Author's Note

March 2012

I wrote this five years ago-ish, at the age of 13. Now 18, and a greatly *I hope and pray* improved writer, I can see this as complete and utter shit. How I produced over 100,000 words of crap and still gain followers is beyond me. Many times I have considered taking this and its companions down. But I haven't and I cannot. This terrible beast helped me become the writer I am today, brought me to improve my style, grammar, etc. And for that I am grateful.

So, before you start the flaming: Yes, I know the characters are OOC. I know there are loads of misspellings, I know the plot it twisty and weak, I know, I know, I know.

I fully accept that when I wrote this, I was a young idiot trying out this site for the first time, unsure of the etiquette or even how to use Word.

But I'm not going to take this down. Heck, I'm never going to edit it. I've moved on, and I couldn't even begin to properly characterize Artemis anymore. I'm leaving it as it is, as a reminder of where I started, and how far I've come.

Now, back to 2007!

What the Voices Say

Morbid DramaQueen 10

This is my first fan fiction with chapters. I know, I promised to post the entire thing at once, but I'm having a slight writer's block on chapter five, so give me a break. Forgive me for making Artemis less brilliant than usual, but it's hard for me to express genius in a character.

As a note-I wrote this when I was TWELVE. I know it sucks. I know how awful it is. Trust, I know. And I would destroy it, for all you who read in two chapters, then tell my just how awful I am. But I'm keeping it as a reminder of where I started. So sue me.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Artemis Fowl, any characters in Artemis Fowl, etc. I also do not own the Arty-newspaper-ad idea in chapter five, that is Agivega's, from the fan fiction Artemis Fowl and the Aztec incident. It's a really good plot. You should read it. But not until you at least finish this chapter.

CLAIMER: The fraction of this that is not somebody's mentioned above is MINE. Not yours, not your relative's, not anyone's but mine. Please ask before you do anything involving it. And wait for an answer from moi. That is all I ask. For now. MDQ10.

She was the beautiful one. And the smart one. But that did not necessarily mean she was a planner. Or that shat she was organized. Sasha was the sister who had the plans and ideas. She took care of their jobs, getting the gigs, who to deal with and who to avoid, etc. Sophia worked out the kinks and security…the physical labor. As brilliant as the redhead was, she had a scatterbrained sense of business. The messy genius, keeping their laboratory in a contst

There business was on the shadier side of the law. Both girls believed that sometimes the wrong people had the right stuff and were a bit too greedy in their treatment of it. Certain actions must be taken to remind those people just how easily thing can be lost. Actions like robbery, forgery, scams. They were the perfect team.

Mostly Sophia was the distraction, or at the very least person on the other end of the head set and mike. Sasha assassinates the plot. Everything from computer hacking, document forgery to art robbery and identity theft, she figured it. Sophie didn't have the patience for computers of the like. She like physical action. Motion.

Sasha's current strategy was a bit extreme, not to mention complicated. Sophia had spent hours trying to memorize the blue prints before deciding to just ditch a few pointless steps and wing most of it. So at the very start of our story, we find Sophia on the roof of the biggest jewelry warehouse in the world, reading a map.

Twenty-one, pretending to be fearless, and about to make a grab for one of the largest topazes on the globe. If only she could remember which sky light she's suppose to go through.