
Shortly after the death of both the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands, the territory fell into utter despair and woe. Great sadness was embraced for the loss of a great leader and his mate. After two moon cycles, Sesshoumaru was sworn in as the new leader of the West and Kagome, the new Lady. Sesshoumaru stood by and honored his father's laws and abided by them with care. Some citizen's thought that Sesshoumaru was an exact copy of Taisho but soon found out other wise.

Where Taisho seemed more of a free spirit and virtually care free, Sesshoumaru seemed to be, in a more obvious manner, driven and completely serious about the jobs and duties he preformed.

Seventeen years had passed since Sesshoumaru stepped up and came into rule. The land was prosperous and it seemed that the inner turmoil in Japan had slowed down considerable and it was easier to control. Unlike his earlier predictions, he did not become consumed by the work load of being a Demon Lord.

His father seemed to have over worked him so that he could learn to relax and have more free time. Sesshoumaru was able to spend lots of time with his pups and even more time with his mate, Kagome.

Sesshoumaru sighed, and leaned back against the cheery tree as he reflected on his past and how grateful he was the day that his beast 'captured' the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon. Kagome sat between his spread legs and leaned her tired back against his firm front.

"Are you faring well today, mate?" Sesshoumaru asked as he wrapped his long arms around his mate's bulging belly.

"As well as can be expected. I'm always overly thrilled when I can't see my feet, my back aches, and I either crave or barf at any food I spot. So, I'm just peachy," Kagome replied cheekily before sighing contentedly. "At least there are no mood swings."

Sesshoumaru arched a dark eye brow.

"Hn," Sesshoumaru reported safely.

The pair watched out over the garden as their oldest son, Kaemon, a general in the Western army, chased around four 3-year-old pups.

Crouching down, clad in a simple white and light blue kimono, Kaemon crawled across the ground to the tiny female pup with her finger in her mouth. The black haired toddler tipped her head to the side slightly and looked at her brother with innocent eyes. The playful, feral smirk Kaemon wore didn't seem to affect this pup as much as it did the other three.




Three tiny female voices giggled as they all backed away from their brother.

Still, the tiny tot sat firmly on the green grass in a plain, yet classy, orange kimono. Kaemon moved up just enough so that his nose was mere centimeters away from the pup's.

"Yes, Rin. You should have run when Kayura, Kaiya and Riiko told you too. Now you must pay."

Before Kaemon could move to tickle her sensitive sides, Rin reached down and grabbed and handful of grass, only to shove it into her older brother's face. With a giggle, she stumbled up to her feet and made a mad dash toward her parents.

Before Rin could pounce on her mother, Sesshoumaru growled at his pup softly yet firmly, telling her 'No.'

Rin didn't seem to deter. Sesshoumaru thought that perhaps she was not listening to him but that thought swiftly left his mind when Rin tittered over to Sesshoumaru and sat down right beside him. Sesshoumaru looked at his daughter softly before turning his golden gaze to his eldest.

"Really, Kaemon. Bested by your youngest sister? To think that you are a general in the Western Army. Perhaps Rin should take your place," Sesshoumaru suggested with a quirked eye brow.

"Oh yes, Father? Well, your new 'general' seems to be doing a fine job and fighting and defending." Kaemon smirked as he saw Rin play with the end of Sesshoumaru's tail. Sesshoumaru twitched his tail on occasion, making Rin jump with a start before she erupted into maddening giggles. Now, on her hands and knees, her tiny black and silver tail swishing madly, her tiny claws went to capture her prize, but Sesshoumaru jerked it away quickly. Opening her tiny hands, Rin realized the fuzz was gone! The nerve! Rin squeaked her outrage. Her anger faded quickly when she spotted the puff again. Like a cat chasing a ball on a string, Rin began to try and capture her father at a fast pace, missing every time. She was determined to win. Let the games begin.




Looking up from playing with his youngest and, so far, last born puppy, he found his other three daughters charging toward him.

'Uh oh,' Sesshoumaru anticipated.

"Kya! Run Master! The plague cometh!"

'So dramatic. They are pups, what harm can they do?'

Sesshoumaru was being snickered at by his beast as his hair, hakama, tail, and haori became the play toys of the tiny bumbling pups.

"Really, Kagome. Four female pups at once?" Sesshoumaru chastised.

"This isn't my fault! You are the one who wanted 21 puppies. Remember? Well, we're working on it!" Kagome said with a huff as one of her pups kicked the inside of her stomach. "You have 6 now so stop complaining! And I'm fat again!"

"You are not fat. Just - "

"If you say 'pleasantly plump' or 'beautifully bulgy' you will not be able to sire any more pups. Got that?" Kagome asked, her hormones on high alert.

"Hn," Sesshoumaru responded.

"And for Kami's sake, Sesshoumaru! Use real words! Grunting is not a real word!"

'Gah! Save me!'

"I told you run! You no listen!"

'I'm sorry. I actually happen to care about my pups and mate. This Sesshoumaru is not a chicken!'

"I care! Mate mad though. Always mad…"

'Well she won't be like that long,' Sesshoumaru assured. 'Hopefully.'

"Pup coming."

'Well, at least Kishiko is mentally stable.'


'Or not.'

"How come I was never allowed to call you Daddy, Father?" Kaemon was interested.

Sesshoumaru paused and looked up at his son.

"Do you really want to?"

"Not really."

"Then why bother asking?"

"Hn," Kaemon sighed.

"Oh no! Not you too! I cannot have you turning too much into your father! Stop with that 'Hn' thing this instant!"

"Yes, Mother."

"Good Puppy!" Kagome praised happily as she smiled brightly.

Sesshoumaru fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Daddy!" Kishiko cried as she found the rest of her family in the gardens. "There you are!"

Her golden eyes lightened. The afternoon light danced off of her light silver hair and contrasting erratic dark blue streaks. Her white kimono fit snuggly along her defined curves and her light hair swooped down to her bottom. Kishiko's polished claw hands were holding onto an obviously fear stricken soldier's arm.

Sesshoumaru raised his eye brow in question.

"Daddy," Kishiko started as she pulled the stiff soldier to stand by her side. "This is Daichi. He's a bear demon and a Captain in your army."

Sesshoumaru glared at Daichi with a hard, disapproving look. Daichi tried his hardest not to flinch. The soldier in question had dark brown hair that brushed the top of his ears while the back swooped down across the nape of his neck. His slightly wavy like curls shone in the bright sun. His bronze tan only helped to accent his muscular body under his traditional kimono.

Daichi tried to bow to his Lord but Kishiko just pulled him back up again.

Sesshoumaru gave Daichi a quick look over and turned his attention back to Kishiko.

"Daichi and I wanted to ask you something," Kishiko said with a bright smile.

Sesshoumaru looked at Daichi coldly. Oh, he knew what he wanted to ask.

"Yes?" Sesshoumaru probed harshly.

"My Lord…I…uh…" Daichi started, trying to fit a whole sentence together.

"Well?" Sesshoumaru encouraged.

Kishiko frowned slightly beside Daichi seeing his hesitation. If he cared about her as much as he claimed, then he shouldn't be having such a hard time. She looked down at the ground a little, still holding onto Daichi lightly.

Daichi, noticing Kishiko's distress squeeze her hand for comfort and reassurance as he gained some more courage.

Kishiko looked at Daichi's profile as he turned his dark gaze toward the Royal Family.

"My Lord and Lady, I w-wish to become the mate o-of Princess Kishiko. Please grant us this h-humble request." His voice shook slightly, but the message was clear.

Sesshoumaru looked at Daichi for a moment, thinking. Would this be a wise match? It was obvious that Kishiko was quite smitten with the bear demon. Even when she was young pup and met the demon when he was training as a private she seemed drawn to him.

'He seems to make her happy. He is also of a reasonable stature. Hn. I do not see any reason why not.'


'All right then.'

Sesshoumaru had been quiet for the past several minutes. Daichi stood strong, not wavering as Kishiko looked between the two males occasionally, waiting for his answer.

Finally it came.

"So be it."

"Thank-you, Daddy!" Kishiko cried as her face brightened considerably.

"Hn," came his stoic reply.

"Thank-you, My Lord."

Sesshoumaru didn't respond, but glared at the demon with a clear message written in his eyes; 'You make her cry, even once, you will not survive.'

Daichi gulped.

"Come, Captain. It's time to go start training the new recruits," Kaemon ordered in a serious voice, commanding attention, so much like his father.

"Yes sir!" Daichi obeyed.

Bowing to the Royal Family, Daichi and Kaemon went to go train the new men, while Kishiko went to watch.

Whilst walking through the gardens, Kishiko gripped her intended's arms and yammered about their future plans.

"And we can have a large wedding, with all of our family and friends! Wouldn't that be great?"

"Yes, my love."

"Oh! And we can have many little puppies. Oh…wait. What do bears call their offspring?"

"Cubs, my sweet."

"Then what are we going to call our children?!"

"Their names…"

"No, no, Darling. I mean generally."

"Our Little Ankle-Biters?"

"Not funny, Daichi."

"Of course not, Kishiko."

Kagome sighed and leaned back into Sesshoumaru again.

"You're such a softy," Kagome commented, closing her tired eyes.

"Am not," Sesshoumaru retorted.

"Mhmm." Kagome was not convinced as she looked at her mate's tail that was acting as a blanket for four tired out pups. "Whatever you say."

Kagome fell into a light sleep under the cherry tree with her mate. The distinct smell of apples and cinnamon danced on the slight afternoon breeze.


SF: Yay! Once again, this story is finished! Yippee for me! Thank you everyone who reviewed.

As Tigger would say, "Ta ta for now!"
