Warnings: Slash, RLSB, horrid musical puns.

Disclaimers: Don't own it. Even if I had the talent, I don't have the time to write 7 books.

Notes: This is dedicated to all the music majors in my Physics of Music class. Especially the three guitarists who sit in the back corner of the room. They are so cute, but dang, dumb as stumps, I tell ya. Of course, that's probably what they think of me whenever the musical part of the class comes to the fore instead of the physics…


Music To My Ears

By Rekahneko


The soft, sweet melody floated across the room to the door where Remus stood, entranced. As the gently lilting notes of the song faded, Sirius looked up, finally noticing the figure framed by the light from the hallway.

"Come here, Moony. I haven't seen you all day." He stood up from the piano bench and held out his arms.

Remus crossed the room and gave a light peck on the lips, pulling away as Sirius tried to deepen the kiss. "Not right now, Sirius. We have to be at James' flat in an hour and I have things to do before then."

Sirius donned a mournful, dejected look, but it didn't seem to be doing him any good.

"What was that you were playing? It is beautiful," Remus asked, smiling slightly.

"I call it, Lick My Love Pump (1)." Sirius punctuated his joke with a sloppy, wet lick to the side of his boyfriend's face.

"Sirius! Really. Your jokes are just terrible."

"I would tell you the real name, but you wouldn't recognize the composer. He isn't very noteworthy." Sirius snickered at his pun while Remus rolled his eyes, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Wow, that joke totally fell flat, which is sad, because without humor, life would B Flat." Sirius grinned. "And here we are, standing in our flat! There must be cymbalism in that somewhere."

Remus muttered something about mangy mutts and their awful puns under his breath.

"Maybe I will just Bach off from more puns. You obviously can't Handel any more."

Frowning, Remus tried to disengage himself from his boyfriends embrace, but Sirius just held on tighter.

"In fact, I bet if I don't stay sharp, you will get me in big treble. Treble in paradise!"

In his best prefect voice, Remus clearly enunciated, "Enough with the annoying jokes, Padfoot."

Of course, by this time, Remus should have known his reaction would only spur Sirius on. Grinning, Sirius leaned in, mouth ghosting across Remus' jaw line and whispered, "I didn't mean to majorly brass you off."

"Sirius, cut it out," responded a flustered Remus as lips nibbled his ear.

"Aww, now, Moony. You know you're Hyden your amusement at these jokes. Sometimes you are the most high-strung person I know, bar none."

"Let go, I have things to do," Remus said without too much vehemence, trying to move out of the arms that encircled him.

"You know if I let you go, you'll only find a book and go reed. I am just glad I was able to orchestrate this situation so I could spend some quality time with you." Sirius punctuated his statements with small kisses along Remus' neck.

"Those are horrible puns you know. Some are a real stretch – barely musical at all."

"Aren't you worried I will go jump off a clef if you don't stop harping about my jokes?"

Remus didn't seem to have a response to his boyfriend's words. Of course, that might have had something to do with exactly what Sirius chose to do with his hands.

"Feel free to chime in with your own pun at any time. I don't want to be horning in on all the action here. In reality, saying that makes me a lyre since I am actually quite horny and want all the action I can get."

"I noticed that," was the mumbled response, sounding both annoyed and breathless.

"The key to this situation is that I'm no longer a minor, so you can take advantage of me as you wish. Unless, of course, you are just going to string me along…"

"Sirius Orion Black, I swear to Merlin…"

Pushing Remus up against the side of the piano, Sirius pressed completely up against his boyfriend. His hands roamed under Remus' shirt. "I don't understand why you don't like the tenor of this conversation. Puns are wonderful; someday I'll drum that into your head."

Sirius had finally gotten Remus into that rare state, somewhere between completely irritated and totally hot. Eyes flashing, Remus seemed to be considering the merits of physical violence. Thankfully for Sirius, instead of hitting him, Remus grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him close for a passionate kiss.

When they finally parted, Sirius smirked, "My puns turn you on, don't they? Ouch!"

Remus had whacked Sirius on the head with some nearby sheet music.

"I thought you said we didn't have enough time," wondered Sirius as Remus pulled him toward the bedroom.

"Being on time is overrated," was the growled response.

"That is music to my ears, Moony."


( 1 ) Shamelessly stolen from the movie, "This Is Spinal Tap."