Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of the Character. I only own this story line.

Note 1: Thank you for all the reviews and more are always welcome.

Note 2: Sorry it took me a while to finish up the story but school is really becoming a pain. But here is the end of the story and I hope you enjoyed it.

Warning: One swear word is spoken that may not be appropiate for all kids.

The Brothers went up the stairs to the attic and started to look up information on Krake. Wyatt went to the book and Chris sat in a chair. After a couple of seconds an idea occurred to Chris, he got up and went over to the book, and stood next to Wyatt. Wyatt gave him a puzzled look.

"I just want to try something," stated Chris as he raised his hands over the book of shadows and continued, "Krake… find me, Krake."

The pages of the Book of Shadows instantly started to flip viciously as if a gust of wind blew over the book. Seconds passed, the pages stopped and landed on the page with the information about Krake.

"Now that I'm going to miss," mentioned Chris, lowering his hands from over the book.

"Wyatt just rolled his eyes and began to read the book, "Middle level demon, uses other demons to do his bidding, and there's a vanquishing potion."

Both of them went over to the potion pot and began mixing ingredients.

"Did I tell you that the spell advanced, and gave me a new power?" asked Chris.

"You mean other than that blue slash that appeared downstairs?" replied Wyatt.

"That was an accident and you know it, and anyway yes. Things can pass right through me," stated Chris, and Wyatt had a confused look on his face.

"In the living room, before you came in, the demon caught me off guard when he appeared and threw an energy ball. Bit it didn't hit me, it went right through me and hit the wall," recapped Chris.

"What else can go though you?" asked Wyatt.

"I don't know anything I guess. Wh…" started Chris but Wyatt dropped one of the potion ingredients and threw a low voltage light ball. Chris threw his arms over his head and ducked.

Chris realized what Wyatt did right after and yelled, "What the hell was that for?"

"I wanted to see if it would work," explained Wyatt.

Chris just let it go and both of them went back to the potion, which was finished a couple minutes later with a small explosion. They filled two vials with the potion and each took one.

Now that's its all set, now how do we find him? We don't have anything to scry for him with," asked Wyatt.

Chris went back over to the book and reread the page on Krake. Chris read, "Hey Wyatt. It says that Krake gets his demons to sign a blood oath for loyalty to him. This means if we use the blood from the demon that blew up downstairs we should be able to find where Krake is."

They went downstairs and some of the blood from the demon that blew up in the crystal cage. After the collected the blood they went back up to the attic and began to scry. It took a few minutes to drop but finally did. Chris was over at the book of shadows rereading the information and Wyatt was at the map.

"Found him!" announced Wyatt. Chris closed the book and went over to Wyatt and the map. However, once Chris had made his way over to the table, about a dozen demons shimmered in. The brothers instantly turned to the demons. Wyatt sent a force wave but only three demons were vanquished because most of them shimmered in and out of the attic.

"Chris, look at the map and go. I'll get there as soon as I can," spoke Wyatt. Chris looked at Wyatt and was shocked. This was the first time that Wyatt let him go after a demon by himself, at least the ones he has known about.

"Wyatt, you serious?" asked Chris as redirected an energy ball.

"You heard me. Go!" ordered Wyatt. It occurred to Chris then that Wyatt finally saw that Chris could handle himself and didn't need his protection all the time.

Chris dodged an energy ball as he got to the table and read where the crystal landed. He recognized it as a worn down old warehouse and orbbed out, leaving Wyatt to deal with the left over demons.

Chris appeared on the first floor of what was an old worn down warehouse. The second floor was what looked like a small balcony. There were piles of boxes that were left over from the closing of the warehouse.

Chris looked around for Krake but there was no sight of him. Chris started to see if he could hear any thoughts of anybody that was in the room, if there were any.

'Finally it's about time they came for me' heard Chris. Chris tried to be more focused to find out where Krake was hiding.

Krake appeared between two of the stacks of boxes and said, "Well this is a disappointment."

"What is?" asked Chris, who wasn't that enthralled about getting an answer.

That the twice blessed didn't come, I mean with him here this would gave been a challenge. But since it's just you, this should be easy," told Krake.

Chris was angry and his anger was still rising. He was always compared to Wyatt and was tired of hearing it. The more Krake talked the more enraged Chris became.

"I guess I'll just kill you now, and go to you brother after. For a real challenge," mentioned Krake.

Chris had had it with Krake and flung his hand. The blue slash appeared and increased with speed as it got closer to Krake. As it hit Krake, he faded and disappeared. Chris knew that that Krake was only a decoy and the real Krake was still in the building. He closed his eyes and focused to see if any thoughts could be heard.

Chris heard a faint voice; he thought it had to be far away, possibly on the balcony. Chris decided to call him out and began to shout so he could hear him, "What's wrong Krake?! Afraid of a regular witch, I'm not even the twice blessed and you hiding! What does that say about your strength?"

Chris waited for a short time until he saw an energy ball coming at him. He redirected it at a pile of boxes. As soon as that one hit the boxes, another energy ball came from the other side of the room. As Chris redirected second energy ball, a third one came from the middle of the room.

When the third energy ball was coming towards Chris, Krake appeared on the opposite side of the room. While Chris redirected the energy ball Krake threw five energy balls simultaneously. Chris ducked and the energy balls went right through him and hit the wall behind him. Just as before Chris began to lose his pattern but then solidified. Krake though that Chris was pull the same trick on him that he had done to Chris.

"Where's the real one of you?" asked Krake.

"You're looking at him," stated Chris with a smirk on his face.

"I know when I'm being fooled," rebutted Krake.

"Believe what you want," told Chris.

Krake threw energy ball after energy ball insisting on making the fake Chris disappear. Chris just redirected them and then shouted, "NOW!"

Krake looked around the room and up to the balcony to see if there were any signs of movement. As Krake was busy, Chris quickly reached for and grabbed the vanquishing potion. The potion made contact with Krake and he stated to enflame and eventually blew up. Chris gave a sigh of relief and orbed out.

Chris orbed into the attic to see if Wyatt had gotten rid of all the demons. Chris found Wyatt peacefully relaxing in the attic awaiting his arrival.

"So? How did it go?" asked Wyatt.

"Actually it was easier than I thought. He thought I was a clone," recapped Chris.

"You serious, why?" Wyatt asked again.

"I guess it's because of that new spell power. You know the one that allows stuff just to pass right through me. So I shouted, now, as a distraction and vanquished him. It was so simple," stated Chris.

"Glad to hear it. Stay here in the house until tomorrow, okay. We don't want to take the risk of anymore powers developing, especially in public. I'll take care of P3 tonight; you just stay here and relax for tonight, said Wyatt.

Chris knew where Wyatt was coming from, so he agreed. The next day came and Chris' new found spell powers vanished the same way they came. The brothers schedule became the same as it was before; trying to live their ordinary lives and vanquishing demons in the process.