Left Behind

Disclaimer: I do not own Narnia or its characters. They belong to C.S. Lewis.

A/N: I would appreciate any reviews or comments. ;) They make me very happy. This story begins the night of dinner of the Seven Friends of Narnia in the Last Battle.

--Chapter 1--

Susan Pevensie stood in front of her full length mirror, primping her hair and putting on the final touches to her makeup. Finally satisfied, she stepped out into the big living room that was just outside her room.


Peter had been waiting to ask her something all day. She had felt him watching her since that morning, just waiting for the right time. Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Jill were scattered around the living room, trying to look disinterested; Susan knew otherwise.

"What is it?" she replied with an impatient glance at her wrist watch. She didn't need to ask. She knew what was on her brother's mind.

"The Professor and Aunt Polly have asked us over for dinner tonight. Would you…"

Peter stopped at the expression on his sister's face and the cold chuckle that sprang forth from her lips.

"Don't tell me you're still trying," she stated icily.

"Trying what?"

"Oh, you know, trying to get me to go to one of your 'Narnia' dinners. I don't have any use for them."

"Now look, Su," Edmund began, getting up from his chair; Peter stopped him.

"Why won't you come with us?" he asked gravely.

"Because!" she exclaimed angrily, waving her hands about. "I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore! I have my own life! I have a job, a boyfriend—"

"Yes I know, but—"

"Look, Peter, all of you," Susan said, glancing around at the others who were all looking at her pleadingly, "I'm sick and tired of you asking me to join your little fantasy club. Why would I, of all people, want to spend my time with my insane siblings, a couple of crazy old people, and my bratty cousin and his girlfriend?"

"Jill isn't my girlfriend!" Eustace said through clenched teeth.

"I should say not!" Jill added, nodding vehemently. Susan raised her eyebrows, and shook her head at them.

"Oh really?"

Jill and Eustace both blushed and looked away.

"Honestly, Su," Lucy cut in, sending a compassionate glance her cousin's way, "Why can't you leave them alone? Won't you just come with us tonight?"

Susan looked around the room in disgust.

"I really don't know why you must persist in believing in that imaginary country. It's all pretend. You know it is, Peter. Why can't you see?"

"See what?" her brother asked stiffly.

"That those games we used to play when we were children were not real!"

"But they were!" Edmund said earnestly as he rose from his chair.

"Look," Susan said condescendingly, "Do you really think that we actually got into a magical country through a dusty old cabinet?"

"It was a wardrobe," Lucy reminded quietly. Susan glared at her.

"Whatever. Can't you see it was just our imaginations? It was all a game!"

"But Susan! Don't you remember Aslan? The Stone Table?" Lucy persisted.

"That was pretend, too. It was all a game. Especially Aslan." Susan said. They all stared at her in numb silence.

"How can you Susan?" Peter asked, horrified. "I would think that you would at least remember our last conversation with him. Don't you remember what he told us?"

"So what? That was in our imaginations too! It was all a dream! Not reality. Can't you see that?"

"Oh Susan!" Lucy exclaimed softly. She sunk down onto a nearby chair. "How much you are missing!"

"Not nearly as much as all of you are missing. Peter, you are twenty-three! You at least should be more grown up; more mature. Jill, Eustace; you two are sixteen! For heaven's sake, why can't you get real?"

"Narnia is our reality, Su," Peter said. All of the others nodded.

"Fine," Susan said icily, turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Peter said.

"Jon and one of his friends from the university are throwing a party. Tell Mum I won't be back till late."

"Su, they'll drag you down. You haven't been coming to church on Sunday. You don't know Aslan in our world. What if you die?" Edmund asked quietly.

"I don't care. Until I die, I'm going to live a comfortable life and not worry about imaginary worlds that don't exist."

And with that, Susan Pevinsie marched out of the room. Everyone let out a huge sigh, and Peter collapsed onto a couch.

"What am I doing wrong?" he asked absently.

"Nothing!" Jill said, her cheeks pink with anger. "You were perfect. Susan is just too stubborn to listen to the truth!"

"Somehow," Eustace said slowly, "I feel like we need to do more."

"What more can we do?" Jill asked. "We tried everything. She just won't listen!"

Lucy was almost in tears. "She said that Aslan was a dream! I never thought…"

"It's all right, Lu," Peter said comfortingly. Edmund stared out the window. No one really knew what to say.

"We need to pray," Edmund said, turning away from the window. "Aslan knows what's happening to her."

"Yes!" Lucy exclaimed, sitting up straight.

Then she fell to her knees beside the couch. Everyone bowed their head and closed their eyes.

"Oh Aslan!" Lucy murmured as the others waited in silence, "Help Susan remember the truth! Save your little lost child!"

To Be Continued...

To Be Continued……………..