Sorry for not writing anything for a while, I've been caught up in fanvids and High School TT. Well please enjoy capter one of my Azumanga/ Ouran High fanfic. Please comment!

"Hi there! My name is Chiyo Mihanma!" the girl smiled brightly in front of the senior class. "Please regard me kindly!"

"Yes, thank you Ms. Mihama. Now class, Chiyo-chan, Ayumu-san, Koyomi-san, Kagura-san, Tomo-san, Sakaki-san, and Kaorin-chan have all transferred here on Ouran's Two Semester programm for graduted seniors... pre-college I should say."The sensei nodded. Be sure to welcome them! Oh, five minutes until the bell. Finish up your assignments before you all go!"

"Ayumu? Who the heck is that?" Tomo asked boredly to Yomi.

"That would be Miss Osaka!" Chiyo smiled, as she sat down next to them. Chiyo, Yomi, Tomo, and Sakaki all shared the same class at this new school while Kagra, Kaorin, and Osaka had another. "Her real name is Ayumu Kusaga!"

"Dammit, how can you be so cute?!" Yomi shouted while Sakaki tuned them all out while she was finishing up her paper.

"Ouran's a pretty prestigious school, so I have to work hard to just stay in." She mumbled to herself. In fact, the entire reason she and the others were even at Ouran was because of Chiyo. She still had a year until she was going to study abroad in America so she wanted to keep up with her studies, so then she heard about Ouran's new program, and unsurprisingly, her friends followed on either scholarships and tuition payed by Chiyo's wealthy family, "Not only that, but I have college to balance out too."

Sakaki was woken from those musings by a sudden chill. "...the wind?" She blinked incredulously when she stared out the open window beside her, and in the corner of her eye she saw her paper floating around the classroom. "Ah! My paper!" She gasped, as she stood up, but immediately sat back down when a tall senior easily caught it in midair.

"Is this yours?" Mori asked softly as he walked up to the newly transfered Sakaki.

"Yes, thank you." She nodded gratefully .He's even taller than me! Was her first thought as she took it from him and blushed when her hand brushed his. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Ah, I'm sorry...?" the normally silent host paused.

"Sakaki." She smiled when Hunny looked up.

"Takakshi!! Tama says no hosting off duty!" Hunny gasped, as he ran up to the two.

He's so cute! Sakaki blushed when she saw the tiny senior. Just like Chiyo-chan.

"...Mitsukuni." Mori loooked down, as if just noticing he was ther"We have to hurry or we're going to be late." Hunny nodded, not particularly noticing Sakaki or what was going on between them.

"C'mon!" Hunny repeated, grabbing Mori's hand as the free period bell rang.

"Ah, nice meeting you Sakaki-san." he nodded as they all filed out of the room.

"Hey Sakaki! Who's the tall guy?" Tomo shouted from across the room, Chiyo and Yomi wondering the same thing as they all walked over to her.

"Oh, I think his name is Takashi." She answered blankly.

"Not exactly the juicy details I was hoping for." Tomo frowned in disappointment. "So do you like him or something?"

She blinked in surprise and blushed, but yomi cut in before Tomo could pry.

"Is that right? Well, come on. We have to find Osaka and the others in this huge school." Yomi rolled her eyes as they walked out the door. "Don't they have class C?"

"Yes!" Chiyo grinned reassuringly. "But when we find them, where are we going to stay until free period is over?"

"Good question." Tomo blinked, then randomly pointed. "There! Music Room 3, eh? Looks deserted. Lets go!"

"Where now?" Kagura asked numbly as Osaka and Kaorin followed.

"Our new place to 'hang out', apparently." Yomi sighed as they made their way pass the crowds.

"Um... Miss Sakaki? Are you okay?" Kaorin aske nervously, still not accustom to talking to her idol yet.

"Oh, she's just out of it 'cause she was just talking to some cute guy." Tomo shrugged.

"Whaaaaaat?!?!?!?" Kaorin shrieked, but they all ignored her.

"So Chiyo-chan, how was class?" Osaka smiled, ignoring Kaorin's panoic attack.

"Oh, fine thank you!" She smiled back when Tomo whistled.

"Hey, we're here!" Tomo grinned.

"Alright already." Yomi and Kagura rolled their eyes as they opened the grand white doors, to meet the Ouran High School Host Club.