Disclaimer: I in no way or form own Naruto. I am in no way getting money for this. If I did own Naruto, I wouldn't be writing this.

End at the Beginning

He was running. He was running through that same dark corridor, water sloshing at his shins while he tried to get away. Back to his own mind- to get back in control. But he could already feel the malicious chakra oozing in behind him. He could hear that inhuman laughter. He could feel the crazed eyes on his back.

He wouldn't get out in time. The key had been found. He'd been angry. His tenant burst through and got it in that one instant of blind rage. And it was taking over. The seal was weakening.


The seal was breaking.

He was going to lose all his precious people. Maybe he'd lose himself first. He prayed to dear God for their safety as the burning, red chakra slowly engulfed him.

Kyuubi was back.

Author's Note: I wrote this on my thoughts of what Naruto would be feeling if Kyuubi ever broke the seal. This is intended as a one shot, but I might get cracking on another chapter if it is received well enough. Also, this was written after an AP Europe exam of the most stressful kind in the last 15 minutes. Please excuse the shabby, unedited, piece of writing before you.