Very well, this is my first fanfiction. I do not own Weiß Kreuz nor any of its characters…

English is not my native language, but I still hope that I haven't made too many mistakes.

If you like, tell me if you found some and I'd be glade to correct them.

Have fun reading!

Chapter 1: Frühstücksterz

Waking brought pain. First, when Crawford perceived the faint light falling through the half drawn curtains, he neither knew where he was nor what had happened nor exactly when he was. Being able to see the future (and not in a way that he was able to say everything he saw would take place on, say, that day, though that was usual) made it sometimes hard to place his own existence. Had what he remembered already passed or was it still to come? Was what he thought to be future, future indeed or already gone? It took him a while to work through his chronology.

Takatori was dead. That was certain. Schreient was dead, too (but Tot, alas). But were they to encounter Eszett or had they already? His eyes trace the sunlight back to the curtain. His alarm clock hadn't rung, the sun was already shining and his body was aching like hell. Additionally, there was still the taste of salt on his lips. So, he was very certain that that day he remembered had really already happened. Lucky him. Also, his surrounding wasn't the one he was used to. For a moment, he considered whether he should just turn around and sleep on. There wouldn't be much to do today, just planning to make sure that Eszett believed, they were dead and, most of all, hadn't killed the eldest… too much to do to turn around. Thus, he sat up and felt for his glasses which he placed slowly and carefully on his nose. He forced himself to wardrobe to dress and realized that dust was lying thick on every piece of furniture (to call two wracked beds, a wardrobe and a ruined desk furniture was quite an exhilaration). Maybe he could get the other members of Schwarz to clean the apartment. Maybe he had been knocked on the head or swallowed too much water. Oh, well. Possibly Nagi would do some cleaning and he might even be able to persuade Schuldig to clean the living room if he told him that spiders would otherwise start living there.

He tied his tie and left his room into a very quiet apartment, a bit slower than usually, but it wasn't easy moving quickly when every muscle in your body had to be forced to move.

The kitchen wasn't quite as quiet, even though Nagi was the only one awake.

"You are late! Who's going to drive me to school, anyway? The first lesson has already started!"

"You are not going. You drowned yesterday." Nagi would certainly like that. Why, he couldn't understand. He, Crawford, had always like school a great deal. But his classmates, that was. But it seemed that Nagi wasn't quite as eager to learn as he had been. He was only up because he knew, he would be in huge trouble with Crawford if he wouldn't rise in time.

"The living-room needs some cleaning and so does the bath and everything else." Crawford observed helping himself to a mug, considering the boy's mood couldn't get worse anyway.

A smile boarded on Nagi's face. "Cool! I'm going to do the bath if I can do what I want for the rest of the day!"

Crawford considered only a second. He hadn't thought it would be quite as easy to convince the boy. There could be only one reason. A very noisy and tether straining one. Tot. "I don't think so."

Nagi directed a teapot through the midair towards his mug, looking at him rather begging. "I am going to do the kitchen, too!"

Crawford reached for the now filled mug and caught it. "Clean both and you may do whatever you want for the rest of the day."

Nagi grinned, in triumph, the teapot hovering slowly backwards

"But leaving the apartment and least of all contacting Tot. And if you let that teapot drop, you are also going to do the living room." He turned to his tea fancying himself happy that Nagi had only the talent of telekinesis, not of killing with his eyes. Not yet.

The teapot hit the table a bit harder than Crawford knew Nagi would have been capable of. He considered a moment whether he should comment but decided not to as the door hit the wall in the same second with quite a big bang, Schuldig was standing in the doorway.

"Good morning!", he grinned, as usual in a good mood and in an even better one as Crawford had jumped when the door had hit the wall. "You jumped!"

The clairvoyant looked at him, crossly. "If I bothered to foresee every fooly of yours I wouldn't even find time to eat!"

"Uh! Bad mood, this morning, haven't we?", the telepath grinned with a look at Nagi and propelled a bag of rolls onto the table. "Breath! Laugh! We are alive!"

Crawford's eyes, on their way back to his tea, caught the bag. "What's that?"

"Rolls? Why do you look so pissed, Nagi? Shouldn't you be at school?" Of course, Schuldig was teasing Nagi, knowing perfectly well that the boy didn't like school too much.

"Where did you get them from?" Crawford, suspicious. Maybe he should have indeed taken a closer look at the future before rising. But who could know that Schuldig would for once be up before him… well, he could.

"Crawford told me not to phone Tot, that's what's wrong, Blödmann!" All of them had learned German when they had been to Bavaria.

Schuldig grinned. "Guess he foresaw her answers! – Would 've acted the same way, Crawford!"

"Where did you get these rolls from?!" Crawford was quite at the end of his tether now; he hated being ignored and he hated even more being caught by surprise.

In the same moment the door to the apartment slammed close and Nagi jumped, stopping in the mid sentence of talking back to Schuldig in a very rude way (which he would have had anyway by the look Crawford gave him. But the door helped).

Schuldig rolled his eyes. "From the grocery, of course!"

Farfarello entered the kitchen, carrying a big back with food, not without difficulties for it was filled to the top. Schuldig grabbed a newspaper from it and threw it onto the table in front of Crawford who lifted his mug just in time. "I even thought of your newspaper." Schuldig seemed to be very satisfied.

"You could have carried something, too!", complained Farfarello.

"The grocery?!" Crawford looked at him in disbelieve. "Did your brain drown yesterday?!"

Schuldig was obviously offended. "You complain that we never do anything and if we do, you are pissed!"

"But I won't help you to put them away", Farfarello went on. "… being selfish hurts god."

"Have you ever considered thinking before doing something?"

"If you don't like it, why didn't you prevent it?!"

Meanwhile, Farfarello was looking at the knives in the cupboard, bored by the argument and Nagi was listening.

Crawford pushed up his glasses, quite enraged by now. He would certainly not admit that he had been far too exhausted yesterday to see anything. Not to mention that he still felt wasted. "I had hoped you would consider our situation before – going out for groceries!"

"Well?! Eszett will conclude that we escaped and the eldest didn't." Schuldig shrugged. "Why should they suppose it was our fault?"

"They will not be pleased that we didn't give our lives to save them, will they, Crawford-san?" Nagi interrupted.

Both Schuldig and Crawford turned around to Nagi.

After a moment, Crawford stood up, slowly, but still too quick for his hurting muscles. He was irated but considered for a moment; he hadn't had a vision that had warned him about anything dangerous. Not today and not for the next few days. And, yes, it would have been a difficult task to hide their survival from Eszett. Impossible, nearly. But still, he hated it when his plans were disturbed or even destroyed in such a way as Schuldig had just managed and just in this moment he would have liked to shoot the telepath. Thus, he would have to turn to plan B: Run from Eszett as long as possible and taking advantage of the possibility that – how slight the chances might ever be – they would not come to know about Schuldig's and Farfarello's shopping tour too soon. Which they didn't seem to.

Schuldig had obviously taken his point for he did not say anything but still looking upset.

For a moment, the only sound in the room was Farfarello trying out how sharp the knives were. ("God doesn't like blood.")

Crawford turned to the window, trying to control his anger. "It will take Eszett some time to reorganize and one or two days more to be after us. That should give us enough time to leave Japan, anyway." He turned around, the light of the young sun glittering on his glasses. "But I don't think, we have much time to loose."

Silence for a moment.

"I don't think we would have had much time to loose anyway…" Schuldig tried apologetically.

Crawford shrugged, leaning against the window, his calm returning. "Probably."

Silence again.

"So there is no need to clean the house?" Nagi asked hopefully.

A small smile around Crawford's lips. "You wish. Farfarello is going to do the kitchen as he will have to clean away his blood, anyway."

Farfarello stopped with the knife not yet pushed into his skin.

"Schuldig, I don't suppose you thought of cleaning things, did you?"


"I thought so. You'll do the living room."

"We will move out anyway!"

Crawford didn't even bother to answer, while Nagi had already turned the radio on so that any conservation was drowned. Crawford took a plate and a knife from the cupboard and sat back down, his tea being close to cold by now.

Schuldig gave him a sullen look, but supplying himself with the same things plus a cup to sit down next to Crawford. Farfarello had put the knives away and was now sitting down opposite of him.

"May I phone Tot now?" Nagi asked.

Schuldig laughed, reaching for the butter from the bag. "Don't you blush at your thoughts?"

Nagi blushed. "Stop it!"

"Don't worry. I won't tell the others. Or will I?"

"Leave the boy, Schuldig." Crawford, already hiding behind the newspaper, but not as if he cared.

"Don't be such a bore, Brad!"

"It is Crawford."

For a moment everyone was busy chewing.

"What is he thinking?"

"You are interested, Farfarello?"

"God does not like sinful thoughts."

"Well, then I will tell you, I think…"

The teapot Nagi had taken control of was now hovering above Schuldig's head. "If you say anything, I will let it drop!"

"Be careful, Nagi, that is our only teapot", Schuldig grinned.

Crawford had to hide a smile; life was very much back to normal.

"What has he been thinking, now?" Farfarello asked again. Maybe to tease Nagi, too. (Teasing children hurt god, too, and by the way was fun.)

"That he is going to eat jam next!" Schuldig laughing loudly that his prank had worked out once again.

"Arschloch!" Nagi dropped the teapot far enough that some of the liquid fell onto Schuldig's hair.

"Du Arsch! Leave my hair!"

"I warned you!" The teapot landed safely back on the table.

Silence for a moment, the radio playing another song.

"And? What's up in the world?" Schuldig asked when the silence grew too much for him, turning to Crawford.

"Nothing special; some big building in the bay of Tokyo collapsed into the sea; they suppose it was due to an earthquake and fear that many people died as some kind of meeting was going on when the building collapsed…"

"How are your funds?"

No answer.

Schuldig started pulling at the newspaper.

Crawford lowered it, slowly and by no means pleased. "Can I help you?"

"I want a part, too." Huge, begging blue eyes.

Nagi and Farfarello grinning at each other.

"You can have it all." Crawford knew that Schuldig wouldn't stop his pranks for the rest of the morning, so he decided he was better off if he left. Anyway, there wasn't much time left to deal with their escape.