This is my first ever ever fanfic. I know it's probably not very good, so I apologise for that. Also, I have no title, so if anybody has any suggestions???

I own nothing. Not a sod. Hang on. Let me count my pennies... nope, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to afford to own anything either. Too bad!!


Sara was in the evidence room, looking over the evidence from her case, where a young girl had been abused in all manner of ways and stabbed to death. All the evidence pointed to her Mother's new boyfriend.

She had just found something she had previously over-looked when there was an announcement over the tannoy.

' Would CSI Sidle please report to reception. There is a visitor waiting. I repeat. CSI Sidle to reception. Visitor waiting.'

Sara sighed in annoyance and stalked out of the room to the reception desk.

When she arrived, she went up to the receptionist and said, " My visitor?"

" Over there Ma'am," the receptionist pointed, and Sara turned round to see her boyfriend, Kyle Sweeney, standing there with a large bouquet of flowers.

" Kyle? What the hell are you doing here?" she asked angrily.

" Well hey to you too Sara! I'm fine thanks. How about you?" Kyle grinned cheekily, holding the bouquet out to her.

" Get those damn flowers out my face," Sara pushed them aside. " What are you doing here?"

" Well, incase you've forgotten, it's our 1 month anniversary," Kyle was hurt by Sara's actions.

" Yeah, what's your point?" she asked.

" I just wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend on our anniversary," Kyle said.

" Maybe, but you have no right to come down to my place of work!" Sara retorted loudly.

" Excuse me for caring!" Kyle shouted. " Do you know, this is the most time I have spent with you all week?! I've barely even spoke with you Sara!!"

" Kyle, go home," Sara shook her head, turning to leave.

" Alright, yeah. I'll go home, and if you manage to tear yourself away from this place, we can talk," Kyle threw the flowers into a bin and stormed out of the place in a rage.

Sara clenched her fists tightly, trying to control her anger as she walked off.

" Sara!" Catherine shouted after her, but she carried on walking. " Hey! Sara! Stop!"

The older woman grabbed Sara's arm, turning her to face her.

" What was all that about? Who was that guy?" Catherine asked.

" Don't give me all that ' I care' crap Cath. It doesn't look good on you," Sara pushed her off of her and stormed off.

" Hey! You cannot speak to me that way! Come back here Sara!" Catherine shouted, but Sara didn't listen, she just returned to her case files in the evidence room.


At the end of shift, Sara didn't budge. She stayed staring at the evidence, until Grissom appeared in the doorway.

" Sara, come on, go home," he said quietly.

" No, I can crack this if I just work on it Griss," Sara shook her head.

" You've already pulled a double. You need some rest. You're never going to get the guy if you're exhausted," Grissom replied.

" No, Grissom, seriously. I can get him. I just need another half hour," Sara replied.

" As your supervisor I am ordering you to go home and rest Sara," Grissom's voice took on an authorative tone.

" Oh, what, just like you're going to?!" Sara asked angrily.

Grissom just sighed. He didn't have an answer for that one.

" I thought as much," Sara shook her head, speeding past him, pushing him away as he tried to talk to her.


She walked up to her apartment door and turned the handle, surprised to find it open. She walked in slowly, hand on hip, ready to draw her gun if needed.

Kyle sat on her couch, and he looked round as he heard her footsteps.

" Hey," he said.

" Hey," Sara nodded in acknowledgement, taking her gun off and placing it on the counter as she went to get herself some coffee.

After a moment of silence, Sara sighed and said, " Listen Kyle, about earlier..."

" Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. I've decided that it's alright. I totally understand why you have to spend so much time at work. I do. It's okay. You don't have to worry about it. It's cool," Kyle smiled slightly.

" No, actually Kyle, I was gonna give you a chance to apologise," Sara shook her head with a sighm standig infront of Kyle.

" Me?" he asked, and Sara nodded. " Apologise for what?"

" You should never come down to CSI Kyle," Sara shook her head.

" Why, are you ashamed of me?!" Kyle asked.

" No, it's not that, it's just that..." Sara said as the kettle clicked and she walked over to it.

" Alright. I'm sorry for wanting to spend time with my girlfriend! I'm sorry for feeling less than happy at the fact she's never at home. I apologise for actually giving a damn about our relationship!" Kyle stood up, raising his voice.

" That is not what I meant and you know that!" Sara pointed her finger at the man.

" No? What exactly did you mean Sara? 'Cause I can't read your mind. I feel as if I don't know you anymore! Hell, sometimes it feels as if I don't even have a girlfriend you're so wrapped up in that stupid job!!" Kyle roared.

Sara laughed incredulously. " So, what, you want me to quit my job just so that you feel as if you have a girlfriend?"

" No, Sara, that's not what I want. I just want you to realise that your job... it's just a job Sara," Kyle softened his voice a little.

" Just a job?" Sara asked.

" Just a job," Kyle nodded.

" Right. So uh... you obviously don't know all that well then. If you did, you'd know that it's more than just a job to me. You know exactly why I'm so involved in my job. I get closure for families. You don't know how much that closure helps grieving families," Sara said.

" I do, but Sara, you pull double... hell, sometimes even triple shifts!" Kyle exclaimed.

" To get that closure Kyle!" Sara shouted.

" Fine. You need to get closure for families. Okay...but it might be nice if you answered my calls, instead of having me feel like I'm in a relationship with your answer machine!" Kyle stated. " I just don't know what to do!!"

" What, and you think that I do? You think that I have all the answers?!" Sara shouted.

" No! For god sake, Sara, just listen!" Kyle shouted.

There was a long pause before Sara turned and said, " I think... Kyle, I think we should maybe take a break..."

" Yeah, you're right. Okay. I'll go out and get us some ice-cream or.. or something, and we can talk when I get back," he grabbed his jacket and opened the door.

He was almost gone when Sara spoke again. " No."

Kyle looked back in, and Sara said quietly, " A break from US, Kyle..."

He sighed, shook his head and slammed the door behind him as he left.

Sara sighed, pacing up and down for a while. She sat down and tried to eat. She tried to sleep, like Grissom had said... Grissom... what she wouldn't give to be with Grissom. She'd chased after him, longed for him, lusted after him... for years. Ever since she first laid eyes on him at that seminar he'd given. Those piercing blue eyes. The way he talked about his bugs, the way his face lit up when he answered curious student's questions. She'd come up with a load of questions just to see that look on his face.

She mentally shook herself. Thinking about that man was not going to help her situation. They'd danced around eachother for long enough. Somewhere deep inside she knew he was the reason she couldn't have a successful relationship. She was just too damn hung up on him.

After what seemed like, but in reality was only about an hour, she grabbed her jacket and headed out, back to the lab.


When she got there, swing shift were there, and she needed somewhere to go to be alone with her thoughts, somewhere she could look over her case.

She knew Grissom was right. But wasn't he always? She knew that she would never crack this case and get an arrest warrant when she could barely keep her eyes open, but what else was she to do? Grissom had told her to find a distraction, to take up a hobby, but anything she tried she hated. Basketball, tennis, clubbing... even rollercoasters, but nothing had really taken her fancy.

She was passing Grissom's offiice on her way to get her case file. She shook her head and cursed under her breath as she saw that the light was still on. What a hypocrite. How could he tell her to go and get some rest while he stayed at work without going home?

One of the swing shift was walking in the opposite direction, head buried in some papers, and he banged right into Sara.

" HEY! Watch it you useless bastard!" Sara shouted.

The door to his office opened, and he looked out. They made eye contact for a moment before she shook her head and walked away.

" Sara, come back here right now," he ordered. " Sara..."

She stopped, without turning round.

" What is wrong with you?" he asked.

She turned round and looked right into his intelligent blue eyes, and even he, Gil Grissom, terrible with people, knew that something was bothering her.

" Come in here a moment," he said quietly, gesturing with his head.

She sighed and nodded, walking back. She knew there was no point in arguing with him.

She walked inside his office and sat opposite his desk. He closed the door and the blinds and sat at his desk, about to actually take the time to listen to Sara Sidle, the woman who got him worked up the most. The woman who could drive him crazy with one look.