Body Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I just like to play with them. They belong to one goddess, J.K. Rowling. She's the one making money off them, I certainly am not.

Warning: This is slash. There's no gratuitous sex, but it does involve some sordid romance between two persons who both happen to be of the male persuasion.

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/ Seamus Finnegan

Summary: A letter of sorts from Draco to Seamus. Based on the Menswe@r song, Piece of Me. Companion piece to Common People.

Piece of Me

Trust is overrated. Or so I try to convince myself. Really, that attitude is the only thing that keeps me sane. When everything between us is based on nothing, trust as both concept and word never enters into it. Neither of us holds any expectations of the other, for expectation goes hand in hand with trust. Without expectation there can be no hope of moving forward. We've been doing the same thing for almost a year now, and I'm still not sure why. Eleven months and twenty nine days later and we still haven't moved past our first encounter. It was rushed and hollow and nothing has changed. All we ever do is run around in circles. It's like work. Wake up, get on the bus, sit at the desk, punch the card, get on the bus, eat, shit, and sleep. Repeat. Day after day after day after... you get the point. Our routine doesn't much vary. Clothes come off, lubrication goes on, you push into me, thrust, come, clothes go on. Repeat. Day after day after day for an entire year. Almost. And still it's the same as it was the first time.

Love is overrated. Or so you consistently show me. I often ask myself how I can be in love with a person to whom I don't even exist. A person who doesn't know me at all, though I could tell you every facet of who you are. From your red-gold hair to your love of Muggle mythology. From the pronounced canines that show beautifully when you smile to the melancholy way you hold your head as you leave. Yet at the end of it all, the fact that you feel nothing for me overcomes any chance we might have of making a successful go of it.

Affection is overrated. Perhaps I say this because I don't know what it means to be affectionate with you. I would love to believe that sex is a secondary thing. I've never thought of sexuality in terms of homo, hetero, and bi. For me, attraction transcends gender. But what we have is sex. Bottom fucking line. Nothing more and nothing less. I don't even know what it feels like to kiss you. I know what your mouth feels like on the rest of my body, but that just doesn't make up for it. All I've ever wanted was for you to take me in your arms and kiss me on the mouth. I would give it all for that. An eternity of loneliness without you would be acceptable if you would just show me one sodding sign of affection. But it will never happen, will it?

If I seem to act unkind, rest assured that it is only because I don't know how else to be. Sometimes I try too hard, sometimes I go too far. But it's just my way of showing you you own a piece of me. A piece of me that will forever be yours and yours alone. I want to be kind to you; I want to show you that I love you. But you've made it abundantly clear that you don't need it.

Detachment from the rest of the world has been the only thing holding me to you. My greatest fear is that you will tire of this crazy situation. That you will tire of me. But all it would take is a bit of patience. Maybe, if you gave me a chance, I might surprise you. Maybe I could hurt you. Anything to make you show something for me. All I want is for you to cling to me as I cling to you. Even just for a moment.

Seamus, when I don't think straight and leave it up to you to compensate, know that that's my way of showing you you own a piece of me.