The tale of a Shinigami

I've had this idea in my mind for quite a long time and…why not?

I don't think someone has written something like this in the two months I've been waiting

Warning: death note spoilers for…eh…uhms… some anime chapter before nº25…if 'Jealous' means something to you…then you don't need this warning


Tsuzuki wanted to write a story. Not long ago, he had read a manga that seemed pretty unreal, he was a shinigami after all and would know! But it gave him the shivers to think otherwise. Tsusoka, AU, death note cross over (kinda)

Disclaimer: I don't own death note nor yami no matsuei

-to my cousin and the beautiful flowery garden-


Chapter one

It had been hunting him for days.

So why not write to letting it go?

He might even show it to Hisoka…he loves reading so much…

Tsuzuki giggled, pulling out the typewriter for he preferred to write old-style than to write with a computer

In the Realm of the Shinigami a figure gazed upon Earth

He was the most handsome of them all, his chocolate brown hair hung over his eyes as he stared down, deep in thought, at the vortex that separated both worlds. His haunting violet eyes searched for a certain book…a very important possession of his he had accidentally dropped during a game of poker with another shinigami, not even half as good-looking, mind you.

Without previous warning he plunged headfirst into the whirlpool of shades of gray and soft blue. He had spotted his target.

Somewhere in Earth a boy cried alone

He had no friends, no family, no home, no life; he belonged to the hospital, doctors, nurses and the rest of the staff there

He was only allowed to go out once a week, 'out' being the hospital private garden

What had inflicted so much damage upon him, you might ask?

His parents had neglected him since he was a baby

He was eventually given up for adoption

The doctor at the orphanage had raped him

And now this…


He couldn't fight it

And he was so weakened from the chemotherapy and the many scars that the hospital robes hid

He didn't like to go outside

He was glad that he was forced out at three in the afternoon, he had somewhere to hide from the merciless sun.

He hated the sun, he hated the nicely trimmed grass, he loathed the outside world

Yet the nurses insisted that he go outside and 'play', catch some sunrays, tan himself a bit, stretch his limbs and practice walking, etcetcetc

They had a million reasons for him to go outside

Yet he found them all illogical

Who could he play with?

How would he tan himself a little if he only sat one hour outside and under the shade?

Why should he stretch his limbs and do exercise, if he was going to die soon?

The nurses used to promise him that he'd make it, that he had to have a nice tan and he couldn't forget how to walk because, they said, once he was out of the hospital the girls would be all over him, because of his beautiful green eyes and flaxen hair

Just another cruel lie

He knew that everything was lost

And how he despised those who mocked him

Who tried to cheer him up with false promises

He wanted them gone

Then, a miracle occurred

A book fell from the sky, landing right in front of his crossed legs

It read 'Death Note'

'Probably an attempt from someone upstairs to find out how much I hate them'

Hisoka tilted his head all the way back to look at the tall building standing just behind him. He could see that some windows were wide open

'Still…it's only a joke so…how much harm could my curiosity cause?'

He slipped the note into his coat, wrapping himself in it for the wind was becoming each time more chilly. He had now an excuse to go back to his room

There was one particular nurse who he didn't hate

Sadly, she was gone now

She used to serve him hot tea and they would talk about books

Any kind of books

Hisoka was too tired to read sometimes and she would spend hours next to his bed reading for him

She was like the mother he never had

A tiny bit of him died wit her, when doctor Kiba murdered her

He had seen

He knew

Yet no one would believe him

Who would they trust more: a hallucinating boy with leukaemia who obviously hated a certain doctor and had tried in vane to put the murder weapon in his hands, or said professional?

Said professional

Dr. Kiba had left the room temporarily

Hisoka pulled the Death Note from his coat and examined it

It looked too well done to be a joke

It even had its own set of rules, the teen pointed out

He read them silently

"The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.

If the cause of death is not specified, the subject will simply die of a heart attack.

After writing the cause of death, the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds."

Hisoka hesitated for a bit before reaching over to his bedside table, where Dr. Kiba's clipboard and pen sat

He took the pen

God knew he hadn't written anything in years

His muscles hurt as he forced them to move smoothly, his handwriting looked like a five year old's


He took the pen to his mouth and gently bit it, trying to catch inspiration


He stopped and released the pen, his eyes travelling to the clock

And he waited

And so ends chapter one

i really don't have much to add

thanks for reading
