Alright! What you've all been waiting for, the final chapter! I hope you guys like it! Thank you all for reading this far and putting up with me, just kidding! Seriously though, enjoy!



Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Please review!

It began to pour as Sakura ran out of the school and into the streets. Cars beep as she amazingly ran across the streets without getting a scratch.

She stopped running and looked up at where she was… of all places she was there…

It was her old house.

Blindly she ran across the front lawn and as she cut the middle she tripped over a fallen branch and landed in the mess of leaved, mud, and dirt. The lawn was never cleaned, since no one lived in this old home.

Apparently no one wanted to live there after the incident of her family's death. Most of the population knew Sakura's parents very well, so they never tried to sell it.

Now this house with so many memories is now broken and abandoned. The same way Sakura felt many times in her life…

Covered in mud and murky leaves, Sakura walked up to the front door with tears streaming down her face. The thunder boomed, lighting up the now dark sky.

As it flashed her face, dirty and tear-stricken was also revealed in the light, but then gone as darkness overcome the brief flash.

"Sakura!!!" Sasuke shouted once he was pulled out of his daze thanks to the yells calling Sakura

Everyone looked worried sick for the girl. The girls of the group felt bad for Sakura, if that ever happened to them they didn't know what they would do.

Probably they'd run away like Sakura did – No, they knew that's what they'd do.

Sasuke was about to run after when a hand was placed on his shoulder, holding him back.

"She needs space" his best friend said shaking his head

The Uchiha roughly shrugged him off and went to a secluded corner of the room and his friends let him be knowing he needed space as well

He felt a gaping whole in his heart and he knew what was missing.


He lost her… again. Maybe this time he won't get her back.

He shoved his hand in his pocket screwing his eyes shut as if in pain, which he was but not physically. Then he felt something, a soft velvet box.

He opened his eyes.

'I forgot that' he thought sadly

He had turned 18 and was of age for it. He flicked the box open and there glimmered a beautiful gold engagement ring with a diamond incrusted, around it were four smaller emeralds.

He stared at it with longing.


He snapped the box shut and clenched his eyes shut once again. She was the one he knew he wanted – needed to spend his life with.

Right after Graduation he would marry her.

And she was snatched away from him just when he almost had. When he was about to propose. All because he fucked up big time.

He knew he'd be tied to Kasumi now. She has his kid and there's nothing he can do about it. Or at least that's what he thinks…

Kurenai on the other hand was shocked at what she heard. She was one of the people who anticipated Sasuke and Sakura getting together and now to see them being broken apart…

Kasumi… she never liked that brat. It must be her fault, she must have planned this.

The class was bustling with whispers about Kasumi, Sasuke, and Sakura. The group on the other hand was silent.

Kurenai sighed.

"…Alright class let's get back to work. Settle down" Kurenai said with authority

At lunch break Sasuke sat with his back leaning against the Sakura tree. He leaned his head back against the bark and stared at the sky which was still grey and he was getting soaked.

The Uchiha didn't care.

He just sat there clutching the velvet box in one hand.


He turned his head lifelessly to look at Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, Ino, Ten-Ten, and Hinata. They also stood in the downpour looking down at him.

".. go inside. You'll get sick" he said emotionlessly

"what happened to you Sasuke?" asked Ten-Ten

"… the only person I ever loved as more than just a friend was ripped away from me… because I screwed up again" He said as he turned his head to look at the sky

"When Sakura was here you would never be so… emotionless, cold, and lifeless. This isn't you" Neji said scowling


Naruto caught some gold lining glimmering as the thunder boomed and lightning struck. He focused his gaze on the velvet box in his best friend's hand.

"you were gonna propose…" he stated more than asked

Sasuke's free hand clenched into a fist. Everyone else was shocked yet happy that he would, but their faces fell when they realize he could never propose now that he is stuck with Kasumi.


Then Shikamaru whipped his head to look at Sasuke with a calculating gaze. Everyone looked at the Nara expectantly.

"Kasumi… women don't always get knocked up on their first time. It's possible that she lied." Shikamaru said

Hinata shook her head.

"I saw Kasumi. She's pregnant for real."

"it may not be Sasuke's kid" Shikamaru spoke up again "she could have used some guy with the same physical traits as Uchiha like hair and eye color so when the kid was born he'd look like Sasuke at first glance"

"that's a possibility, the girl is a conniving little bitch. No doubt she would come up with something like that" Neji nodded in approval

When Sasuke heard he snapped his head up to look at Shikamaru.

'that's right. There's still a chance…'

Sasuke shot up from the ground bolted for his car in the school parking lot. The remaining others shot each other a look and took off for their own cars.

After looking at the front door for so long Sakura finally raised a trembling hand and slowly turned the doorknob open.

The door swung open with a creak and Sakura timidly stepped inside dripping wet. The ceiling leaked and the house was in complete darkness.

She looked to her left to see a set of stairs. Climbing them she found a door to her right once she reached the top and was met with a dark hallway.

She knew this place all to well.

She opened the door and pressed the switch. The lights flickered on and off.

'I would have thought they cut the electricity already.' Sakura thought

The light revealed a soft light pink room with a small white bed. There was a small dresser and a closet next to it. A small vanity was set next to the dresser and there was a brown chest at the foot of the bed with a lock securing it.

Sakura walked through the dust covered room and to the vanity. She wiped the dust away with the sleeve of her soaked sweatshirt and stared at her reflection.

"I look like a mess" Sakura chuckled bitterly

She walked to the dresser next and opened the top drawer to see clothes way to small for her and a key. Taking it she turned to the chest and stuck the key in the lock, twisting it open and then pulling out the key.

She held the key in her hand and with the other Sakura lifted the chest open and looked at the things inside.

Her diary, a photo album, several cards from Sasuke and Naruto, and many more. Sakura sighed distantly as she reached for the album and flipped the cover open.

It was a picture of 9 year old Sakura sitting against a Sakura tree Naruto and Sasuke leaned on either side of her and the tree with a big smile.

Sasuke stepped out of his car and ran to the house in front of it. He was about to break down the door when he heard talking inside. The gang followed behind and listened under the rain and thunder.

"I did what you wanted. Now I want what I came here for" a male voice said

"you want a prize for sleeping with me? HA! You enjoyed it!" A female voice replied


"I don't deny that" he sounded as if he was smirking "but I don't enjoy being used to impregnate you."

'so it wasn't me…' Sasuke thought wide eyed as relief showered him

Naruto and Neji kicked down the door just to see Sai (a student that goes to their school) and Kasumi sitting on a couch in the living room.

Kasumi looked shocked while Sai looked at the 7 bored.

"SAI?!" Shouted most of the group

Sai scowled.

"I'm expecting the money later" he said then shoved the 7 away from the door as he left

The seniors looked at Kasumi with hatred. The girl was wide eyed.

'they know' she thought defeated

"you tried to frame me, why?" Sasuke said shaking with anger

"why?!" she asked incredulously "you are her happiness and to get even with that bitch I'll destroy any chance of her being happy! Her father killed my own!"

The people in front of her seethed.

"people like you make me sick" Naruto surprisingly spat "you're lower than scum!"

"now that we know the truth than your 'plan' is already ruined" Ino growled

Kasumi smiled, she had an almost insane look on her face.

"So what if you found out?! That bitch will die soon. I've already planned it, she's in the place you least expected her to be. Let her burn in hell! And you know the best part? She dies thinking the one she loves most now has a child with the one she always hated" Kasumi laughed maniacally

Sasuke ran out of the house in search of Sakura. Hinata walked up to Kasumi as the others followed Sasuke.

"you know what? Sakura-chan never really hated you. She always felt you hated her and she doesn't even know why…" Hinata let her words sink in and ran after the others

Kasumi remained there with a solemn face. She never knew that. If she did then maybe… She and Sakura could have been friends.

She always thought Sakura hated her form the beginning after Sakura's father killed her own. Sakura acted as if it never happened and Kasumi thought she was playing innocent. Now Kasumi knows that Sakura never even knew her father killed someone.

And after all the shit she put Sakura through. The girl doesn't even hate her. She just feels hated, but doesn't hate.

Then she remembered Sakura was in danger.

"SAKURA!" Kasumi yelled as she ran out of her house and jumped in her car

'please be okay' Kasumi prayed

Sakura never deserved what she'd been through.

The frustrated Uchiha slammed the brakes as another red light stopped him from saving the girl he knew half his life.


He looked next to him and saw Kasumi. Disgusted he turned away.

"listen to me Uchiha! If you want to save her then go where I tell you!!" Kasumi yelled with determination

Sasuke looked at Kasumi about to ignore her when he saw honesty in those eyes. He nodded and flipped his cell open dialing some numbers.

"Naruto, I got the place"

Kasumi smiled and prayed they'd make it in time.


The thunder crashed so loud Sakura let out a small scream and the power went out. She dropped the key and album into the chest. She whipped her head around as she was on her knees to see lightning flash and the vanity light up.

Her eyes went wide at what she saw.

The vanity reflected the window behind her and at that window was a very pale snake like man with long black hair. He had and insane look on his face as something oozed on the window

Darkness again.

She thought about what it could be then something dropped on her hand from the ceiling. Instead of rain drops leaking a dark and murky color leaked instead.

"what is that?" Sakura thought out loud

Suddenly it dropped on her hand.


Her eyes widened as she stood up abruptly causing the chest to clamp shut on her skirt. It clicked locked as Sakura's eyes widened even more, her face portraying horror.

She tugged on her skirt to get free as she felt heat. It was too hot.

Tears began to form as she tried to cut the fabric, but the material was too tough. She let out a piercing scream.

"no" Sasuke whispered as he saw a huge fire dancing in the storm

The fire in the same place Sakura was supposed to be. He sped up and slammed the breaks once he was right in front of the burning house. He saw his friends get out of the car as well.

Their eyes wide in disbelief and mixed emotions. The police surrounded the area and firefighters tried to put out the fire with water. The water somehow made the flame bigger.

Sasuke ran in shoving aside protesting officers. He ran through the burning apartment and followed the screams to a room.

He almost threw up at what he saw.

Sakura was stuck next to a chest locked on her skirt. She was scorched and all dirty and messy. He ran over and tried to help her pull it out.

"Sasuke" she whispered eyes wide

"I'll get you out" he said with tears coming down her face

She shook her head.

"it's no use"

He didn't listen and tried to use a knife to cut the fabric but no luck. He tried to lift the chest but his eyes widened as he noticed it was nailed to the floor.

"there is no hope for me Sasuke-kun"

"Sakura, I won't leave you"

"Sasuke you'll die!!!" she shouted and tried to push him away

Sasuke got on his knees and held her tight, his grip never loosening even as she tried to push him away. Sakura began to cry and sob when she couldn't get her love away.

She struggled to push him away so he wouldn't burn with her.

"SASUKE!!! THESE FLAMES WILL KILL YOU!!!" she cried hysterically

"I WON'T LEAVE YOU!!!" he shouted determined

He was set on it. He won't leave her.

"Sasuke-kun" she cried but he only held her

"the child is not mine, we heard them. They framed me" he said

He pulled out the velvet box and took out the ring Sakura stared in tears as he put it on her finger. The flames already caught their clothing.

"aishiteru Sakura-tenshi"

She choked on a sob "a-aishiteru Sasuke-koi"

This is how it ends…

The flames ate away their clothes and burned their skin. Both were burning alive but neither cared because if they were going they went together.

Sakura went limp in his hands slowly burning away as did he, but even if she was almost gone he held tight despite the hellish pain he was going through.

"I'm not leaving you."






I'm alive?

"she's waking up!"

"get the doctor, Neji"

"Naruto, get Sasuke!!"


Emerald orbs fluttered open at the sound of rushing footsteps.

"Sakura!" Most of the gang yelled in relief

"god you scared us!" Ino shouted as she hugged the breath out of Sakura

"Saki-chan!" Ten-Ten and Hinata cried as they also joined the hug

"she's alright" Shikamaru said with a small smile sitting on a chair

"she's strong" Neji smirked from his place against the wall


A blonde blur knocked away all of the girls to the ground as he hugged the pink haired girl who was still in a daze. Ino and Ten-Ten glared at him while Hinata giggled at his antics.

"you survived! I can't believe it!" Naruto shouted (ironic how he always says believe it)

When Naruto let her go Sakura moved her arms and legs. They were a bit numb, but not in pain. The rest watched her curiously.

"Why aren't i in pain? not that i'm complaining..." Sakura asked

"Sakura-chan" Naruto whispered

"you were out for half a year" Neji finished with his eyes closed

Sakura looked around and spotted a mirror on her bedside table. Everyone watched as she picked it up.

She couldn't believe it.

She didn't spot a single burn on her body.

"how?" she asked

"the clothes were the ony thing that burned and there wasn't much damage to the skin so it pretty much healed. We managed to get there in time and pull out the floor boards from under your room and we pulled you two out of there. At first we couldn't pull the boards open and then the boards just suddenly snapped in half and the chest along with you guys fell in. It was pretty close, a second later and you two wouldv'e been toast" Shikamaru replied

"SASUKE! where's Sasuke-kun?" asked Sakura worriedly

"i woke up weeks before you koi"

The girls standing before Sakura stepped aside and revealed the infamous Uchiha. He stood there with a small smile. Despite her numb body Sakura jumped at Sasuke making them both crash to the floor. Sasuke chuckled and Sakura smiled at him peacefully.

"it was a miracle" Sakura whispered

"we have people looking after us" Sasuke said in her ear as he rubbed the engagement ring on her finger

Sakura looked out the window catching a faded glimpse in the wind before it vanished.

'you guys are the best' Sakura thought

Not only did Sakura feel the ghostly presence, but so did Sasuke and he smiled.

'arigatou Itachi, Okaa-san, Otou-san' he thought as he glanced out the window in the corner of his eye

Outside the hospital a small distance away the wind whipped around leaves and for a split second two families stood side by side, smiling at the remainder of thier family. They watched the raven haired boy help the pink haired girl up.

His mouth moved and everyone looked shocked as he got on his knees saying four words. The pink haired girl cried tears of joy and pulled him up into a loving embrace saying one word as eveyone clapped excited for the couple.


So i added a bit to th end. Is it bad? I tried to warm up the ending for you all. Please review and no flames, but just tell me if i should change it a bit, k k?

Oh and the poll results are in! So no more voting!

Little Miss Seductress - 21

Unexpected Betrayl - 11

My Little Secret - 10

Suicidal - 7

Opposites Attract - 4

One or the Other - 4

And the winners are Little Miss Seductress and Unexpected Betrayl! I'll get started on L.M.S (Little Miss Seductress) first and then U.B. (Unexpected Betrayl) when i'm done with my other fic, k k?

Anywayz, Whoo hoo! I finished! And for those of you who want me to get started on L.M.S you'll have to wait a bit. I'm gonna take a short break, sry!
