Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, although I do own a milkshake at the moment (It won't last long).

All Was Well:

Previously on 'Closer Than We Thought':

After what felt like an eternity the door opened and the nurse walked out, dying her hands on a towel. Quick as lightening Mustang and Al were in front of her with worried looks on their faces, trying to see into the room.

"He'll make it. He lost quite a bit of blood and I have no idea how he survived as long as he did, but he'll make a full recovery. Would you like to see him now? I think he might be waking up and I would hate for him to wake up and not have his friends with him." They nodded and she gave them a knowing smile, leading them into the room.

Ed was lying on a white bed with a mask over his face. He took long deep breaths, but he was breathing. The white bandages on his shoulder already had a bit of blood soaking through them. Al ran up to the bedside and got down on his knees, hands on the bedspread.

"Brother?" Ed's eyes flickered and he tilted his head over to look at Al.

"Hey there Al." Ed said weakly, a small smile on his face.

"Hey Fullmetal."

"Hi Colonel."

He was alive. He was going to be okay, make a full recovery. But who had attacked him? For now Roy would not worry about that. For now, all was well.

Ed took a deep gasp of pain as he tried to sit up in the infirmary bed. It had been three days since he had been attacked and he was trying to sit up for the first time in a while. Al and Roy had not left his side at all since he had been brought in, and, at the moment, Ed was thankful. He had woken up in a daze, and still did not remember all that had happened that day; he had been told that he was lucky to be alive.

"Brother, are you sure that you want to sit up? You don't have to, you know that right?" Al asked, looking worried even though he had no facial features to show it. Ed put on a strong face; despite the fact he was in immense pain.

"I already told you, Al, I'm fine. It's just a stomachache." Ed tried to prove his point by sitting up completely, only to give himself away by grimacing. Al pretend not to notice as he put a pillow behind Ed's back to help support him. "Did you call Winry?"

"Yes I did, she said that she'd be here today. In fact she should be at the train station by now, I just hope that Havoc will be there to pick her up on time." Ed nodded, Al had called Winry a few days ago to tell her what had happened and to ask her to come to East city and repair Ed's automail and port. She had asked to talk to Ed, but at the time he was in no shape for it, plus the fact that Ed wouldn't have appreciated having his ears yelled off.

"You know, Ed, you don't have to have the automail surgery again. You can quit the military and we can go back home with Winry…" Al started. He had been thinking this over ever since Ed had been brought in. He always put himself in too much danger and Al knew how much stress it caused him.

"I have to, Al. How will I be able to look for the Philosopher's Stone if I don't?"

"That's the point. I don't want you to look for it anymore it causes too much pain. I don't want you hurt anymore, brother." Al said looking down at the floor. Ed gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I have to, Al. I made you a promise, and even if you don't want me to I will keep searching for it. I owe you too much not to."

"So there's no way to change your mind?"

"Sorry Al. There isn't a way to break this promise." Al nodded.

"Winry should be arriving any time now. I'll go meet her and show her the way. I'll try and soften her up for you." Ed smiled.

"Thanks, Al." Al nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door, leaving Ed along for the first time in the past three days. Ed sighed. Al had yet to ask him who or rather what had done this to him. In fact, Ed didn't really know himself. All he could remember was a large black form coming at him and then… darkness. Hughes had come to visit a few times, but he had yet to ask any questions about what had happened. Ed could only guess that the military was giving him some time to recover before asking him about it. Ed jumped at the soft knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door burst open and with it a flurry of blonde hair.

A/N: I know it's not very long, but then again, it does explain a bit. I would like to thank the 25 people who reviewed the first story. If you want the next chapter of this one though, I would very much like to have someone review 'One In A Million'. I said I wasn't going to update anything until I got a review on it, and I'm keeping my word this time. Thanks for all the reviews ahead of time and I hope that you enjoy it!
