The sun came up and the rain ceased. The whole forest looked so peaceful, birds chirping in the tall trees. It still amazed Dean- the transformation that the world underwent when the sun rose. If he wasn't a hunter he could look at the scenery around him and believe nothing dark or evil had ever roamed these woods. He knew better, and the hard evidence was lying just outside the mine entrance waiting to be burned and buried. Sam had to be on his feet for that.

"Sammy?" Dean said softly.


"Good mornin', Princess." Dean teased with a soft smile on his face.

Sam opened much clearer, dark green eyes and sat up. Dean prepared to support him.

"I'm okay, Dean." Sam reached a hand to the back of his head. It took on its healing glow and the wound knitted completely. Sam focused more on his body and the ability, and his green glow turned white, radiating heat. The stitches caught fire, turning to ash and falling out. Dean stared on; amazed that Sam could focus like that. The stitches amidst his hair were the only thing affected by the heat. The glow subsided and Dean examined Sam's head.

"Not a scratch, Sammy." He pulled Sam to his feet. "Come on, we have a hole to dig and a fugly piece of crap to toast."

Sam laughed. "I'll let you do the honors of lighting the match. I get the impression that thing pissed you off."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

Twenty minutes later they had a dug shallow hole big enough to lay the Raskcanava in. Dean doused it with lighter fluid and tossed his Zippo into the hole. Flames jumped into the bright morning sky, the smell of burning hair making Sam and Dean take a step upwind from the hole. Sam took the lighter fluid from the pack and put some on the ground that had soaked up the Raskcanava's blood. He used the camping shovel to turn over a ring of dirt around the blood. Lighting a match from the pack in his pocket Sam burned the last traces of the Raskcanava.

Dean and Sam stayed where they were until the fire died out, leaving nothing behind but ash. They then filled in the holes, returning the leaf litter to an undisturbed state.

"Let's get the hell outta here Sammy. I seriously hate camping."

Sam laughed. "Yeah, me too." They made record time back to the Impala and stirred a cloud of dust as they pulled off the trail onto pavement. Dean floored the car and turned on the radio. Metallica roared through the speakers. Some Kind of Monster brought a smile to both boys' faces. They headed onto the next town and the next hunt.