Chapter 8 Kindergarden…a name for a prison of little monsters

TheLadyWolf: Oh my gosh! The event we have all been waiting for….no it's not sex. It's an older Naruto!! Whoot whoot! –Dances with happiness- so enjoy and tell me what you guys think ok?

Disclaimer: Why must the wolf be tortured with things it cannot have? Come to me Naruto, come be with me! .



Chapter 8 Kindergarten…a name for a prison of little monsters.

Tomorrow was to be a miraculous day…. For it was the day that Sasuke's little boy was going to school.

Sasuke wasn't sure how to act, for a moment he feared that there were tears in his eyes till he realized that a bug had flown into one of them, making them water.

He had been looking forward to this day for years it seemed now, ever since he had signed him on the waiting list for the most prestige school he know of in the area, Black Forest Elementary and High School.

Sasuke sighed as he laid out the little uniform the school provided. His sunshine was going out in the world…what would he do without him?

Suddenly he was smacked upside the head by his brother.

"What's wrong with you? Be a man, he's only going to kindergarten and then for only a few hours. He spends longer time away from you on photo shoots, so just relax and stop looking like your ready to cry. Geez, if you can't handle this, how will you take college?" he muttered before going back to reading his book on the couch.

Sasuke sighed; he knew is brother was right, but it was just so hard to let him go. He didn't want to share Naruto with anyone. But he knew that he couldn't keep him at the office, Naruto was a very bright young boy, who needed to start going to school.

'So he can be better then everyone else's children' Sasuke thought with an evil smirk. He wanted his son to excel beyond anyone's expectations.

That only problem with that was that Sasuke couldn't be there while he did it.

He shook his head to shake off the depressing thoughts and looked to make sure that he had everything ready for tomorrow. Naruto was very excited, he couldn't wait to go to school and make lots of new friends, he had said, because the people at his work were very boring and only him and 'unca Tachi(1)' were any fun.

Though his and Itachi's ideas for fun usually involved either scaring the workers or making them panic and cry. They were twisted guys, what can you say.

So Naruto could now glare, make a grown man cry, not counting Kisame, and was pretty sharp. But Sasuke could tell that he was lonely, with no one to play with and 'fawder(2)' and 'unca Tachi' always working, he was a bummed out little guy.

So when Sasuke had told him that was going to get to go to school, happy was an understatement. Naruto had tried counting the days till he got to go, but failing that he made Sasuke mark on the calendar when he would get to go.

So all that had led to Naruto saying how he needed a lunch box. Needless to say he had five now. One for each day, Sasuke had told anyone who asked.

Of course Itachi had gotten him a few bags, with matching pencils and stuff, not that he would need them yet, but if he did, he had them. So a pile of school stuff was now forming in Naruto's room. They were trying to lay off the buying, but when you're a billionaire, and have free time, you can't help but shop.

Sasuke went to go check on Naruto and get him ready for bed.

He found him in the den playing against Kisame, and winning too.

"No fair! You always know the combos! I don't, you're a cheater Naruto!" Kisame yelled as he tried to get his fish fighter to beat Naruto's ninja one.

"Na-uh! Nawuto don't cheat fish man!" Naruto replied while throwing Kisame's character into the river in the game.

Sasuke watched as Kisame's character drowned in the water.

Which was ironic in a sense.

"Kisame, why doesn't your person swim or something, isn't it a fish?" Sasuke asked as he watched the second fight start.

Kisame seemed to be pushing all the buttons, to no avail it seemed as Naruto's ninja seemed to be kicking the snot out of his player.

"He's just special, so what if he can't swim, I still like him" he muttered while trying to avoid Naruto's combo move. This once again had his person landing in the water and flailing like a well… fish.

"Yesh! Nawuto is the bestest! Take that fish man!" he then proceeded to do a little victory dance.

Sasuke just shook his head at Naruto's actions and looked over at a distraught Kisame.

"How could I lose!? I've practicing for weeks!" he waved his arms at this, "and this is his first time playing!" he stood up grumbling and went to get his game out of the system.

Sasuke looked at the gaming system and wondered for a moment if maybe he spoiled Naruto…. He looked over to the gaming wall where all the most recent gaming toys and systems could be found, then looked over at the other wall that held all the games that went with them.

"Nah" he said and focused his attention back to the little ball of energy that was still dancing. Some how he had started to do the car wash and was moving in the YMCA dance now.

"Come on Naruto, time for bed, you want to get up on time for school don't you?" he asked as Naruto stopped dancing the cabbage patch and nodded his head.

"Yeah! Nawuto can't wait to make lots of friends and stuff." He said as he took off for the living room.

"Naruto!" Sasuke called out after his sons retreating back.

"Yeah!?" he yelled back.

"Where did you learn those dance moves?" he asked.

"Oh! Unca Tachi taught me them. He gets bored so he shows me some stuff." Naruto said as he came running back with his tooth brush.

'Huh' Sasuke would pay money to see his brother do those dances, thinking about seeing Itachi do the monkey or something like that.

He chuckled at the thought.

After Naruto had brushed his teeth and hair, he came running back to Sasuke in is pajamas.

"Come on sunshine, time to give your uncle a good night kiss." Sasuke said as he went to the living room where Itachi sat watching the news.

"Night Unca Tachi!" Naruto said as he leaned from Sasuke's arms towards Itachi's cheek where he gave a little good night kiss.

"Night champ, make sure you sleep well, it's your first day and you want to give off the right impression now." Naruto nodded his head, as he squirmed in Sasuke's arms to be put down.

"Good night Fawder" he gave Sasuke a kiss on the check too after making the Uchiha bend down to his level, then took for his room.

"Can you believe that we've only had him for four years?(3)" Itachi asked as he turned the TV. off.

Yeah, it seemed like they had had Naruto forever. Because of him, they had done things that they had never done before.

Like going to the beach, that was quite the experience for them, a bunch of pale guys with a baby and fish man. They had made an interesting sight, that's for sure, plus Itachi had thought himself more powerful then the sun and had ended up with a bad case of sunburn when he didn't put any sun block on. While Kisame had discovered that he couldn't swim the hard way.

In shallow water no less either.

They had also gone to an amusement park for Naruto's fourth birthday where they had gone on kiddy rides and fast ones alike, with even Itachi and Kisame screaming on some of the roller coasters. Plus they had won so many prizes, at one point both him and Itachi had made it a goal to out do the other, which led to a tidal wave of stuffed animals. But Naruto, bless him, had given most away, claiming that he preferred foxes, but that didn't meant that the other animals couldn't have homes too.

The zoo had been fun, Naruto had like the foxes and would scrunch his face up like them. They had lost Kisame and found him being led by an old lady to the lost and found area. We hadn't even realized he had been missing till we looked behind us and saw Itachi drinking his juice while wearing his –free the weasel- hat. He also looked behind him and saw no Kisame, shrugged his shoulders and just kept drinking his juice.

Sasuke had smacked his head and walked over towards the old lady and crying Kisame.

They had had a lot of fun things happen thanks to Naruto. Things Sasuke was sure wouldn't have happened if they didn't have the ball of light with them.

"Hey Itachi" Sasuke called out as he saw his brother heading to go get Kisame, "the cabbage patch?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Why did it feel like pillows were attacking? Sasuke wondered as he felt another one punch him.


'What the hell…?' he wondered as he was once again attacked.

Then he heard the voices.

"Smack him again Naruto that last one almost woke him up!" he heard someone say, and then felt the pillow attack again.

"Fawder!" smack! "Wake up!" smack!

Sasuke sat up just in time to get hit in the face.


Sasuke just rubbed his eyes and sat up, he looked around and noticed a few things.

Naruto was the one attacking him.

Itachi was sitting on his bed.

Everyone was wearing pajamas.

"What the h-"Itachi slapped his mouth before he could say a foul word. Naruto had accidentally picked up a few words he had said, and they were trying to cut back on the language.

"What's going on?" he asked once again.

"We gots to get ready for school!" Naruto moved quickly from foot to foot, as if he had to go to the bathroom, the pillow clutched in his hands.

"Why aren't you ready yet Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he started to move out of bed.

"He wouldn't let me dress him, he only wanted you to dress him today." Itachi said as he got off the bed too.

"Why are you still in your pajamas? For that matter, why are you even here?" Sasuke scowled at his brother as he led the still dancing boy to his room to get ready.

"You know….I really don't know." Itachi said as he headed toward the kitchen.

Sasuke just shook his head and went into Naruto's room and pulled out his uniform from the dresser.

He smirked at the outfit he had gotten, and turned to the bouncing boy.

Sasuke smiled as he looked at his completed work, Naruto looked adorable in the uniform, and in his hair were two bright blue bows on each side.

"Naruto, go asked Uncle Itachi to give you some breakfast ok?" he said as he headed towards his own room to get dressed. Once done with that he headed towards the kitchen and saw Naruto eating some cereal and Itachi reading the paper, at least he was dress now. Sasuke didn't want to try figure out where he had gotten the clothes.

"Where's Kisame?" Sasuke asked as he poured himself some coffee and sat down at the table.

"If were lucky, overcoming his fears of small children, but since were not, he's at a sitters right now." Itachi said as he ruffled the news paper to switch pages.

Sasuke just hn'd and pulled the other half of the paper towards him.

It was quiet for another ten minutes till Naruto screeched the he was done and took off running for his room to get his school bag, which had been ready to go over a week ago.

Sasuke drank the last of his coffee then went to the fridge and pulled out Naruto's lunch, setting it on the table and going and getting the keys for the car.

Naruto came running back with his backpack on his shoulders and started pulling on Sasuke's arm, who grabbed the lunch at the last sec.

Itachi just rose and followed them, silent the whole time.

They had just opened the door, and then paused at the sight, even Naruto seemed to freeze.

There, sitting on the steps was Kisame with a note pinned to his shirt.

"Hi!" he said waved happily at them.

Itachi just smacked his forehead.

Itachi spent the drive to the school questioning Kisame on how he could piss off the sitter so bad.

'Geez, Kevin is easier to watch then him' he thought.

"Well I was thirsty and she was like, 'fine' and got me water. But then I wanted more so after the tenth time, she said no more water. Then I wanted a bedtime story, but she couldn't tell it good, so I said go get a book. But she picked a sucky one, so I told her she sucked at getting books too. So then I wanted to play games and we did, and she fell over and a whole bunch of stuff happened. Then I asked for a glass of water."

"Somehow I ended up there!" Kisame said throwing his hands up in the air.

Itachi rubbed his forehead. "Naru-chan?" Itachi asked.

A smack and a cry of pain was heard.

Sasuke said nothing.

"Thank you Naru-chan." Itachi said as he tried not to think over how many sitters the damn man had gone through already.

Finally the pulled up to the school, so what if it was 7:00 o'clock and school didn't start till 8:30. It showed a good impression in their minds. So they parked the car and went to the classroom that Naruto was to be in.

The Uchiha's paused as the saw their rival company there with their child. Needless to say, there was scowling all about.

Naruto peeked behind his father's leg as he saw him scowling at the other people, 'they have funny eyes' he thought as he saw their faces.

Then he looked down and saw a girl with long brown hair, 'she looks sad' he thought as he saw her just looking down at her shoes, ready to cry it seemed at any moment.

So while his father and uncle were busy scowling at the other people, Naruto walked over to the girl. The grown-ups were too busy focused on each other to notice.

She didn't seem to notice him as he approached.

"Hi! I'm Nawuto, what's your name?" Naruto asked.

The girl seemed to jump from the sudden words, startled. She turned pale eyes to him and seemed to take a deep breath to fortify herself before talking.

"M-my name i-is Neji" she said, trying to keep her chin up.

"You have vewy pwetty eyes Neji, you're a vewy pwetty girl" Naruto said innocently.

Neji smiled with a deep blush, and then seemed to realize what Naruto had said.

"Naruto…I-I'm a guy." Neji said.

"Oh…really? That's okay; you're a vewy pwetty guy. I'm a guy too." Naruto replied, smiling.

Neji paused to look over Naruto's outfit, it was a skirt.

"Why did you think I was a girl? I have pants and you have a skirt." Neji asked, feeling more comfortable around this boy.

"Cause you are weally pwetty and sometimes Nawuto wears pants and sometimes dress's and skirts too. So why not a girl wear pants?" Naruto replied in his wisdom.

Neji thought about and it did make sense…sort of.

"Why are you sad Neji?" nawuto asked.

Neji looked back at the ground, feeling his happiness at meeting this nice boy dim.

"I-I don't want to go to s-school. I won't know anybody, I-I'm scared." He said softly.

Naruto took this all in, then took off for his father that was holding his backpack. He snatched it out of his still scowling father's hand, who only glanced down briefly to see what Naruto was doing before once more joining his brother in the scowl fight.

Naruto ran back to Neji and started digging in the bag. Finally after almost having to dump the bag of its contents to find what he was looking for, he finally pulled out his oldest fox, and held out to Neji.

"Here, this is Kyuubi; he's very stwong and bwave. He'll keep you safe, plus he listens weally good, and he knows lots of secwets. "Naruto smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

Neji smiled into the soft fox in his hands, this might be the best day of his life, meeting this boy who was so nice to him. He felt like he was in love.

"O-ok, I'll give him back later to you." Neji said.

"Ok!" Naruto said and put his bag down and grabbed Neji's hand and started to lead him to the play equipment.

They played till it was almost time to go to school.

Sasuke knew that they would have to stop soon, so when Naruto came stomping over and yanked on his and Itachi's hand hard, they both had to look away from the Hyuuga's and at Naruto.

"Fawder! We gots to go in! Let's go Unca Tachi!" he started to drag them both into the classroom that was filled with many children. They claimed some seats over to the side, they had decided that Kisame should wait in the car, the last thing they needed was him freaking out.

Naruto waved to Neji, before talking to his father again.

The boy shyly waved back to Naruto, pulling the fox back to his face to whisper something into his ear, remembering Naruto saying that he was good with secrets.

"I really like Naruto" he whispered.

The teacher clapped her hands to get everyone attention, and slowly the noise died down. She was a pretty teacher, with dark hair that was almost blue.

"My name is Miss Aoi. I will be teaching the class for the next year, now which would of you guys would like to introduce yourself to your classmates?" she asked, looking around the room, she didn't see anyone raising their hands and almost gave up when, she saw an energetic girl practical jumping in her seat to get chosen.

"You with the blond hair and bows" she said. The girl gave a whoop and hopped off her chair and came to the front of the class.

"What's your name?" Miss Aoi asked.

"My Name is Nawuto" Naruto replied with a big smile, making some off the other kids smile too.

"Tell us a few things about yourself Naruto." She asked, thinking she had an interesting name for a girl.

"Um….I like foxes, my fawder is the bestest, my Unca is too. Um…I am going to pwn you all(4) and rule the world! Neji is my firstist fwiend, and if you mess with him I'll beat you up…and, um…oh yeah, I am a boy." He turned to look at the teacher whose eyebrow had a really bad twitch, just like his father and Uncle sometimes. He looked over at his father and uncle who were high-fifing each other.

He smiled and waved at them. They both waved back.

"Naruto, I don't think it's nice to say, 'you're going to pwn them all and rule the world.' That doesn't seem very nice." The teacher said.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "my fawder said I could rule the world if I wanted to. Are you telling me my fawder is wrong?" he asked, giving this lady the famous Uchiha glare at this foolish women who would dare say his father was wrong.

The teacher gulped at the glare and looked at the parent for help but saw him with a glare of his own.

"I-I'm sorry Naruto, your right, I'm sure if you really want to rule the world, you can." She sighed and shooed the boy back to his seat, she was a little shocked that he was a boy, but she wasn't going to get herself into more trouble with them.

Naruto suddenly came running back and said one more thing, "and my favowite color is orange!" then went back to his seat.

TheLadyWolf: There! Hope you like this; I will try and give another chapter of Naruto's first day at kindergarten, any suggestions? Well, please review! :3

1. Uncle Itachi

2. Father

Just in case you guys didn't get it.

3. Remember school starts in September and they decided that Naruto's b-day was going to be October 10.

4. Sorry just had to put that XD