Disclaimer: So I don't own Gravitation. The adorable manga-ka who does is really awesome and everyone should totally support her! Anyway, this idea was given to me by a girl I just met on Live Journal (thanks Sephiraprincess), and finally with some thought I came up with a reason why things would happen. So please enjoy and respond with constructive/positive comments!


Written by: Summoner Hirelena

It was dark outside, rain splattering against the window hard and loud. But the music of the recording studio helped drown it out, the loud gifted voice of Shindou Shuichi integrated with the newest mix of their upcoming single. Suguru Fujisaki was almost beaming with pride as the workers there were showering him with praise and admiration. Everyone knew that Shuichi had the voice, was the backbone of the band, but Fujisaki created the filter that perfected his voice. The brilliant cousin to the President of N-G Records smoothed everything about Bad Luck into glossy perfection. Although he wasn't the one in the limelight all the time, knowing that Shindou-san and Nakano-san needed him as much as they did each other gave him the pride and confidence that he needed to do his best. And that is how he wanted, he wanted perfection and this was the best place to work his skill.

"Fujisaki! That was awesome!" Shuichi threw his arms around the smaller boy almost squeezing the life out of him.

Squeaking Fujisaki tried to push him away, "T-t-thank you Shindou-san, I want to make sure we sell as much as we possibly can. And I think this is a great start" The pink haired singer grinned nodding his head madly.

"Yea! Yuki promised to take me to Walt Disney Tokyo if we sell really good!" Hiro shook his head shrugging his shoulders.

"I swear Shuichi, you care a lot more about the rewards than you do the selling of the albums" Shuichi pouted at the comment throwing himself at his best friend.

"You jerk! Take that back!" Playfully pushing each other around they began to yell and fight like two brothers would. The green haired boy got up from the chair waving his arms.

"Hey! This is not how a professional band would act! Shindou-san! Nakano-san! OW" Fujisaki fell back in his chair wincing as the boys elbowed him. Growling the smaller boy glared at the other band members. He hated being the smallest and the youngest of the group. He got ignored a lot, pushed to the shadows just because he was the smallest and the youngest, even though he was the most serious.

"Whoa man, I'm sorry" The red headed guitarist held his hand out to Fuijsaki. With a groan he slid his smaller hand in the bigger one allowing himself to be pulled out the seat.

Shuichi smiled brightly brushing off the teen's polo shirt, "My bad Fujisaki" Suddenly the door was pushed open as the mousey producer walked in staring at a little clip board.

"That was a wonderful recording everyone! Now that's a rap, its time to go home!"

"Yay! Yuki's making a large dinner tonight and I'm so excited!" The pink ball of energy ran over to the umbrella holder right by the door.

"Suguru-san, are you okay getting home? It's pouring out there"

"I'll be fine Nakano-san, Seguchi-san always make's sure I have a ride" The green haired boy smiled at the guitarist waving the other two members off. As normal they ran off to their lives while Fujisaki stayed behind to do a little extra work. Cleaning up the mix's a little more, making sure that the lyrics and scores were put away, anything that needed to be handled with extra care.

The night was getting darker, and the building fell slowly fell quiet as Fujisaki finally finished his extra work.

Sakano smiled widely as he escorted the green haired boy down the stairs.

"Suguru-san, you work so hard, I'm brimming with pride that I get to work with you! You're just as dedicated as the President!" The boy ran his fingers through his now messy hair. He was hungry and tired, and still had some school work he had to do. Going to the elite school he goes to had its repercussions. Lot's of homework.

"It's all for the band" They finally got to the lobby of the studio, the streetlights beaming in the only light in the room. It was dark downstairs, pitch black due to the rain. The dark rain clouds were covering the many stars and the full moon that was supposed to happen tonight.

'The Meteorologists were really off tonight'

The producer sighed, "I better find K and make sure that everything's locked up" Going to the door he looked outside smiling as he saw the dark car sitting by the streetlamp.

"Look's like Mr. President's escort for you is still sitting there. How diligent these men are! Do you want me to watch you go to the car? It is quite dark outside" Fujisaki shook his head moving to the doors untying the umbrella.

"No need Sakano-san. Even though I am young, I'm quite capable to walk to the car by myself"

Sakano fixed his glasses on his nose his smile getting wider, "Of course you are! And you are not a child! You're an intelligent young adult! Please, take care Suguru-san, I will see you tomorrow!" The producer bowed at his waist respectively than turned walking down and lighting up the hallways.

The teen smiled with a sigh glad to be rid of Sakano for the night. It was hard to listen to that type of devotion all day long. It was bad enough with Shindou and his lover, he had to hear it from the erratic adult. Opening the door he released the umbrella, the fabric expanding over his head keeping him dry from the elements.

The front drivers side opened, "Suguru-san, this way please" The man's voice was gruff, as he moved backwards opening the back door still hidden behind his own umbrella. Fujisaki hurried to him, shivering in the cold air that cut through his thin clothes. Tossing the briefcase in the back he turned his back to the door as he closed his umbrella and slipped in.

"Thank you" He quickly said before the man closed his door.

"Hello, Suguru" The teen jumped in his seat, turning to the older looking man sitting next to him. The man was covered head to toe in black, making it hard for Fujisaki to see who it was. There was something deathly wrong with this picture. No one else should be in this car except him and his driver.

"What is this?! Seguchi-san never said about an-" Suddenly the man lunged at the smaller teen shoving a piece of cloth in his face. The green haired boy struggled his legs and his hands kicking as the driver got back in the drivers seat.

"Shut him up now" Fujisaki's muffled voice was as ineffective as his shoving and kicking. The man was a lot bigger than he was and after a moment the smaller body slowly stopped moving.

"Let's go"

Authors notes:

Yes! Finally at 3: 51 am EST, I got this chapter done! I'm so proud! Its so hard to do Fujisaki's pov. But its something different than what I've been doing. But anyway, depending on the response, depends on how quickly I get another chapter out! Please review! I 3 comments!