Disclaimer: I don't even own a cell phone anymore

That morning Harry woke up in a slightly grumpy mood. He didn't really enjoy shopping as much as he should if going with Bellatrix and she had been rather insistent last night about going with her shopping. He rolled out of bed and had just thrown a towel over his shoulder to head for the shower when a quiet pop behind him made him turn. Dobby was staring at him with wide eyes and looking a little frightened. "Sirs Dobby popped into Mistress' room at 10 and she had been very sick Master Harry, very sick indeed, she isn't moving sirs"

Harry nodded and thought back on the numerous muggle alcohols that Bellatrix had consumed. It would figure that it wouldn't be different from the drunkenness that she sustained but a huge difference in the hangover. All of the magical drinks sold already had hangover cures in them, muggle drinks were just…. On your own sort of cures.

Harry took a quick shower then, shaved his face and then dressed. He would have to go down and give her the aspirin because she would trust him above the elves. At least he thought so at any length, and besides, they were a bit frightened of her on a good day, much less one where she wasn't feeling well. Before he left the room however he sat down and penned another letter out


I was wondering if it would be possible to have my own room this year at Hogwarts. Due to recent events I wouldn't feel very comfortable in a regular dorm and I was hoping you could help me.


Pounding, the whole world around me is pounding and I can't feel anything but the rush of BOOM

Bellatrix promptly covered her head with a pillow to try and block out the steady noise, only to find it worsened. Not making matters any better she realized that she couldn't even manage to open her eyes with the headache she had developed overnight. Suddenly Bella pushed her head over the side of the bed and let herself get sick, hoping to help the incessant nausea. Finally, after 3 more of these close encounters of the acid kind, Bellatrix lay back against her usually comfortable pillow. The day was not being nice to her and just when Bellatrix thought she was going to slip back into sleep the clock in her room started chiming. 10 Chimes for 10 hours.

Bellatrix tried everything during those agonizing chimes to prevent the sound from reaching her ears, she was however extremely unsuccessful as she now was curled into a little ball in her bed, trying to prevent the room from spinning, the pounding in her head from getting louder and the nausea from overtaking her. Just as she was slightly thinking of suicide a quiet knock sounded on her door. Since it couldn't be the houselves, nor a visitor since no one knew where she was it had to be Harry. She didn't answer, couldn't think of anything to say. A creak and the door must have been pushed open. If Bellatrix had been in better health this is where she would have started screaming about these being her private rooms and he could summon her if he needed anything but she needed her privacy. However in this instance she didn't move didn't even try and role over.

A slight movement and Bellatrix felt the side of the bed drop a few inches. "Here, aspirins and water" Harry's deep voice said from somewhere above her. His hand was in front of her face and for the most part she just opened her mouth and let him put the two tablets on her tongue. After that he lifted her shoulders up enough that she could sip without spilling the entire glass all over herself she managed to halfway glare at him through heavy lidded eyes. He had no business feeling well and trying to be helpful when she obviously was heading towards the worst morning of her new life. He sat there looking so fresh and healthy while she felt the room spin with every breath she took.

Harry on the other hand put his palm against her forehead to make sure that she really just had a hangover as he suspected. Normal he noted as he withdrew from her bed and stood above her. "I'm going out today since obviously you aren't up to shopping" he said, waiting for her to jump out of bed and announce that nothing could stop such a glorious task. She did however stay in bed and managed a moan of disgust in his general direction. "Take two aspirins every 6 hours if you're awake… and if your not I wouldn't wake up to take them. " She groaned again and watched as he walked slowly out of the room. She could finally rest in peace, without interruption and try to get rid of this nerve wracking headache.

Harry left, knowing he had done what he could for her but something still bothered him about leaving her hurting. He shook it off as his overwhelming hero complex that everyone was talking about and then set off for the rest of his day. He had hoped to escape the shopping but hadn't thought it would be possible so unfortunately he didn't have any contingency plans to fall back on. An idea occurred to him and he rushed back up to his room. He threw open his closet and got the shabbiest clothes he could find, which happened to be by the best wizarding brand out there. Dobby had apparently replaced his old clothes with some of Sirius'.

He sighed, knowing that it wouldn't make the visit any easier. He still hadn't gotten an owl back from Ron and he hoped it wouldn't be intruding but he wanted to visit his best friends, even if things were different. Harry pulled the robes on over his head and ran a hand through his flyaway hair. Looking around and finding nothing else to do before he left he walked down the hallway and peeked through the door at Bellatrix, still laying down and breathing deeply.

Feelings he couldn't explain arose in him seeing that but he had no one he could talk to now about those sorts of things. With Sirius gone Harry felt as if he wouldn't ever have anyone that he could hold on to. His whole life seemed to revolve around people who came in and out of his life, never staying for long and always leaving him with an even bigger hole in his chest. Some sick strange darkness kept creeping up on him every night before he went to bed; it wasn't often that Harry expressed his feelings before Sirius had died. Now he cried himself to sleep almost every night, wishing for the potions that Madam Pomfrey was so good at passing out.

As Harry stepped out of the manor house he glanced up, the semi gothic appearance still held him in awe. He had never dreamed of living in something like this, a house somewhat smaller had always come to mind whenever he thought of his future. Taking a last long look he turned and disappeared a step later.

He kept his eyes closed against the suppressing darkness that he had come to expect with apparition. It was such an uneasy feeling he was a little surprised it was more popular than broomsticks but he supposed traveling almost anywhere in less than 5 seconds would make it the preferred form of transportation. Just as quickly as the feeling had overtaken him he was standing in the slightly cloudy sunlight about a hundred yards from the Burrow. He smiled, this was the one place he had been treated nicely no matter what the Daily Prophet or anyone else had said about him.

He walked up, his longer legs making the loping pace he adopted flow smoothly across the grass in front of him. He could remember looking up at the burrow for the first time. It had already felt like home then, without him ever stepping inside and he had known he would be welcomed here through almost anything.

A/N:So a bit of a cliffy, how will he be welcomed? What will happen? Review with your ideas and we'll see.