Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana

My soft golden hair blew into my eyes as the cool summer night breeze of Nevada brushed against my tanned, bare legs. I pulled my sweatshirt closer to my body as I began walking to my car.

"Hey Lily!" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned to see Angie running behind me, or running as much as she could in her five inch platform heels. I gave her a smile as her strides began to slow down as she saw me turn to look at her.

"Do you think you could give me a ride home? Dan's at his mom's and..." she started. But I cut her off.

"Not a problem, hop in," I said as I fumbled around for my car keys in my purse. Once I finally reached them I unlocked my car and we both got in.

"Busy night," Angie said, leaning her head back.

"Yea well. It's graduation time, all those pretty little prep boys graduate, get a hold of Daddy's car keys and, next thing you know, their down here, trying to pass for twenty-one year olds" I said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Yea, true," Angie said laughing, "God, I cannot wait for college grad time, I can just imagine, hot college guys with a fresh new degree in hand, coming to the club," She closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

"You get way to much pleasure out of this," I said looking over at her. She rolled her eyes.

"Well, at least I know how to have fun, you haven't been with a single guy since Brett left," She said looking over at me. I pursed my lips, holding back my temper. I hated it when she brought Brett up.

"Sorry, I know that you-" she started.

"It's fine," I said quickly, staring out at the lit road in front of me. The rest of the ride back was silent other than Angie occasionally singing along to the radio. Once we arrived at her apartment building she quickly got out of the car. She gave me a smile before she walked off.

"So I'll see you tomorrow at nine?" she said, leaning her head through the passenger's seat door.

"As always," I said, smiling back at her.

"Look, Lil, don't let what I said about Brett bother you too much," she said sweetly. I shook my head and gave her a consoling smile.

"I won't" I said.

"Good," she said before closing the car door, blowing me a kiss, and walking off. Once she was inside I pulled out of the parking lot and got back on the road. It was about a ten minute drive from her apartment to my own. But then again, a lot can happen in ten minutes, I learned that the night of my high school graduation. When I went from good girl to bad, wholesome to slut, and best friend to worst enemy. All in the matter of ten minutes or less. I ruined my life.

Once I reached my apartment building I gently yanked my keys out of the ignition as I grabbed the duffel bag that sat in the back seat of my car. I looked around the dark and nearly empty parking lot before walking across the pavement, through the large glass doors and into the well lit lobby.

"Miss Truscott," the lobbyist said as he nodded in my direction. I gave him a smile as I walked to the elevator. He knew me from the club, he had been a client of mine for quite some time now. Once I was in the elevator, I pressed the button for the fifth floor. Slowly, the elevator rose until it stopped on my floor. I got out, and began walking towards my apartment.

As soon I walked through the door of my home I was greeted by the love of my life, Dexter, a Pug I had adopted nearly two years ago, the day that Brett had left.

"Hey boy," I said to him as I threw my stuff down on the floor and walked over to the couch, Dexter trailing close behind me. As soon as I sat down I yanked off the shoes I had been wearing. My feet were, as usual, swollen, from nearly eight hours of dancing. I sighed and closed my eyes, I didn't even bother to change out of my short denim shorts and large sweatshirt before laying my head back on the couch and closing my eyes. I felt Dexter jump up onto my feet and curl up beside me. His hot breath hit my leg as slowly, I began to drift off to sleep.

My life had taken a dramatic U-turn after the incident on graduation night. Only a few weeks later I basically dropped everything and moved to L.A. I don't know what the hell I was hoping to find there. I guess, I just wanted a fresh start, a new beginning. I was partially hoping to make it big, like an actor, or singer. But I guess you could call Los Angeles the city of false hopes, because that's all it gave me. You know how in movies, the nobody girl moves to L.A and wows everyone with her breathtaking talent. Well, I sure as hell did not wow anyone. For a year I worked at a Burger King. Then got a job at Home Depot and considered it the job of a life time, well compared to what I had been doing, it was pretty damn good. One by one I watched people I work with sign contracts for modeling, sining, acting. After all, that's what most of the nobody's in L.A are. People dreaming of making it big. I watched nearly fifteen people got from jeans and stained orange polo shirt, to designer little black dress with Dolce & Gabanna pumps. But, I was left in the dust. Still wearing my ugly orange apron, mixing up paint colors for a living. That was until I met Brett. I will never forget the day he walked through the freakishly huge front door of the Home Depot. He looked completely out of place. His dress pants and tie looked completely out of place in the paint covered jeans and stained wife beaters attire I was used to seeing. In his hand he held a small paint chip. A pink one. He slowly walked over to my station, his bright white teeth exposed through his parted lips.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked him, nearly breathless, God, he looked even more beautiful up close.

"Ya, I was wondering if you could match this color for me?" he said as he handed me the dull pink paint chip.

"I think I can do that," I said as I smiled nervously. I slowly walked over to Gina and handed the chip over to her. Then, I walked back to the counter, where I continued to price some new paint rollers.

"Did that hurt?" he asked me. I looked up from the full box of paint rollers and up at him.

"Did what hurt?" I asked looking at him curiously. He pointed to his nose.

"The piercing," he replied, referring to the diamond stud I wore in my nostril.

"Oh," I said embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Yea, a little," I said smiling. He nodded.

"My sister just got one, I was... curious," he said. I nodded.

"Your sister huh?" I said, taking a step closer to him.

"Yea, well, either that or I was just trying to start up a conversation, you can decide," He said as he leaned on the counter.

"I see," I said smiling, looking down at the ground. When I looked up I was captured by his huge gorgeous blue eyes. And just then, It was as if the entire world froze around us. All that was there, was us. Silence fell over us as our eyes held each other in a deadlock.

"here's ya' paint," Gina said, breaking us apart. Both our stares fell as we laughed nervously. Gina stared at us both.

"Hope I wasn't interuptin' anything," she said in her deep Brooklyn accent.

"Thanks Gina," I said before she walked off. I reluctantly took a few steps away to reach the cash register for his check-out.

"So, who's the pink paint for?" I asked him as I slowly typed in the bar code, not wanting him to leave just yet.

"My sister," he said, reaching for his wallet.

"The same sister who just got her nose pierced?" I asked him, eyebrows raised. He laughed.

"No, the sister who just had twin girls, thought I'd help her out a bit with the room design," He said as he handed me his visa. I scanned it through the machine.

"Well, thank you very much, Brett Young," I said, reading his name from his card as I handed him back the receipt. He quickly signed it an handed it back.

"It was nice meeting you Ms. Lily," he said, squinting to read my name tag. He reached out his hand and I took it. We shook hands and then I unwillingly released his hand from my grip.

"You know Lily, maybe we can grab a bit to eat after you get off," he suggested. I smiled. I felt like jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs.

"I'd love that," I said as a shy smile shone across my lips.

And everything had basically gone down hill from there, our relationship, my life, my career, the whole nine yards. After Brett and I moved to Las Vegas I began working at the Sapphire, a rather upscale and expensive strip club. When Brett and I broke up I started devoting my life to my dancing, or stripping rather. It's not some dirt slutty job like it may seem. I happen to work for a more sophisticated club then normal ones. I get paid well, the guys are hot, and occasionally you can even find a celebrity at the club. While it may not be the ideal career, it's the best I've ever had.


I pulled into the parking lot a little after eight. It was a Saturday night, always the best. The bachelor parties were always here on Saturdays, and they always pay nice tips. I quickly got out of my car, my duffel bag with my change of clothes in hand. I entered through the back of the building. I already saw a few limos parked near the entrance. This was the one time in the whole weak I was actually excited to get to work. I walked into the locker room to see a few girls by the mirror applying make-up from the last shift. I was always an early comer for my shift, better known as the hotties shift. The owner only put the best out during prime time, nine to five. And if you even got considered for the prime time, you were pretty damn lucky.

After about an hour or so, I was changed into my tiny bikini top and g-string. My hair was done, my make up was finished, I was ready to be the thrill of these guy's lives. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, I pushed up my breasts and began to walk out of the locker room. I met up with Dani behind the stage.

"God, there are some hot ass bachelors out there tonight," She said looking over at me. I gave her a quick smile before walking out on the floor. I was met by tons of men's eyes, scanning my body. I saw Angie from across the room, coming from one of the private rooms. A very horny older man trailing close behind her. I gave her a smile as she closed her eyes and shook her head. I let out a laugh, No matter how long you've been doing this I don't think you ever get used to old guys grabbing your boobs.

"I saw a pretty hot bachelor over at table nine," she said with a smirk on her face, "think he's looking for a lap dance,"

"you're not taking him?" I asked her curiously.

"Hell no honey, this ones all yours," she said before walking off. I smiled to myself. Finally, my first thrill of the night. I seductively walked over to table nine. The lights were dimmed. I could hardly make out his face.

"Heard you're looking for a dance huh?" I asked. It was obvious it was a bachelor party. you could easily tell by the eager hoots that came from the pack of men. I gave them all a flirty smile.

"So uh," I said taking a step closer to them, "Which one of you's the groom to be?" I asked in my sexiest voice.

"That would be me," a short haired man said timidly. I wanted to laugh. Poor guy, this must be his first time. I gave him a wink as he sat his beer down. I slowly climbed onto him and began grinding my hips against his. I perched myself up on his lap, I pushed my boobs in his face. But unlike most men, he looked up, at my face. But then I realized who it was. His eyes made my body stop moving against his. And his eyes that were once full of pleasure began to fade into confusion. This wasn't some hot bachelor, this was...


A/N: I really don't know why I decided to right this. lol. Weird idea I know. I told myself I wouldn't star any new stories until I finished some of my other ones, but I really couldn't help it. So anyways, I know this may be a bit out of the norm, but tell me what you think, I tried to make it a T as possible. Rating may change though. I tried to make Lily's past seem a bit mysterious so if I continue this, I'll have some twists and turns that I could do.

Well anyways, be completely truthful about what you think. This was a totally out of the blue idea so.. ya. please review and tell me if you like it!