My last fan fiction was very short because there's a sequel. Anyway, this one's gonna have alot of romance in it. I hope you like this one. I was reading a fan fiction which a prince falls in love with peasant who actually is a princess. I thought it'd be more interesting if a rich girl was in love with a street kid. Review please!!

You see in a very small town there were different classes in different areas. There was the high class with the big mansions and fancy decorations, middle class which were simple houses that were plain, and the low class which were small houses or apartments that were made of plain wood, peeled paint or no paint, and garbage was seen on the streets. You see walking down the streets was a girl that wore black fancy clothing. The top of the dress was black with a purple dot and the skirt part was black with green lines crisscrossing. She had purple lipstick and black eyeliner. Her parents were also filthy rich with fancy clothing. Pam wore a pink dress with puffed sleeves, a white lace on her turtle neck, and white gloves. Jeremy wore a black suite with a blue tie, black dress pants, and some dress shoes. The wealthy always showed their style of rich living. Sam was just getting peeved.

"Oh darling, isn't this beautiful?" Asked Pam with a warm smile.

"Oh yes, quite lovely," smiled Jeremy.

"Yeah, if you call some people looking at what styles we have, whoopie," said Sam sarcastically, but her parents weren't listening.

"Oh look, the beggars, what a silly way of getting money, too bad they're not as rich as us," smiled Pam as Sam looked annoyingly at the beggar and then sighed.

"Somebody throw me off . . ." said Sam sarcastically as she saw one particular beggar.

He was a boy around her age. His black hair was messy, but still raven black, his clothes were messy with dirt and dust, and he looked like he hadn't washed in days. He was messy, but yet he was like a glowing diamond. His blue eyes sparkled like the river glaring at the sun, his hair drifted along the wind, and his face was glowing. Sam smiled and then dug in her pocket as you see a fifty-dollar bill.

"I'm gonna give that poor boy a little something," said Sam as you see her parents ignoring her.

"Uh, oh sure honey," said Pam not paying attention.

Sam went up to the street kid. His face was a moping-like manner and he sighed as Sam dropped fifty bucks. He gasped and looked up seeing a dark dressed rich girl around his age. He looked at his cup, which had fifty bucks inside.

"Thanks," muttered the boy.

"Your welcome," smiled Sam as she sat by him, "who do you call yourself?"

"Danny, what about you?" Asked Danny.

"Sam," answered Sam, "very boring around here."

"Tell me about it," agreed Danny as somebody came by, "change please."

"I doubt if anyone's gonna give you money unless they throw you a couple of coins," said Sam.

"I know, it's just that this is the only way for me to get money. I'm not as rich as you or them," pointed Danny to Sam's parents.

"I know, I'm just saying," sighed Sam feeling a little embarrassed that she told him that, "so, do you live around here?"

"Oh, just over there," pointed Danny at an empty ally.

"Oh," said Sam.

Sam felt sorry for the way Danny had to live. It must've been pretty hard to live like that. She saw her parents were about to leave, so she got up.

"I gotta go, it was nice meeting you," smiled Sam, "how bout I come back sometime?"

"Sure I guess," sighed Danny who thought the girl was just some rich teenager who probably didn't care about folks like him and wouldn't even come back, so he didn't get his hopes up.