Hello all,

I know that this is really going to suck to hear but I'm also pretty sure it can't come as all that much of a surprise. It's been over two years since I updated this story. I know that at one point in time I swore to all of you that I would never abandon this story. It would seem I made myself into a liar with that.

I'm so sorry to be saying this but as much as I would love to finish this story it is so far beyond me know that I don't even remember what it felt like to want to write anymore. I dearly wish that I was still as into this as I used to be but I've completely lost my ability to be creative. I'm having a bit of a rough night tonight and a huge part of me just wanted to sit down and write about it. Unfortunately though all I could do was stare blankly at the computer screen.

I know I've strayed off topic now, and I'm sorry for that as well. What I was really going to get at was that if there is anyone out there that would be interested in picking this story up and finishing it I would be more than happy for you to do so. I still love the characters I made and would love to see how any of you envisioned this ending. If I can find any of my notes that I had for the next chapter I will gladly pass them on. I understand that the story itself could use some revamping and again if someone is up for it then I'm happy to let them do so.

I'm sorry again you guys, I know how much it sucks when a story you enjoy gets left by the wayside like this. I hope to eventually get back into writing and maybe someday when I have less crap going on in my day to day life then I'll even come back to this and finish it. There may well end up being two separate endings out there, one by me and one by someone who picks this up.

Anyway, what I really wanted to do was come here and apologize for doing this and even more so for not doing it earlier.

All I ask of anyone who takes up the herculean task of revamping this story is that you discuss with me a bit before you run off with it. Also that you let me know when you post it again so I can follow and see what you've done with my dusty old tale.

Sorry once more to all of you, feel free to message me all the hateful and hurtful words you want, I'll respond to any questions you might have.

Sincerely (and hopefully not for the last time),
