My tribute to Umagon... 'S not very good... but i had to do something for him right away.

Yeah. Read on, but beware, there are major spoilers. Takes place in chapter 311.

Disclaimer: I do not own Konjiki no Gash Bell, nor will i ever.

In Three Words

I never got to tell you how much I loved you, Gash.

You see, it always troubled me that I could never speak the words that everyone else could… I'll try to learn, though! I always have been trying my hardest, but all that I can seem to say is what you hear me say constantly. Meru meru mei…

Just so that everyone knows, it's not exactly easy to communicate with others when you're only capable of saying two silly sounds! And then there's the fact I don't actually have hands, so I can't write down what I'm saying, either. And when I attempt to spell out words using my own body in the game that dear Kafka came up with, everyone misreads what I'm spelling.

Still… I love you so much. I… I don't want to leave you, Gash… it's very painful… The one thing I would love to do is help you fight Clear… but I can't. I'm so injured…

My book is burning, Gash. My armor is breaking down. This won't stop me, though! I'll take you as close as I can to Clear Note and you can become the kind king you've always aspired to be! Dear Gash, please, win this! Win for the demon world, for your friends!

I'm running out of time… and I still haven't been able to tell you I love you. You were always there for me, Gash. I feel… as though I have not done enough for you. I remember back in the Makai when I met you for the first time, you helped me save my dad from that poisonous snake bite. My dear dad! I… have always loved you since, Gash. Your smiling face always makes me happy, and your confident words gives me the strength, too, and makes me believe that I could do anything.

Kafka has been a great bookkeeper for me, Gash. I am so glad that I was able to meet him. He… understands me well. He knows that I want to do my best for you, Gash. I think everyone does now, too.

I'm beginning to fade, Gash. I can see the ground through my legs now. My armor has been broken down, but this cannot stop me. I must take you as close to Clear as I can! I do not want to fail you, Gash! I want to repay you for all the things you have done for me.

I… I am crying, Gash. I don't want to leave you. Or Kiyomaro, even though I didn't want to see him bring you into fights, because I don't want to see you get hurt. Even so! I care for him too. He understands me as well. Kiyomaro was able to understand that I did not want to see you get hurt, and I still don't.

Fear is spreading through my body. Tio is gone too. She can't use her shields to protect you, Gash. What will you do? Kanchome has been gone for a while now. I… I wonder why everyone has been leaving us so quickly after the other. It is because of Clear Note, for sure, but… it is much too soon. Gash… please win! I beg you to win! You have to!

I'm… almost gone, Gash. I can feel your tears against my back. I don't want to leave you, either… but I have no choice now. It is far too late. Kafka is making sure that I live by burning my book… but I want to bring you to Clear! This is not far enough!

Gash… I love you so much… I hope you can understand… Hopefully this will be enough to pay you back for now… Yet I still owe you more than this. It is not enough… By the time you become the king of our world, I will have thought of something for just you!

No… I am about to disappear, Gash. I don't know if you realize how much I love you yet. I can barely see where I am going now because of my tears. This is too painful for me, Gash… please… win for me… in a few seconds I will be gone… So please…

I love you…!

"Meru meru mei…!"