Story: Task of Endymion

Chapter: Thirteen

Anime: Sailor Moon

Pairing: Serenity/Endymion

Rated: Teen

Author's Notes: I'm terribly sorry about the wait for this story as well as the impending wait for all the others. Enjoy.

Cerulean eyes fluttered open, the sunlight catching the specks of silver mixed in with the blue. Golden rays shined through the open balcony door where it gently lifted thin white satin curtains. The young woman beneath the golden sheets stretched her pale arms over her head, her back arching to get the stiffness to disappear from her limbs. A soft yawn escaped her slightly pink lips as she glanced around the room in confusion. Where was she?

Then, she remembered the previous night. Endymion had dinner served to her quarters instead of making her dine with him so soon, and she had fallen asleep after finishing a delicious meal made by General Nephrite himself.

The sleep had been one of the most peaceful slumbers she had experienced in months. She had felt so content beneath the covers of the finest silk on Earth, the bed being the perfect comfort under her body, and the room had been nice and cool, just the way hers had been at her Terrain home with her normal, everyday family.

There was a light tapping on the door, and small voice followed. "Your highnesses, I've come to help you dress for breakfast."

Serenity sat up in her bed, letting the covers fall down her chest. "Come in."

The large door opened just enough to let a couple maids inside, dressed in black and white uniforms. They two women curtsied respectably before glancing nervously up at the silver-haired maiden waiting patiently in the bed.

Serenity took it upon herself to be the first to speak. She smiled at the girls. "Good morning."

"It is, your highness," one said while the other nodded in agreement.

The princess smiled a sad smile. "There's no need to be afraid of me, girls. I won't hurt you."

The tinnier maid looked up bravely. "I don't mean to sound so bold, your highness, but you're-"

"-a Lunarian." The smile on the maiden's face faded, replaced by a melancholy look. "It still holds the same meaning even a millennium later." She shook her head in shame. "I'm sorry."

The two maids glanced at each other briefly before smiling back at the royal guest. With out a word, they walked over to the bed to help pull down the golden sheets. Serenity waited until her legs were uncovered to slide her legs off the mattress to set them on the plush white carpet. "This is a beautiful room, ladies. You'll give my regards to whoever is responsible for its design and upkeep."

"We will, your highness."

"Serenity, if you please, and thank you." Serenity lifted herself off the bed, and was shown the way to the bathroom to get dressed for the morning breakfast.


Walking down the seemingly glittering halls of the palace, Serenity lifted her white skirts as her feet tested the fine crystal floor. Servants passed her in the halls, keeping their heads down in cautious respect for the powerful Princess of the Moon, but even knowing their fears, Serenity greeted each one individually.

The two girls who had helped her maneuver around her bedroom this morning had offered to find an escort for her to take her to the breakfast room, but Serenity had refused, saying she would like to learn the palace on her own. As Serenity turned around another corner, she stopped, her eyes glazing over slightly. Walking down the same hall, his back facing her, was the king and he wasn't alone. A young, red-headed woman with an hour glass figure was walking next to him, keeping a very short distance between them. Her head turned to look at him, and the princess saw a flash of green eyes and a lightly tanned face.

She was beautiful; far more beautiful than Serenity believed she could ever be.

With a distressed sigh, the silver-haired young woman turned around to head the other direction. She didn't want to intrude on their conversation. Her presence was too noticeable.

But who could she be?


The sound of heels clicking against the floor sounded in the halls of the Golden Kingdom. Princess Serenity had finally made her way to the breakfast room, where two guards dressed in the colors of the kingdom stood firmly before the closed doors. The royal woman smiled gently at the men, her gold crescent sparkling, signaling exactly who she was. The guards bowed low before placing their gloved hands on the handles. The doors opened widely before the maiden, and warmth spread out into the hall.

Serenity smiled again at the gentlemen on her sides before entering the nicely heated room, but her feet froze in their next step when her gaze fell on the occupants of the table.

The moon princess gasped loudly, letting a surprised squeal out. Waiting beside their chairs, the four Inner Sailor Scouts stood proudly with anxious smiles on their faces. Serenity burst into the room, enveloping the nearest Scout into her arms. "Amy!" After squeezing the life out of the Mercurian, she ran over to the other four before finally finding herself in the arms of the Venusian, Mina. "Oh, my gosh! What are you guys doing here?"

Mina laughed a strained laugh. "Rena, do you mind? I'm having trouble breathing."

Serenity's eyes widened as she released her beloved friend and cousin. "Sorry! But h-how?"

"The king talked to the Moon Royals and they discussed you staying here until we believe the portals are safe for travel. The queen agreed with the exception that we would be sent down to be by your side respectfully." Amy grinned; something so unlike her quiet nature. "So here we are!"

A smile bigger than before broke out over the silver-haired princess' face. "That's wonderful! When did you get here?" Serenity had already started going towards her chair at the head of the table, her friends waited patiently until she had seated. Once they were settled in comfortably, the servants came forward with their servings.

"We arrived last night, but you had already fallen asleep," Lita said before stick a piece of ham in her mouth.

"And after what happened last night, we didn't want to wake you," Amy finished after swallowing some of her scrambled eggs.

Raye slammed her fist down on the table, making the servant filling her glass of orange juice jump. "I swear, Serenity, if we would have been there when you were attacked…"

Serenity held up a delicate hand, silencing the Martian. "I'm all right. The generals took care of it so there's no need to worry. It's over now." At the mention of the king's most trusted generals, the Scouts froze in their seats. Serenity looked at her friend's curiously. "You guys okay yourselves?"

Mina nervously tucked a stray piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Well…"

Lita twirled her fork around her plate. "You see, Rena…"

Serenity stared at her four friends in confusion but then the memories came rushing back like a waterfall. The princess' gaze faltered then glazed over as she remembered exactly why the four Scouts were so uncomfortable. "Oh!" Raye looked at the silver-haired woman, waiting for her to continue. Amy kept her face down, a blush already on her cheeks. "Oh! I completely forgot!"

Mina laughed slightly, a blush also rising up her neck. "You forgot." She glanced around at the others. "We surely didn't. As soon as the kingdoms were raised from the dead, all the memories came back as if they were like fire on our feet the entire time."

Serenity rubbed her eyes still astonished. "Really? How come none of you guys told me? I had forgotten everything concerning you four and the generals." At the Scouts silence, the princess leaned back in her chair, watching their reactions. All their faces were red. She looked around the room at the servants lining the walls. She smiled softly at them all. "Please, excuse us for a moment." The servants nodded, bowed quickly, and hurried out of the breakfast room.

Raye looked up. "Why did you do that?"

Serenity smiled at her friends. "You all still love them, don't you?"

I hope you liked what you read. Now, I'm planning on this story to have 20 chapters as of now, but I may be able to wrap it up in 15. Although, thinking about it, 20 would probably be the best path to choose since there's still a good bit to finish in this story.

I'm also writing a short story called Will You Be My Valentine. Here's the summary:

Valentine's Day is supposed to be full of love and happiness, but that's not the case for Darien Shields. It's the one day of the year he dreads the most. He not only gets reminded of the mystery of his princess' whereabouts but the tip of the rose does some things no one, especially him, would have expected.

Now, that's a rough summary so it may be changed to fit the word length or just get reworded completely. Whichever. I'm not posting anythiing until I write all the chapters, though. I don't want it to have the same fate as all my other stories.

As for TOE, consider this chapter my Christmas gift to the readers, seeing as how it was posted on Christmas Eve. Have a Merry Christmas every one! Reviewing could be your gift to me. Hint, hint.

