Author: Wow, am I ever glad I did not start posting this one until I finished it.

Hiei: I thought you would never come back and finish this one. It is about time.

Author: Sorry, Hiei. Please forgive me!

Hiei: I always do. Now you all had better appreciate this story or else!

Author: -sighs- Hiei how many times do I have to tell you not to threaten my readers? Please enjoy this new chapter guys!

--Time and/or Location change--


Chapter 15

Botan grabbed both girls and ran. She wasn't sure where she would go or what she would do once they got there but she would run. They ran until Kali could not breathe anymore, and then they stopped. Botan gasped when she realized where they were.

"We have to keep moving. We are not safe here. Please Kali we have to keep moving!" Botan pleaded recognizing the spot of forest as the place she was first kidnapped from and the place Hiei forgot her in her nightmare.

"I'm so glad you could join us my dear," a voice said from the darkness of the trees surrounding them.

Botan shivered. She knew that voice. It was one of the demons in Tsukato's gang. She had hoped to never hear these voices again in the real world and yet here they were hunting her and her friends.

"Leave me alone. I have a mate and you have no claim on me so leave me alone!" Botan screamed.

"Oh, but we do have a claim, my pet. Tsukato was your first wasn't he? You belong to him," the voice said.

"No! No I don't belong to him! I love Hiei, I love you Hiei. I won't be taken by you again! I have someone to fight for to live for this time! You won't take me!" Botan screamed.

"You are absolutely right Botan, no one will be taking anyone else," a smooth voice said from behind her.

She quickly turned around and found Kurama behind them. She sighed in relief, they were safe now. No one could hurt her with Kurama here. She was safe.

"Is Hiei's battle going well?" Botan asked softly.

"It was when I left," Kurama said back equally softly.

"Good," Botan sighed.

"Botan, something doesn't feel right," Yukina whispered to the bluenette.

Botan looked again at Kurama and realized his shirt was different. This was the fake Kurama who had come to her apartment. He was standing about a foot away, Botan thought fast, she and Yukina could run quite a bit further, but Kali couldn't. In a split second Botan grabbed Kali around the waist and started running. Yukina was right behind her thankfully. They made their way past the demons after her quickly and kept running. Botan and Yukina ran until they couldn't run anymore.

"I'm sorry I had to grab you like that Kali it was the only way we would have been able to escape," Botan apologized

"It is okay, I am just glad you saved me too. You could have left me and gotten away faster," Kali said softly.

"Don't think that! I never would have left you! Never," Botan said softly.

"Botan, we have to get back to the temple. I'm worried about Hiei," Yukina said softly.

"Me too Yukina, but Hiei said he would come for me. He promised," Botan said trying not to cry.

"Do you think they will be okay. I mean we left Kurama back in that clearing with all those… things," Kali said softly.

"That wasn't Kurama, Kali. That was some demon pretending to be Kurama so we would trust him. I am just glad Yukina knew something was wrong. We could have all died back there," Botan said softly.

"Then where is he?" Kali asked.

"He is probably still with Hiei, they are best friends after all," Botan said forcing a calm into her voice she didn't actually feel.

"Botan, don't worry, they have faced worse and made it out alive," Yukina said comforting her friend.

"Yukina, I'm scared. I don't want to be alone again!" Botan said and then broke down in tears falling to her knees.

"Oh, Botan, you aren't alone. We are right here. No one will leave you," Yukina said dropping to her knees beside her friend.

"But what if… Hiei…?" Botan said between sobs.

"Do you really have such little confidence in me Koi?" a voice said from behind her.

Botan sat up quickly. She had to be sure it was really her Hiei and Tsukato or one of his men.

"Tell me something only we would know Hiei," Botan said softly.

"The first time I told you I was falling in love with you I was making pancakes. The first time I kissed you we were playing truth or dare. All I want to do right now is take you home and make you completely my mate so no one will ever be able to take you from me again," Hiei said softly his eyes never leaving Botan's.

"Hiei!" Botan said and ran into his arms.

"Botan, I love you," Hiei whispered pulling her closer to him and kissing the top of her head.

"Kali, you are okay," Kurama said running up behind Hiei covered in blood.

"Kurama! Are you okay, you are covered in blood!" Kali said slightly hysterical.

"I'm fine none of it is mine. I killed the demons who tried to trap you in that clearing back there. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but please give me a chance to make you trust me again," Kurama pleaded.

"Okay, but after you clean up, I don't really like blood," Kali said.

Botan couldn't help it she started laughing. Yukina quickly followed and in no time the whole group was laughing.

"Yukina, Kali, how about I take you girls back to the temple. I will get cleaned up and then we can talk," Kurama suggested noticing that Hiei's hands hadn't left Botan since he had gotten there.

"That sounds like a great idea," Kali said.

"Yes, oh and Botan and Hiei, I would love for you two to come and visit soon. Tomorrow would be great," Yukina said knowing that the two of them had a lot of reassuring to do.

"Tomorrow would be fantastic Yukina," Botan said eyes not leaving her mate.

The five of them all said good bye and Yukina, Kali and Kurama headed off to the temple.

"Koibito, lets go home," Hiei said softly kissing Botan lightly.

"Is he really gone Hiei?" Botan asked quietly.

"Yes, he will never be able to hurt you again. I love you and I will not let you out of my sight until you are completely mine," Hiei finished huskily.

"Then we better get back to my house and clean you up," Botan said grinning.

"Let's go then," Hiei said smiling.

The two of them made their way back to Botan's house and spent the rest of the day claiming their new mate, and reassuring each other that they would never be taken away from each other. The next day they went to the temple where the whole gang was there to celebrate the death of Tsukato, and the mating of their friends. Botan was truly happy, and she felt she finally didn't have to hide herself from her friends anymore.


Author: Whew it is done!! That makes two of my longer fics completely done! HORRAY!!

Hiei: It is about time!

Hilu: Does that mean one of my stories gets the attention now?

Author: Well I have to go shopping and then go to work, but yes one of you stories will be getting my attention now. Well hope you all enjoyed my story! Please leave a review! Ja ne!