Summary: Hank and Sara have had this thing going on for a while yet when he hurts Sara, the team vow to get Hank whilst Grissom takes his head out of the microscope and confesses his love for Sara.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything; I have used some of the song words from various songs as they have a particular hold over me however they are or have been mixed around to give a better effect and you probably won't be able to tell as this is not a songfic.

A/N. Here I go again with another story that seems to prevent me from finishing my other stories. Why didn't anyone tell me writing was so addictive lol? Hope you like this idea as much as I do :) I apologise in advance and promise this will be the last new story I do until I finish my others. So without further ado let me begin…

One particularly hot night in Las Vegas Sara Sidle was working solo on a young DB in the desert; the young female victim had rope marks around her neck which caused Sara discomfort. There was no one there to help this poor girl survive this terrible ordeal so Sara vowed to catch this killer and lock him up forever.

Sara knew Grissom would kick her arse if she got too emotionally involved so she fought back the tears and began to process the scene.

- - -

Back at the lab Sara was heading to the evidence locker as shift ended in ten minutes when she heard cheers from the break room and noticing her work colleagues she stuck her head round the door, "Keep the noise down, some people are trying to work in here" she smiled

"Sorry Sara, Greg passed his proficiency to become a CSI level two" Nick announced

"Congrats Greg, have you all finished up your cases then?" Sara asked feigning interest, she knew they would question her if she just walked off. Sara's eyes lingered on Grissom who was looking at her with a worried expression and hoping they didn't notice her walking strangely due to her broken rib looked around at Catherine who had just spoke up.

"Yeah, Warrick and Nick wrapped up their suicide gambler, I finished up my jealous mother stabbing her daughter and obviously Grissom and Greg finished their case" Catherine answered "You need any help on your case?" she asked noticing all the evidence Sara had piled in her arms

"No thanks Cath, I'll shout if I do" she said backing out the room

Walking away with a determined look on her face she didn't notice Ecklie coming her way and almost walked into him.

"Watch where you're walking Sidle" he snarled

"Sorry Ecklie, I wasn't watching where I was going" she replied trying to manoeuvre round him

"Obviously not, anyway I was looking for you. I don't want you working this case solo, I've just received information that the victim is the daughter of a friend of the sheriff's and they are disturbed at the fact she was discovered in the desert so the sheriff asked for all hands to be on the case" he informed Sara

"How did you know my DB is their daughter, I haven't even been to autopsy yet?" she inquired

"The girl had been missing for three days and they received a tape saying their daughter would be killed in the desert so I called in the sheriff to ID the girl when I heard about your case" he answered

"Well Grissom and the rest of the team are in the break room if you want to brief them on this case, I will be in the layout room with my evidence if they want to meet me there" she said before walking off.

Now worried that she would have to pull a double shift she pulled out her cell and dialled her home phone number, sighing with relief when it reached voicemail she spoke into the phone "Hey Hun, I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to pull a double shift here at the lab I know you don't like it but this case is hot and I'm not going to be able to get out of it, I'll be home as soon as I can I promise, love you" she snapped the phone shut just as the rest of the team piled into the layout room followed by Ecklie.

"Looks like you need us after all" Catherine said jokingly

"Hmm" Sara shrugged

"Well I am going back home, Sara update the team on the evidence, you and Grissom are primary on the case" Ecklie said knowing Sara would at least be pleased she was remaining the primary.

"Right well, we have a young female DB out in the desert, rope marks around her neck suggest strangulation but I haven't had a chance to head down to autopsy yet. I found fibres of different sorts on the body at least ten different samples and there was tire tracks heading to and from the victim. Ecklie has obviously told you the background of this girl and so it's a hot case. The rest of the evidence is already with trace or DNA. I'm heading down to autopsy so if you want to read through my notes, there's a theory of what went down and records of all evidence found." Sara said

"I'm going down to autopsy as well, Cath if you and Greg take DNA and Warrick, Nick you follow up on trace. They know this is a priority case so the results should be almost complete" Grissom told the group following Sara out of the layout room.

Catching up with Sara, Grissom pulled her into his office before they head down to autopsy.

"Sara I noticed earlier on and just now, the way you're walking, are you ok?" Grissom asked his voice full of concern.

"It's fine I just winded myself at home, I can cope with it though so don't worry about me" Sara said wishing he'd stop looking at her like she was a fragile doll

"How's Hank?" he asked not keeping the malice out of his voice

"He's…he's fine" Sara answered wishing she could come clean about her injuries and her life at home.

Hank was a welcome distraction for Sara when they started going out three months ago but during that time he had forced her to move out of her apartment and into a flat with him, he hit her and yelled abuse at her, she knew she shouldn't take this but when they had good times they really were memorable and this was what stopped her from leaving him. She didn't discuss her problems with her colleagues and she stopped doing double shifts because it caused him to hurt her even more. She panicked inwardly when Ecklie had told her to involve the rest of the team as this would mean she would have to pull a double shift and risk getting beaten up by Hank when she didn't come home.

"Sara…Sara…what's up?" Grissom pulled her out of her thoughts and realising she had fresh tears rolling down her cheek she dismissed them as being the case

"Sorry, I'm letting my emotions run away with me again, lets get down to autopsy" Sara said wiping her eyes

Grissom knew something was wrong but didn't push the matter knowing it would only make her more determined not to talk. Walking two steps behind Sara he noticed the slight limp she had and realising her injury was more than being winded he made sure he would get to the bottom of this because she mean the world to him and he didn't realise it until she went off with Hank.