Breaking in the Dark Chapter One: Mistakened Hostage

"I'm booored," the petite Noah says, sprawled over the Earl's throne.

"Go bother Lero then," the newest Noah replies, not looking up from the newspaper he is currently engrossed in.

"But I can't find him. Stupid umbrella," she scoffs.

"Think of it as hide and seek, Road. If you don't like that, then bring home an Exorcist or two," he says monotone. He remembers the days when he was an Exorcist, but he dismisses them the way a Bookman would've done, but he isn't a Bookman. Lavi is. She thinks about it for a moment, smiling.

"Thanks, Allen. That's a good idea," she says, running off. He shakes her head, hoping she wouldn't manage to get herself into trouble. "You, you, and you," she says, summoning several level two and three Akuma. "Lee Lenalee." The nod, disappearing into thin air. Satisfied, she goes to pester the new Noah to help her with her Spanish homework.

"AKUMA! There are Akuma!" the Gatekeeper wails. He better not be wrong this time, Kanda grumbles to himself, running with Lenalee and Lavi closely behind. The ready their Innocence for battle, brandishing (except for Lenalee) them menacingly. They separate with Kanda at the front and Lenalee and Lavi at the sides.

A shower of bullets threaten to impale his female companion, and he pushes her out of the way, careful to dodge them himself. What he doesn't expect is when Mugen was torn from his fingers and his is suddenly high above the horror struck faces of his... friends.

'No,' he thinks. This isn't a good time to think of them as such. He futilely attempts to claw his way out with his hands. It only causes him to become more tangled than he already was. The net rises higher and higher as the Akuma flies upwards and is whisked away from the Dark Order.

Kanda doesn't know where they are heading (much to his chagrin), but dread pools down into the pits of his stomach as the sky around them warps into different colors and demented shapes. He honestly hopes they weren't bound for the Earl's place.

He didn't know how right he is.

"We have to save him!" Lenalee cries, the worry forming into the tears that wells in her dark, Asian eyes.

"Lenalee, calm down! There's nothing we can do for him now. Besides, this is Kanda Yu we're talking about! He'll be fine," Lavi says, smiling forcefully to reassure her, though he himself sounds dubious. He feels guilty for letting his guard down, even if it was for a split second, for letting his best friend be captured. His green eyes darken in frustration. First Allen, and now Yu. Who is going to be next?

"'re right," he sighs. "But we should inform Komui and General Tiedoll first." He returns the hammer back to its holster secured firmly on his thigh, for Lenalee's and his sakes, he hopes that not much harm will come to the proud Japanese man.

Kanda glares stright into the tanned girl's golden eyes, his instincts screaming that is an enemy. "Who are you?" The tone is accusatory, ande he dislikes her immediately.

"That's what I want to know," he says bitingly.

"You're not Lenalee." His temper hits the roof, his face turning a little red.

"And just how the hell do I look like a girl!" he shouts angrily.

The female Noah places her hands on her hips. "Cha bo" as the Cantonese call it: trouble. She looks every bit as disappointed and angry as he is. "I suppose I can't be picky." She peers insultingly close to his face. "And you are pretty..." This fact brightens her mood. It's a blow to his pride. Men aren't supposed to be pretty. "...but I'd rather have Lenalee here."

"Then how about you set me free and let me go back to the Dark Order?" he suggests pleasantly.

"No, not until she comes," she says. He narrows his eyes. 'I am so slicing you into little bits when I get out of here,' he decides. "What's your name?"

"Like I'd tell scum like you," is his automatic reply.

Her mood takes an abrupt turn to malevolence. "I can kill you," she threatens.

"As if I'd let you!" he snarls back.

"You know I can," she whispers close to his ear. "You're practically helpless right now. I can do anytihng I want to you." She blows her warm breath at the side of his face. "Anything." There is something menacing lying underneath the girl's words that he can't help but know is true.

"Kanda Yu..." he says reluctantly.

She seems smug. "Road Camelot. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He unties him, flinging him into a dimly lit room before he can protest. "From now on, this is your new room!" she chirps. She closes the dorr slowly until all he can see is her one of her glaring golden eyes.