You may think that I don't have a life but I do, just i'm not working at the minute so i'm free to write stories till my hearts content. Well obviously it isn't so one with the borninh bits.

Disclaimer - I do not own CSI, but I do own this story so please enjoy.

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Intro - When Grissom sent Sara on a assignment on her own he would never believe that she would be hiding for her life in the house with a small child while a crazy wide eyed man hunted them down to finish what he started, this wasn't the simple B and E he and Sara were hoping for. Oh no it turned out to be something quite different indeed.

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Grissom was walking through the lab whistling to himself, yes whistling he was incredibly happy and he had a right to be is love of his life Sara Sidle was his girlfriend and he couldn't be happier. Grissom approached the breakroom to find Catherine shouting down her phone, probably at Lindsay and the rest of the guys just sitting looking into oblivion.

"Guys are you ok" asked Grissom "what's wrong with Catherine and another thing shouldn't Sara be back from her B and E"

"Obliviously you haven't heard" replied Nick "Sara is missing"

"Missing" shouted Grissom "from a simple B and E"

"It wasn't simple Gil" sighed Catherine "look pull up a chair and I'll tell you"

"Anyone for coffee" asked Greg "no one ok then"

Catherine gave Greg a death glare and softened her expression when she turned back around to Grissom

"Ok heres what's happened" sighed Catherine "Sara's simple B and E turned out to be a double homicide and according to Brass the guy returned to the scene took out the guarding officer and is now in the house with Sara"

"So why are we all sitting here" snarled Grissom "why aren't we out there helping"

"I was getting to that Gil, will you let me finish" snapped Catherine "also their is a 3 yr old girl in the house and Sara and the girl, who Brass said was called Emily are hiding somewhere in the house"

"I repeat my last statement" snarled Grissom "why are we all sat here letting our asses swell when Sara and Emily are in trouble"

Grissom stood up and darted out of the room, Greg looked at Nick and said

"I told you he wouldn't take it well" remarked Greg

"Gee you think" replied Nick sarcastically "where is Griss going"

"Going to save the love of his life" replied Catherine "you heard the boss, lets not let our asses swell"

Catherine stood up and followed Grissom down the hall, eventually Nick, Greg and Warrick followed and they all went in Grissom Denali to Sara's crime scene.

OK first chapter done and posted so could you be so kind and review please.