Disclaimer: All characters and events related to Meet the Robinsons are owned by William Joyce and Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Currently looking for Cover Art commissions.

Nothing is set in stone.

The right choices need to be made,

Or a life can change in a second.

The future depends on you…

Chapter One: Impossibly Possible

Wilbur sat on an old-fashioned wooden bench on a grassy area in the park, watching cloud formations go by. The city was so… "Underdeveloped," he mused. The future was so different than he remembered it to be. It was so disappointing.

He still wondered about the day his life got turned around. It was probably his fault. He probably messed up the time stream when he went back in time. Not only did he changed the future, but the past as well. Shutting his eyes, he went over the situation in his head once again.

One mistake caused his parents to break up. Which caused his mother to live a separate life from the Robinson family. Which caused his father to lose inspiration to built inventions he was suppose to build, including the time machines. In that case, he never got the chance to go back in time. Which meant that Lewis never met Wilbur.

The thirteen-year-old let out an exasperated sigh. This was so confusing! How could he remember going back in time when technically it never happened? He did at one time, right? He would have to think harder about fixing this dilemma.

Suddenly, his classmate and friend, Daphne Franks came walking up to the bench, and sat down next to him.

"So I heard that you moved in with your dad…" Wilbur nodded.

"Daphne," he breathed. "Would you think I was crazy if I told you that I had been time traveling?"

She thought hard for a few minutes, then answered, "Yep!" Wilbur pouted. He was being serious, and Daphne was acting as if it was a joke! Luckily, she caught on.

"Will, you've been acting weird these past few weeks… What's up, dude?" Wilbur frowned.

"Are you going to take me seriously if I tell you?" She nodded.

"Well, let me start at the beginning. I woke up one morning, only to find my life terribly different! I'm living in a tiny apartment with my Mom, I found out that both my uncles are in trouble, and the rest of my family didn't even know I was born!" Wilbur paused to take a breath, then looked up at the clouds again.

"What would you think if I told you that this wasn't our future?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked with confusion lingering in her features.

"I mean, what would you think if I were to tell you that there was more to this city than what you know of? What would you think if we could get around inside bubbles? Or had robots? Or even…"

"Travel in a time machine?" Daphne suggested.

"Yeah!" Wilbur said excitedly. Daphne turned away, looking forward.

"You're right," she said. "You are crazy."

"I thought you were going to take me seriously!" he growled irritably.

"And I am!" she said, snickering. "That doesn't mean I can't tease you!"

"You're, like, what?" he asked in annoyance. "Five or six months older than I am? Why do you have to treat me like your younger brother?"

"'Cause I love you like a brotha!" she said, putting an arm around him.

"We're getting off track," Wilbur said, brushing her off. "I really need your help with this. I have to find out why my parents split up, then I have to try to find a way to go back and get them back together!"

"Wilbur," she said in a bit of a sympathetic tone, "That's impossible…"

"No, it's not—" he protested.

"Hey," she said with a smirk. "I said it was impossible. I never said that I couldn't do it."

End of Chapter One

Author's Note: In If I Wasn't a Robinson, a lot of explanations never got resolved. Because those of you who reviewed, I decided to quickly write up a sequel that goes in depth of Franny and Cornelius' relationship, as well as Wilbur continuing his quest to find out and fix what happened. This is dedicated all to you!

2 October 2007