Class of Chaos

Failed Robbery

Tails turned up the volume on the TV as Sonic came over to take a look. Out of curiosity, Sonia and Manic came to look as well, followed by Li'l D, Eddie, and Madison.

Reporter: "A gang is currently in the process of a burglary in a shopping center in Station Square. It has been confirmed earlier that they are being led by notorious thief Fang the Sniper."

Sonic: "Fang's back, huh?"

Eddie: "Fang the Sniper?"

Madison: "He doesn't sound too friendly."

Reporter: "Police have just arrived at the scene and will attempt to stop Fang and his accomplices and rescue any civilians that may still be inside. We will bring you more details on this story as they arise."

Sonic: "You guys thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

Manic: "That we go down there and give Fang what he's asking for?"

Sonic: "You got it!"

Madison: "Wait a minute. I don't get it."

Li'l D: "They gonna go stop that Fang guy from robbin' that mall."

Madison: "Ooohhhh."

At the shopping center in Station Square, a few minutes earlier…

Amy, Cream, Mina, and Kim were just sitting down in the food court to eat lunch. They were sitting down when Philly Phil arrived carrying the girls' bags. Of which they had quite a few. He dropped the bags to the floor, then fell to the floor himself afterwards.

Philly Phil: "I may never understand what it is with girls and shopping."

Kim: "That was pretty fun."

Philly Phil: "That depends on your definition of fun." (stands up) "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find someplace that sells painkillers."

Philly Phil then walks away, leaving the girls to chat with one another.

Amy: "So Kim. What's it like in your world?"

Kim: "It's pretty cool. I live in this city called Atlanta and it is so much fun there. My friends and I can always find something to do, especially when Sunny's involved.

Cream: "Sunny?"

Kim: "He's our music teacher. We all attend the music program at Westley School of Performing Arts and he's our first year teacher. We're also hoping he gets to teach second year too."

Mina: "So you're a musician?"

Kim: "Yeah. We were on our way to a music contest when we ended up here. Philly Phil and I ended up with you guys and the others are who knows where."

Cream: "Don't worry, Kim. We'll help you find your friends."

Cheese: "Chao."

Kim: "Thanks."

Just then, the sound of a gunshot was heard not too far from where the girls were. The four of them turned around to see someone that looked like a gang of Mobian weasels walking forward from the entrance. One of them was standing by the entrance while the others went further into the mall. Then, one of them jumped onto a table and shouted.

Weasel: "This is a hold-up! Everyone down!"

The weasel had purple fur with white on his belly and his muzzle, from which a small but sharp-looking tooth was visible. He was wearing a brown cowboy hat, tan gloves with a metal plate on them, a brown leather belt with a gun holster attached, and brown and white boots. What everyone's attention was on though, was the gun he held in his hand.

Upon his command, the crowd of people standing around all dropped down to the floor. Of the four girls, Kim and Cream (with Cheese) dropped to the floor. Amy and Mina however, stayed standing.

Amy: "Fang the Sniper? What's he doing here? I thought he was in jail."

Mina: "Apparently, he got out."

Amy: "Well I'm gonna show him a thing or two."

Amy then took out her large Piko-Piko Hammer and ran towards Fang.

Kim: "Wait a minute. Where'd she get that giant hammer?"

Amy then jumped at Fang, who turned around too late and got pounded by Amy's hammer. Fang was sent flying into a wall, dropping his gun upon impact. However, he recovered and managed to stand back up.

Fang: "I knew it. Sonic's psycho wannabe girlfriend."

Amy: "Wannabe?! I am his girlfriend!"

Fang: "Yeah. Keep tellin' yourself that."

Amy then ran at Fang with her hammer. But this time, Fang was able to get out of the way in time. Fang was still unable to reach his gun as Amy came at him again. Finally, after a bunch of misses on Amy's part, she managed to get a hit, and Fang was sent crashing down onto a table. As Fang was pulling himself back up, he found himself in range of his gun again. With the pink hedgehog coming in for another swing, he dove for the weapon and grabbed it.

Fang: "Say good night, you smash happy…"

Before he could finish his statement, a blue bubble that seemed to appear out of nowhere surrounded Fang.

Fang: "What the?"

Fang pressed his gloved hand on the wall of the bubble, confirming that it was solid. He banged his fists on the bubble, hoping that it was brittle enough to break. This was not the case however as he was still trapped. He started kicking it, also to no avail. Finally, he shot at it, only to have the bullet bounce off and hit his ankle, making him scream in pain.

Fang: "AAAAAH! My leg!"

Everyone got back up to see that the criminal was trapped and wondered exactly how it happened. However, Fang's henchmen came to see what the commotion was about when they saw their trapped boss.

Henchmen: "Boss!", "What happened?", "What's this bubble thing?", "Who did this?"

Before they could even say another word, they were all trapped in force-fields of their own. They also tried break out of them but all attempts turned out to be unsuccessful.

All Amy and the girls could do was stare. They were glad that Fang was stopped but curious as to who it was that saved them.

Amy: "Wow. What happened?"

Mina: "This is weird."

Cream: "Those bubble just came out of nowhere."

Cheese: "Chao."

Kim: "Wait a minute. I know I've seen this before. I can't remember where or when though."

It was then that Philly Phil came in view of the group. He was holding an odd looking device that resembled a video game controller.

Philly Phil: "I came back when I saw Amy and that guy fighting. Good thing I had this force-field generator on me or something might have happened."

Mina: "Force-field generator?"

Fang: (to Philly Phil): "Wait. So, you're the reason I'm stuck here?!"

Philly Phil: "Pretty much, yeah."

Fang: "Lemme outta here now, goggle boy!"

Fang pointed his gun at Philly Phil and fired, forgetting about the force-field he was contained in. The bullet bounced off the wall of the force-field and shot into his uninjured leg.

Fang: "AAAAAH! My other leg!"

Mina then came up to Philly Phil.

Mina: "Thank you. This guy is pretty dangerous."

Philly Phil: "Well, you're welcome."

Mina: "I'm just wondering but where did you get that thing."

Philly Phil: (holding up the force-field generator) "You mean this? I had it with me. I'm sort of an inventor."

Mina: "Really?"

Philly Phil: "Yeah. I made this thing when I needed to hold something really big and really strong. It creates small force-fields that keep whatever is trapped inside in."

He then looked to see that Amy was standing by where Fang was trapped.

Amy: "Not so tough now, are you?"

Amy then brought her hammer down on the force-field, only to have it bounce back at her hit her in the face and fall to the floor.

Amy: "Ow. I'm okay."

Philly Phil: "And it keeps other things out."

Mina: "You'd probably be good friends with Tails and Rotor."

Philly Phil: "Who and who?"

Kim: "Now I remember where I saw this before."

Cream: "You've seen him use this before."

Kim: "Yeah, it was at this pageant at our school. There were huge elephants, and fires and peanut costumes, and nitroglycerin and… Oh, it's a long story."

Cream only made a confused look at Kim, while the dot over Cheese's head changed into a question mark.

Kim: "I'll tell you later. Right now, we should probably figure out what to do with these guys. (pointing at Fang and his henchmen)

Just then, the police enter the shopping center and approached the crowd.

Kim: "Guess that solves that problem."

Philly Phil then turned off the force-fields as the officers came to arrest Fang and his accomplices.

Fang: "I'm gonna get you for this, goggle boy! You're gonna get yours!"

The police then took away Fang and his accomplices.

Philly Phil: "That's not good. Hopefully, I'll be back on Earth before he can carry out what he says."

It was then that he heard applause and scattered cheering for thanking Amy and Philly Phil for stopping Fang from his attempted robbery. This was unexpected for Philly Phil, who had never done something like that before.

Philly Phil: "Okay, this, I can deal with."

To Be Continued…