Chapter 6: Halo

"Hey Rory, this will be quick, I just need these answers on record. I'm sure you've answered these a thousand times already" Mr. Weidman said at their next meeting

"Sure, ask away" Rory said with a shrug

"Okay, so were you with Logan the day Mitchum passed away?" He asked, turning on the tape recorder and setting it on the table

Rory nodded "Yes" she answered

"And you were with him the entire day?" he asked


"How and when did you find out about Mitchums death" he asked

"We got a phone call the next day from Shira at around 4 pm notifying us" She answered

"okay" he said "Do you have any reason to believe Logan Huntzberger in any way caused the death of Mitchum Huntzberger?" he asked

Rory shook her head "Not at all" she said strongly

"Did Logan have any…enemies? People that just didn't like him and would have the audacity to set something like this up?" he asked

Rory hesitated "I can think of two people…but…I don't want to falsely accuse them" She said nervously

Mr. Weidman smiled "This tape is strictly for my records Rory. If in the future I have the intention of using this towards evidence, I will surely ask your permission first" he said comfortingly

"Okay" She said, taking a deep breath "Shira Huntzberger, and Robert Chase" she said

"Shira? Logan's mother?" Mr. Weidman said surprised

"Shira and Robert are in…a relationship. And Robert and Logan never did get along" she said

He nodded "Okay, I think that's all I need for now. Thanks Rory…we'll be in touch"

Rory froze after he left. How the hell was she supposed to tell Logan that she accused his mother of murdering his father…sure he hated her but Rory could say she hated her mother until Cows could fly and she knew if he ever accused her of something like that she'd go ballistic. She couldn't not tell him right? I mean…she had to tell him, he'd find out sooner or later and she'd rather him find out from her. Sighing, she glanced at the clock…she still had another 4 hours before her visitation with Logan. At least today she would have double visitation. Finn was coming with her for the first half…and then she had a private visit scheduled with him as well. Mentally cursing herself for mentioning Shira's name she sighed, and stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away everything she was feeling at the moment.

"Hey Ace…Finn" Logan said with a smile as he came to sit at the table they were at.

"Mate" Finn greeted

"Hi" Rory said nervously, making him raise an eyebrow

"What's wrong?" he asked immediately

"Nothing" Rory said quickly "Just tired" she lied

"Just tell him already Love. He's going to be okay" Finn groaned, knowing that Rory was nervous about telling him what she told Mr. Weidman.

"Shut up Finn" Rory said with a glare "Not here"

Logan watched with a scowl "You guys…what the hell is going on" he demanded, not liking to be kept in the dark.

"Logan…please not here. I promise I'll tell you later" Rory pleaded "Just don't ruin this for me…"

Logan took a deep breath and sighed "Okay" he relented "You been taking care of my girl Finn?" he asked with a knowing smirk

Rory glared at both of them "You guys totally planned everything didn't you…evil!" She said annoyed "I cant believe you had him escort me back to my room from every class I had past five o clock!" Rory growled

Logan shrugged innocently "Sorry Ace…"

"no you're not. Oh and lets not even get started on the whole keeping tabs on my coffee…" She went on "And do you know Colin is a pain in the ass when he wants to be! He's persistent that one…"

"Ah yes, Colin…the only one that gives a damn for more than 5 minutes" Logan mused

"nice" Rory rolled her eyes "But seriously. I'm not 5 Logan…" she said softly

Finn shook his head "You'll always be 5 to me Love" he said fluttering his eyelashes at her

"Finn!" Rory said incredulously

"They just grow up so fast don't they Logan…" Finn said, pretending like he was tearing up

Logan frowned and shook his head "Too fast" he agreed

"You two are incorrigible. I knew this was a bad idea…seeing you two together" Rory groaned annoyed

"How's Colin?" Logan asked

"Still has a 10 foot pole up his ass as usual" Finn commented with a shrug

"He wouldn't be Colin if he didn't" Logan laughed watching Rory from the corner of his eye, laughing to himself as he saw her smile compassionately at him.

Rory watched Logan and Finn talk…they were talking like old times. Like none of this happened, it was good. She was afraid Logan would get depressed but he seemed to be doing okay. She smiled to herself, watching him interact with his best friend…it was nice to watch, she loved seeing him happy.

"Huntzberger!" They heard a guard shout and motion for him to go back.

"Alright bye Mate…Love, I'll be here to pick you up in 2 hours?" he asked with a knowing wink

"Shut up Finn" Rory said annoyed "And yes, that would be great. Thanks Finn…" She said

"Alright I'll see you later Finn…Rory, see you in 10 minutes" He said with a smirk and a wink of his own

"Men" Rory muttered as she followed Finn out. "Where are you going…car's that way" She asked Finn when he began following her to where the private rooms were.

Finn rolled his eyes "Rory…let me explain something to you. Hot girl, prison. Hot girl. All guys prison. Hot girl walking around alone at a maximum security all guys prison" Finn listed off "I'm not about to let you walk through this place alone with all these estrogen deprived criminals walking around" he said incredulously

"Aw Finny…you do care" Rory teased, looping an arm through his

"Love…be careful." He warned when he walked her into the building, shooting a glare at the guards that were eyeing her

Rory followed his vision and rolled her eyes "Don't worry…I can handle them. But if it makes you feel better, here just take my stuff…that way they don't have to go through it or anything." Rory said, taking off her jacket and giving her cell phone to him. Finn took her things and watched until she walked through the metal detectors and into the room he assumed Logan would be in before walking out to the car.

"Mind telling me what you look so fidgety about?" Logan asked, smiling when he saw her jump at the sound of his voice. Rory was lying on the bed, looking like she was in deep thought when they brought him in. She looked up at him and smiled, patting the spot next to her.

He laid down next to her and rested a hand on her stomach "What's up Ace?" he asked

Sighing, she covered the hand that was resting on her and gently took it in hers "I think I made a mistake today." She said guiltily

"what kind of mistake?" he asked calmly

"I had a meeting with Mr. Weidman today…and he wanted to ask me some questions, you know just for record purposes. And then the last question he asked me was if I had any thoughts of anyone who would want to do this to frame you or just anyone who you didn't get along with" she explained

"Okay" Logan said, not seeing how this was wrong "What did you say"

"I…well you don't have many enemies Logan. Not relevant ones anyways…except Robert" she said finally "And…I also mentioned Shira" she said quietly, waiting for his reaction, squeezing her eyes shut when she felt him remove his hand from hers. She sighed when a few moments later she felt his lips on hers as he gave her a quick peck, letting his lips linger for a bit before pulling back.

"Ace" He smiled "Its okay. You didn't accuse my mother of murder…you just gave someone facts alright? Its fine" He assured

"Yeah?" She asked quietly

"Yeah" he confirmed "why do you think I'd be bothered by this?"

She shrugged "She's your mother" She said simply "And I know that she's terrible…but you cant help who you care about"

Logan laughed "You know me too well Ace. But seriously, its fine"

"Good. I love you Logan…and hopefully our appeal will go through" She said softly, looking into his eyes

He nodded "Me too."

"To which part? To loving me or to the appeal?" She teased playfully

"To the appeal of course" he said with a serious face before breaking out into a grin "I love you too" he sighed afterwards as if he were really put out.

"Don't strain yourself" Rory glared playfully making Logan laugh

"So what is Finn doing while you're in here?" he asked curiously

"Probably trying to find a date for tonight" Rory answered with a grin

"Ah…He and Rosemary have another fight?" he groaned

Rory nodded "This time it was because he commented on Rosemary's new highlights…"

"Something bad?" Logan asked confused

Rory shook her head 'Just pointed out they were there which in turn led her to think that they looked fake…" she shrugged rolling her eyes

"They're made for each other" Logan chuckled

"Logan?" Rory asked softly

"Yeah Ace" he said, seeing she was serious

"Who do you think did it?" She asked, turning her head to look straight at him

Logans expression faltered for a minute before he replied "I honestly don't know" he said truthfully

"You want to know what were doing for Christmas?" Rory said on a lighter note

"Well…lets see what I'm doing, I'll be sitting in a cell with Mike, chewing on stale bread and listening to the guy next to me attempt to sing demonic Christmas carols which he wrote in his sleep apparently" he said amused

"No you wont" Rory said with a grin

"What?" he asked confused

"I got us a trailer…I invited Colin, Finn and a few other people…we have it for a while on Christmas" she said smiling

"How did you manage that?" he asked incredulously, unable to hide the huge grin that surfaced

"Mr. Daniels has some connections here" She said "Only draw back is no Christmas tree"

"I think i'll live without the tree Ace…thank you…but damn, I was looking forward to those carols" he said with a laugh

"So who's coming?" he asked

"Well I invited Colin, Finn, and Stephanie and obviously Honor…my moms coming because she simply refuses to miss an inmate Christmas" she said rolling her eyes "Who do you want to come?"

"That sounds good." He said nodding "If I think of anyone else, I'll let you know"

"Good" Rory confirmed happily "oh by the way he'll be asking for your statement at some point this week as well…" she remembered

He nodded "Sounds good. How's Honor?"

"She's hanging in there" Rory answered optimistically "I think the fac that Josh hasn't called at all isn't helping…"

"Well he wont if he knows what's good for him" Logan snapped

"Logan…" Rory smiled "Honor's gonna be fine. She just needs time"

"I know" he nodded "But she's my sister…I cant help but worry about her."

"I wish I had a big brother to worry about me" She teased

"You have me to worry about you Ace" he whispered leaning in to kiss her

"Even better" She mumbled against his lips

"Limo boy! Merry Christmas" Lorelai shouted as he entered the trailer

Grinning he looked around at all of his friends…it's the first time he had seen them together in a while. "Where's Rory?" he asked confused when he didn't see her

"Well, my lovely daughter should be arriving any moment…with your sister" Lorelai explained

"Mate, sit…apparently alcohol isn't allowed either but we managed to smuggle some good ol' fashioned eggnog in" Finn grinned

Logan laughed "I have regained faith in you Finn…" he said sitting down next to him on the couch

"Colin man…how have you been?" Logan asked

"Well I'm slightly bitter that you left me with this" he said teasingly pointing to Finn

Finn glared "Shut up Colin, you wouldn't be getting laid every other night if it weren't for me"

"I brought homemade cookies!" Lorelai squealed, the smile dropping from her face when everyone fell silent "What? They really are homemade…I just didn't make them at my home. Sookie" she relented

"Those are mine" Logan stated once he heard Sookie made them

"Looooooogan. I come bearing your sister" Rory sang as she entered the trailer

Logan grinned when he saw her, dressed in a green turtle neck, red jeans and a santa hat…she looked adorable. "Ace" he greeted giving her a quick kiss. "Honor" He said afterwards hugging her and kissing her on the cheek "How are you?"

Honor smiled "I'm doing better" she said

"Okay I know you're supposed to wait and all that, but present time" Lorelai shouted running to the other end of the room making everyone laugh and follow suit. "Wow…there are a lot of boxes" Logan commented

"yeah well…we forgive you since you obviously ddint have ample shopping time to get us a gift" Loreali teased haughtily

"Well I appreciate that" he laughed

"Okay Finn…you open first" Lorelai said handing him a box wrapped in shot glass wrapping paper. He carefully ripped it open to reveal a T-shirt that said "Will have sex for beer." Grinning he looked up at Lorelai "Its perfect. And so true"

Logan smiled watching everyone opening their gifts…this truly was the best Christmas he had ever had. He realized just how lucky he was. He threw an arm and Rory and pulled her closer causing her to smile up at him.

"Hey what's up?" she asked resting her chin on his shoulder

He shook his head "Thanks Ace" he whispered kissing her forehead

"Don't get all mushy on me now" rory teased lightening things up "Come on, I got you something too"

"hush, you can use it when you get out" She said handing him a large box

"Finn" Logan called, grinning when Rory gasped as Finn handed her a box of her own.

"Logan" Rory gasped as she opened it

"You like it?" he asked

"I love it!" She exclaimed hugging him tightly "Where did you find the first edition of Menckins Chrestomathy!"

"I have my ways" he said simply "Look inside"


"Inside Ace." He encouraged

"Too much Logan" Rory whispered as she opened the book and saw a beautiful diamond bracelet sitting inside of it.

"its not enough" He whispered back "Thank you for staying by my side"

"I love you" she said softly, taking one of his hands in hers

Logan smiled leaning his forehead down towards hers "I love you too crazy lady" he said before kissing her softly

"Enough with the mushy!" they both heard

Rory rolled her eyes and pulled back "Sorry mom" She said

"Logan, I just want you to know…" Lorelai started walking closer to them "That despite you being an inmate in a maximum security prison…" She teased "You're the best thing that ever happened to Rory" she finished sitting down next to him and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder

Logans eyes softened as he looked at her "Thanks Lorelai" he said sincerely

Lorelai smiled "Well any man that buys my daughter a diamond bracelet that beautiful is a god in my eyes" she said lightening the mood a little

Logan laughed "I bought something for you as well" he said knowing what she was subtly implying

Lorelai gasped "You shouldn't have" She said in her best dainty voice as Finn handed her a box of her own

"you're like 4 mom" Rory laughed

Lorelai opened her box, gasping as she saw the contents "You bought us matching diamond bracelets?" she asked "you really are perfect" She said playfully while hugging him "Thank you Logan, its beautiful"

"one question" Logan said "How well are Richard and Emily taking the fact that you're spending Christmas in a trailer…with me" he inquired

Lorelai grinned "They're hysterical" She said proudly

"mom!" Rory exclaimed "That is not why we did it"

"Of course not. I wanted to see my little logie" she said in baby talk, pinching his cheeks

"Hands off" Rory ordered

"Aw Ace, no need to be jealous. You know I only have eyes for you" Logan smirked throwing an arm around her shoulders

"Yeah Rory, mommy already has her man"

"Where is Luke?" Rory asked

"Oh he's with Liz and TJ, we decided we'd do Christmas tomorrow" she said

"Lorelai you should have gone with them…" Logan protested

"And miss this? No way" She said sincerely

A/N: Sorry its been forever! I feel kind of horrible. I even had this chapter written but with everything going on, never posted it! I was reminded when i got a review from Mareen today! haha, So thank her for the update (for reminding me that this story wasnt forgotten lol!)

Anyways, please review...and i have most of the next chapter done :)