Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. That right there is proof that Santa is FAKE.

Rating: Definitely a T.

A/N: It's getting closer and closer! Halloween, (and the Halloween ep. For that matter!) and I can't wait! It is my favorite holiday, and of course, I had to write a Bones story involving it. Sexy costumes, humour, and a definite pairing. HUGE thanks to my lovely wonderful beta, Clare. One of the most awesome-est people I know! hugs

Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me what you thought!

October 20th 2007. 10:37 A.M.: Dr.Brennan's Office

'Come on Bones, just take it!' Booth argued. He shoved a pumpkin carved with what Dr.Brennan thought was a distorted and horribly inaccurate face in her direction. 'It will go perfectly with those plastic skulls on your shelf.'

'Plastic?' She asked wearily.

'Did Angela put these here?' Booth asked, obviously not having heard her, and walked over to what he thought looked like an awfully lifelike display of human skulls and picked one up. 'These are pretty realistic! I wonder where Angela got them…'

'Hey!' Brennan protested. 'Put him down! He's not just one of Angela's silly decorations.'

Booth almost dropped it from his hands. 'Argh!' He quickly shoved it back onto the shelf. 'Jesus Christ, Bones! Next time at least tell me I'm about to touch a dead person before I actually do it!' He shuddered and backed away.

Brennan simply rolled her eyes and returned to typing rapidly on her keyboard. 'Booth,

I've got to continue working. Please stop disturbing me and take that gigantic vegetable with you' she said, using her chin to point to the Jack-O-Lantern Booth had brought in.

'Don't you want it? Come on! Get into the spirit of Halloween!' Booth proceeded in making odd noises, his eyes wide, and wiggling his fingers in a ghoulish manner.

Brennan cringed. 'Have you gone mad?'

Booth stopped after a while when he saw that Brennan was trying very hard to ignore him, looking slightly hurt. 'No, I just really like Halloween. It was my favorite holiday as a kid besides Christmas…'

Temperance didn't look very surprised. She knew why kids loved Halloween. Dressing up, getting candy from kind, but complete strangers…She still remembered dressing up as fairy princesses, and witches…and coming home with pillow cases full of candy, then sorting out the Oh Henry's from the rest of her loot. She had never liked Oh Henry's. Her mom had always eaten them for her.

Booth frowned. 'Uh…Bones?' he said cautiously. She had a far away look in her eyes.

Brennan snapped out of it. 'Huh? Yeah, I'm here…You know what? I'll keep the pumpkin. Thanks' she smiled warmly at him.

'Anytime Bones…Parker made it especially for you! Well, for 'Dr. Bones' who I assumed was you…'

He shot her a knee-weakening smile, and left her office.

Damn that Smile…

October 20th 2007. 1:40 P.M: The Jeffersonian

Zack Addy strolled into Temperance's office hoping to tell her his newfound findings.

'Dr Brennan, I found marks on her ulna suggesting that the killer attempted to cut off--

Zack stopped mid sentence when he realized that Dr.Brennan had not yet returned from her meeting with Cam. Who he found instead, was her best friend, and forensic artist, Angela Montenegro standing on a chair, sticking up foam jack-o-lanterns, and orange and black streamers around the spacious office.

Angela slowly turned around on her chair, with a decorative gourd in her hand, and tried not to look guilty. '…Hello Zack!' She flashed him a million dollar smile.

Zack frowned. 'Does Dr.Brennan know you've been decorating her office?'

Angela shook her head, and threw him a bag of jelly beans 'Think fast'

Zack was unable to catch with such short notice, and the candy hit him squarely in the chest, and then fell to the ground. Zack frowned once again. 'Giving me candy won't make me not tell Dr.Brennan you're turning her office into…into…this. He waved his hand around the room in a sweeping motion.

'And is that supposed to be a skeleton? It's highly inaccurate.' He finished his voice disapproving. He looked and pointed at a paper skeleton that was hanging in a corner. He looked back at Angela and smirked. 'She's going to be pissed…I'm telling!'

Angela stuck out her tongue at him. 'Spoilsport'

Zack bent down, picked up the jelly beans, turned around and started inching slowly towards the door. 'Thanks for the candy!' he replied smugly.

He didn't have to look far to find her. In fact, he didn't have to leave the office at all. Tempe was walking rapidly towards them, after having run into Hodgins on her way to the platform, who had spilled Angela's plan to 'pimp' her office, as he had put it.

'Uh-oh! Here she comes! Bye!' Zack said giddily, and popped a purple candy in his mouth, with a final wave good-bye.

Zack and Dr.Brennan were bent over the lower part of the victim looking for more marks, when Zack suddenly asked 'Do you know what costume you are wearing to Hodgins Hallows Eve Bash?'

'No. Angela is supposed to take me costume shopping tomorrow.' Brennan replied without lifting up her head.

'Angela said I would make a cute wizard…something about dressing up like someone named Henry Potter…?

To be conitnued!

Well?! I know this chapter is sorter short, I promise the next ones will be longer! How is it so far? Did you like it? Completely hate it? Should I just totally leave it to rot, or continue to post the remaining chapters? Constructive criticism or even flames, accepted! Mr. Button will giggle if you click and review. I double dare you to do it!
