Well everyone, I have finally returned to continue this story!

Sorry for making you all wait so long but I'm now up for getting going!

As before! These characters are not mine I simply misuse them =3


"So lil Ruka-kun, any more headway with the mystery love?" Genma was pushing his luck, but hey, it's better than pushing it with a certain silver-haired nin.

"Genma-kun... I really don't want to talk about it," Iruka dropped his eyes to stare at his sake, he may need some help but he wasn't going to ask Genma... anyone would be better.

"Sorry, sorry, just thought I could help," The shifty look on Genma's face had Iruka worried... There was something going on that he didn't know about!

Both men sat in silence for a few moments, the silence stretching and driving both mad. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks Iruka pointed them at Genma's face.

"What's going on?! You ran away from me earlier yet we're having sake now?!" Genma blinked, he was at a loss, Iruka had gone nuts and was flailing around with chopsticks shouting about some conspiracy. He wanted to help... but man, Iruka wasn't making it easy!

"Ruka-chan... are you ok?" Asked the senbon-sucker as soon as his friend had collapsed onto the table, head resting on folded arms. Some incoherent mutterings came from under the quilt of dark hair. Iruka slowly lifted his head to almost cause a nosebleed to his friend, hair down and slightly blushed from the sake, he looked gorgeous. (TVM : GENMA! Behave!! I'm warning you! I'll make you straight! . Genma : Sorry . please don't!)

"I think we should get you home soon Iruka-kun... You're looking a bit tipsy man..." Genma moved across the table and almost fell, there was someone staring at him, jounin just know these things, and man whoever it was wasn't friendly! He turned slowly watching for anyone who might be showing undue interest in him. As soon as he realised who it was relief washed over him, Kakashi was standing near the bar watching the interaction between the jounin and his own little chunin.

He so much as touches my little Iruka and I'll rip his head off! Stupid senbon-sucking idiot! Kakashi's thoughts weren't too friendly to anyone who went near Iruka, especially when it was a renowned pervert like Shiranui Genma!

"Wait a mo' Ruka-chan, I'll be back, seen someone I think might be interesting," With that he winked at Iruka and made his way over to the masked jounin at the bar.

As Genma crossed the bar he felt Kakashi's hateful glare diminish, thankfully the copy nin wasn't going to kill him when he tried to speak. "Hatake-san, I can't help you if you stare at me like you're going to kill me if I go near him!"

"Shiranui... If you lay one finger on him, I will kill you!" Kakashi's glare had Genma shaking in his shoes, you just don't cross the legendary Hatake Kakashi and get away with it!

"Geeeenmaaaaaaa-kuuuuuuuun!" Genma winced as Kakashi glared at him more, Iruka had horrible timing!

"Come on! Genma-kun, I want more sake!! Give me my wallet!" Genma shook his head, he knew it was a good idea to take the innocent teachers wallet from him.

"HATAKE-SAN!" The blush on Iruka's face as he noticed the legendary nin was spectacular, and to a certain jounin absolutely irresistible!

Grabbing Iruka by the waist Kakashi pulled him into a fierce kiss, both men battling to be dominant. After a second Kakashi stepped back, his usual impeccable self looking much more bedraggled and ruffled. Blushing like a maniac Iruka couldn't speak, words had fled him and the man he loved was just staring at him looking shocked.

OMG what did I do?! He's never going to forgive me! My poor Ruka-chan, I've scared him off!

As he was thinking Kakashi failed to realise that Iruka was slowly falling over. With a thud Genma caught him and tried to get the attention of the copy nin.

"Hatake-san, I'm takin' him home! He's drank too much and this won't end well if he thinks you've kissed him cause he was easy!" With that Iruka gave a happy giggle and slumped asleep into Genma's arms. Picking him up bridal style, Genma carried his friend home and placed him gently into his bed. "Sleep well Ruka-chan, I'll help you figure this out in the morning."

On the other side of the village Kakashi was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

What've I done? I shouldn't have touched him! He's going to hate me!

His mind raced in circles as he rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to relieve the ache beginning to form across his head.


Rolling over slowly, Iruka winced as the sunlight made contact with his eyes, trying to remember the night before he pushed his hair out of his eyes. He could remember being at the sake bar with Genma, there was very little after that, though there was a horrible feeling something important had happened. Iruka looked at his clock, jumping when he realised he was an hour late for mission room duty! Running around he pulled on his uniform and started looking for a tie for his hair, giving up when none appeared after five minutes he ran from his house and out into the busy streets.

Arriving at his desk Iruka looked around to see who was in, Genma was sitting with his feet on his desk, sucking on his senbon and snoring gently.

"Wake up Genma-kun!" At that Genma fell from his seat shouting about not wanting tacos. (TVM : I have no idea what goes on in his head!)

"Ruka-chan! You made it!" The look on Genma's face made Iruka feel uncomfortable, he knew something had definitely happened, please God say he didn't sleep with Genma...

"What happened last night Genma-kun?" Genma chewed on his senbon and thought his words out.

"Hatake-san kissed you..."

And with that we're done for another chapter!

Hope you guys enjoyed =3