out like a light. He was so far gone he didn't hear Naruto enter the house. Naruto walked to the front room, just to sneak a peak at Sasuke, failing to notice the blood that soaked Sasuke's black t-shirt, walking for the Uchiha's room to gather his things.

It had taken him an hour or so to sort his things from Sasuke's, by that time, he heard the raven haired teen push the door open. Sasuke took no note to Naruto and let himself collapse on his bed, still half asleep. He closed his eyes and laid there, Naruto watching him closely. When he finally decided to pull his eyes away, he was ready to get out of there. Sasuke seemed so lifeless and it was his fault. He didn't want to see him like that. He picked the box up and started for the door. "One more night." He heard Sasuke whisper, though he wasn't sure if it was just from his half concious state or night. "One more lie. One more life. One more knife." Naruto glanced to Sasuke's arms, which were covered by the blanket. Naruto rested the box on the floor and walked over to the bed. Sasuke, even in his half concious state, was smarter than one would conclude. He had slipped on a hoodie that hung by the door before he walked to his room.

Naruto reached for Sasuke's wrists, finding his own in the tight grasp of Sasuke's hand, his eyes narrowed, glaring with deadly intetions resting in the onyx, almost lifeless eyes. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." Sasuke whispered, each word laced with venom and pain. Naruto stood in disbelief. He had almost forgotten how aware Sasuke always forced himself to be in his half concious states of lonliness.

Geeze! It's not your fault you don't wanna be with Sasuke anymore. Naruto thought to himself. Sasuke shoved Naruto's wrist back and let go. The blonde stood there, staring down at Sasuke, Sasuke staring back with a mask of no emotions.

If I can't have him, I'll just go back to my old ways. I wonder if that offer from Orochimaru is still up for grabs. Sasuke thought, reaching up and placing his hand over the curse that rested on his shoulder.

"Don't even think about it, Sasuke. Just because you lost me doesn't mean you have to put yourself through that." Naruto shot, reading into his actions. Sasuke smirked and sat up, pushing Naruto back and out of his way.

"What are you talking about? It's hurting." He lied, walking for the bathroom. If he was too careless, Naruto would note the dried blood on his hands. He had managed to keep his sleeves down over his hands, despite all of his moving around. God, his head was spinning again. Sasuke dumped a few vikaden from a bottle and slipped them into his mouth, swallowing before he got some water. Naruto stood in the doorway, watching Sasuke closely. Why was he keeping his arms and hands hidden so carefully. God, was Naruto clueless. Sasuke turned to Naruto as the boy walked up to him.

"Just because I don't love you doesn't mean I don't care." He said, reaching for the bottle in the cabinent. Sasuke slammed the door closed just before Naruto could reach it.

"I need those." He said simply, watching Naruto's reaction. The boy had jerked his hand back and glared at Sasuke.

"What the fuck?!" Sasuke's eyes closed halfway, life fading from his features. Why was Naruto still there? Why was he pretending to care? Why was Sasuke so worried about Naruto finding the cut on his wrist? They weren't together anymore, so it didn't matter, really. Naruto noticed this and knew Sasuke was questioning his presence. He turned to walk away, muttering several cusses under his breath. He grabbed his shit and left Sasuke to rest.

End Chapter;

I know, I know. 'Another story?!' But guess what, it's different! If I get atleast one pretty review, I'll try and update today. Or tomorrow...Maybe. If I'm allowed on the computer...Cookies for my reviewers! -winks-