Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, events and/or places that are recognized as being written and created by J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling owns all the characters and places from the Harry Potter books including the ones used in this story.

A/N: This is just a prologue. Future chapters will be much longer!

Peter squeaks. And they're off.

They have a plan for mistakes like these. They call them mistakes because they don't ever think they're going to get caught. James grabs Peter's small sweaty hand and goes right. Sirius grabs anything he can grab of Remus's and goes left. Scatter. James and Sirius split up so that at least one of the leader masterminds can still carry out whatever ill conceived prank they've cooked up if the other pair gets caught.

Sirius and Remus run around the corner and freeze at a dead end. They can both hear the formidable boom boom of the caretaker's heavy boots getting louder, coming closer.

Sirius scans the area and stops himself just in time from screaming with joy. "Closet," he hisses into Remus's hair. The two boys move quickly, squeezing in together as Sirius closes the door behind them.

They start giggling, silently and with too much breath. Remus makes a sound of surprise and almost topples backwards.

"Gotcha Remus," whispers Sirius, grabbing hold of Remus's waist.

"That was close," says Remus in high inhales and husky exhales.

Sirius's very skin is pulsing. Every nerve and vein alive with adrenaline. Adrenaline from the run and now from the fear that any moment that door might be pulled open from behind his back. He can't stop laughing, bubbling over with euphoric pleasure.

Remus's eyes are golden flames in the darkness. They are pressed so close together, Sirius can feel Remus's heart blasting against his own. And everything smells like Remus and sweat from running. Sirius has to do something, has to release some of this sudden energy. So he tips his head just that little bit forward. And kisses Remus with a closed, sweet, twelve year old boy kind of kiss.

"Sorry," Sirius says as he pulls back from him.

"It's OK," says Remus.

They start giggling again.

Hogwarts is under a white blanket. Classes are still in session, but as soon as that last question is answered, that last homework assignment is assigned, pandemonium breaks loose and no one is inside if they can help it.

The snow makes too much noise crunching under their boots as they run. Sprinting across the courtyard away from James and his myriad of snowballs.

They keep going with Peter screaming at them that there's no escape. Sirius grabs the back of Remus's scarf and pulls. They make a quick turn and dive into Hagrid's new puppy's doghouse.

Sirius feels around blindly. "Fang's out," he exhales.

"Good," says Remus. He turns his face to Sirius, and from the faint but blinding light creeping into their hiding space, Sirius can just make out his wicked grin. "I hate dogs."

Sirius gasps and pretends to lunge at Remus's throat, still fresh and excited about his new animal form.

They laugh breathlessly and twist and Sirius pins Remus down.

"Stop," Sirius whispers. Stop. Because he hears two familiar voices trying to push their way through the winter wind's howling. Stop. Because he can't breathe, he's breathing to fast. Stop. Because his heart is racing, making his every vein pulse with a liquid fire. Stop. Because his fingers, wrapped around Remus's wrists, are burning and he's burning up.

They're going to get caught. And that is the last thing on Sirius's mind.

He breaks whatever spell Remus and himself are under and seizes forward. Seizes the day. Seizes Remus's lips.

They kiss. And it's an awkward, wet, fourteen year old boy kind of kiss.

"Sorry," Sirius says as he pulls back from him.

And Remus's face blooms into a one-hundred watt smile.

Right before they're pelted with snow.