This is it, the end. A final chapter in their lives...for now. I'm incredibly sad to be ending it here, but the more I think about it, the more I like the sound of a sequel, but it'll have to wait. I've put too much on my plate for now. Until then, I hope this will tide you over and make you happy. If it does, tell me. And most importantly, Happy Birthday GC. I worked all day on this, just for you. I hope it's fab.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.

Two years later…

"Ma, I'm tired," Avery, now eleven, whined from her seat on the couch in the G-Major lobby on a late Friday night. "How much longer are we gonna be here?"

"Go find Finn," Jude suggested, playing her acoustic, though with some difficulty, as she was eight months pregnant. "I thought I heard him driving Kwest crazy in his office a while ago."

Avery yawned. "He's sleeping on the couch in the playroom. Two-year-olds are totally useless when they sleep."

"Most people are," Jude nodded. "As far as being here, you'll have to ask Tom."

"Fine," Avery groaned, pushing herself up to go in search of her step-father. "Tommy!"

He stuck his head out of his office, that had belonged to Georgia, Darius, and Jamie in the past. "What? And be quiet, Finn's sleeping."

"Whatever," she muttered. "How much longer?"

"Thirty minutes," he promised. "And then we'll stop at McDonald's and go home."

"We have McDonald's like, every night," she pointed out. "Can't you make something for once?"

"Your mom craves it," he shrugged. "And at this point in her pregnancy, I just want to keep her happy and placid."

The adolescent rolled her eyes. "Lame."

"Hey, Av, come in here!" Spiederman yelled from studio one. "We put a new spin on your favorite song!"

She hurried to follow his voice and found him, along with Wally and Kyle, seated in the recording booth, haphazardly holding their instruments. "How can you put your own spin on 'Sheena is a Punk Rocker?' It's perfect already."

"Just listen," he advised as Kyle started to play a slowed down, mellower version of the popular Ramones song.

"Not bad," she murmured, jiggling her foot to the beat. "Not bad at all."

"Where's my kid?" Spiederman wondered when they finished. "I haven't heard any screaming or crashes in a while."

"Asleep in the playroom," Avery reported. "I put in Robin Hood and he was out within minutes."

Spiederman sighed and looked at his watch. 11:30. "I should probably head home then. Nic's in New York until Sunday afternoon, so it's just us boys all weekend."

"Yeah, Lee's at home with Sasha and she's had an ear infection since Wednesday, so I'll go, too," Wally added, setting aside his bass.

Kyle rolled his eyes. "You guys with your wives and kids."

"Not wife," Wally pointed out. "Fiancée."

"Same thing," Kyle rolled his eyes. "You're so settled down and boring."

"You never want to be married or have kids?" Avery wondered. "You're like, thirty-five now. That means you're a grown-up."

Spiederman laughed as he led everyone from the studio. "He's a thirty-five-year-old with the mindset of a teenager."

"Avery, you ready?" Tommy called to her. "Your mom is tired and hungry, so I'll come in a little early tomorrow."

"All right," Avery nodded. "Later, guys," she added to the band.

On the ride home, Jude sang her new song, which Avery had heard fifty times already, so she put in her iPod.

"Avery, what have we told you about listening to that in the car?" Tommy scolded. "It's rude and disconnects you from us."

"I've heard 'Back Again' a million times now," Avery told them. "I have to hear it again?"

"I've changed some stuff," Jude stated. "The beat is a little faster and the chorus has been tweaked some."

"All right," Avery caved in. "Sing it again."

When they arrived home, after their third stop at McDonald's in two days, Tommy helped Jude inside and settled her onto the couch. "You want a movie while eat?"

"Sure," she nodded. "What about Cool Hand Luke? You like that one."

"We watched it Monday," he reminded her. "How about Dead Poet's Society? That's one of your favorites."

"Saved!" Avery yelled, joining them from her room, having changed into her pajamas. "We haven't watched that in ages."

Tommy shrugged. "Why not?" He found the movie in their impressive library of DVDs and put it in. "Scoot over," he ordered Avery so he could sit on her other side, situating her between her parents.

"Dad called me today," she reported. "Said he and Natalie are coming out when the baby is born."

Jude nodded. "Okay. When's their wedding?"

"October 30," Avery answered. "Do I have to go? It's the day before Halloween and I promised Spied and Nic I'd take Finn."

"Avery, he's your dad," Tommy stated. "You can't not go to his wedding. We'll see if we can get you a flight early the next morning."

A few minutes later, the movie started and they all quieted down.

"I am full of Christ's love," Avery quoted her favorite line in the film by Mandy Moore's character.

"Avery," Jude snapped. "You know I hate that."

"You do it in That Thing You Do!" Avery shot back. "On most lines."

"She's allowed," Tommy interjected. "She's pregnant."

"Please," Avery scoffed. "She's been doing that since I was five."

Jude rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll stop."

"Sure," Avery smirked as the phone rang. "I'll get it." She hurried to pick up the cordless. "Hello?"

"Av?" Spiederman's voice came through. "Can I drop Finn off there? Nic's already back from New York, which means something's up, so I'm going to pick her up from the airport."

Avery pulled the phone away. "Can Spied bring Finn over? Nic's back, which makes him think something is wrong, so he's going to the airport."

"Sure," Tommy agreed. "Is she okay?"

"Is she okay?" Avery relayed her step-dad's question.

"I don't know," Spiederman replied. "She sounded weird on the phone."

"Doesn't know," Avery said to her parents, who'd paused the movie. "He said she sounded funny."

"Avery," Spiederman interrupted. "We're leaving now, so I'll there in ten minutes." He hung up.

"They're on their way." Avery put the phone back on the base and sighed. "I guess I'll go make up his bed in my room."

Jude stopped the movie and stood up slowly. "What do you think is going on?"

"Girl, I stopped trying to understand my sister a long time ago," Tommy replied. "I know she was there to talk with Vogue about writing a monthly column for them, but I can't imagine that would take four days, so I don't know. I'm sure it's not as big of a deal as she told him."

Fifteen minutes later, Spiederman walked in, carrying a very sleepy Finn, and laid him down on the couch. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what's going on. She called, said she was back, and that I should probably pick her up." He set down Finn's bag on the coffee table. "I think it's got everything. He's potty-trained now, so he'll let you know if he has to go. Umm, he already ate dinner and if he doesn't fall asleep, put in a boyish Disney movie and that should do it." He kissed Jude's cheek and rushed out.

"I'm worried," Tommy admitted. "Should I call her?" He picked up the phone and dialed his sister's cell phone.

"Hello?" she answered calmly.

"Nic?" he said. "What's going on? Vin just dropped Finn off and said he had to pick you up cause you're home and sounded weird on the phone. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

Nic started laughing lightly. "It worked? Ha. I'm good. I just realized this afternoon that I haven't been away from him for more than two days, and I haven't been away from Finn at all, so I wanted to come home. I guess I just wanted some time with my husband alone."

"Are you serious?" he asked dryly. "You faked worry to get him to come get you because you miss him?"

"Does it not sound like something I'd do?" she replied.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "As a matter of fact, it does. He might kill you."

"Please," she scoffed. "He'll be so happy to see me, he won't."

"Good luck," Tommy offered, hanging up and setting the phone on the base. "See? She's a freakin' lunatic."

Jude smiled. "I'm just glad she's okay. Spiederman, however, might not be."

"Juju?" Finn yawned. "Where Avy?"

"Avery!" Jude called out. "Come and take Finn to watch Lion King or something so he falls asleep!"

Avery, who'd pulled out her trundle bed for the toddler, came to the living room. "Come on, Finny. We'll watch Simba."

"Simba!" Finn cheered, shaking his shaggy brown head. "Bye, Juju. Bye, Tommy."

Once the kids were gone, Jude and Tommy settled down to watch the rest of the movie.

"Ooh," Jude said towards the end, pushing on her stomach. "Those fries must not have gone down so well."

"Why?" he asked nervously. Since she'd reached her eighth month, he'd been on pins and needles about her going into early labor. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she replied, breathing easily. "A little indigestion, I guess."

Five minutes later, it hit her again, but more severely.

"Jude?" Tommy said, turning off the TV. "Are you having contractions?"

Jude, who was now sweating heavily, shook her head adamantly. "There's no way. I'm only thirty-five weeks." She groaned in pain. "Ugh!"

He jumped up from the couch and began racing around, gathering the suitcase they'd packed the week before. "Avery, are you awake?" he yelled.

"I am now," Avery murmured sleepily, walking to the living room. "Whoa, Mom, are you like, in labor?"

"Like, I think so," Jude snapped, now breathing rapidly. "Get Finn ready to head to the hospital and call his parents and then call my parents and Sadie."

Five minutes later, Tommy had loaded everyone and everything into his Range Rover and sped off towards Toronto University Medical Center.

"Spied and Nic are gonna beat us there and let them know you're coming, Sadie and Kwest are leaving now, Gigi and Don are coming, and I can't get a hold of Pops and Yvette, but Sadie said she'll keep trying."

"Mommy!" Finn squealed excitedly upon seeing Nic just beyond the entrance. He wriggled his hand away from Avery and took off for his mother's outstretched arms. "Hi!"

"Hi, baby," she smiled, kissing his cheek. "I missed you."

"Miss you, too," he said. "Daddy, too."

"Daddy missed me?" Nic repeated, eyeing her husband. "How sweet."

"Yeah, sure, but could you discuss that later?" Jude demanded frantically as her husband of just over a year helped her into a wheelchair. "I'm having a baby here."

Nic and Spiederman led the way to the nurses' station.

"She's here," Spiederman told the head nurse. "Jude Harrison-Quincy."

"Right," the nurse nodded. "Right this way, Mrs. Harrison-Quincy." She pushed a swinging door back and ushered Jude and Tommy through. "Until we have her settled, everyone else will have to wait."

"No," Jude decided. "I want Avery with me."

The nurse sighed. "All right, come on."

For half an hour, the Spiederman's, Sadie and Kwest, Vic and Don, Stuart and Yvette, Kyle, and Wally and Lee sat in the waiting room, hoping to hear some news. Finally, Avery emerged, wearing scrubs.

"They just took her in," she announced. "And since I'm not fourteen, I was sent to be babysat." She sat down between Stuart and Kyle. "This sucks. Right now, my little brother is being born and I can't even be there. But, Mom totally freaked when they sent me away and that was kind of worth it."

For the next two hours, everyone sat anxiously, waiting for a nurse or doctor or Tommy to emerge, telling them that Baby Quincy had been welcomed to the world. Avery played cards with Wally, talked to her dad on the phone, and bit her fingernails down as far as possible, getting scolded by Sadie for doing so.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and Tommy, dressed like Avery, walked out, a huge smiled plastered on his face. "Ryan Darius Quincy, six pounds, fourteen ounces. Looks just like his mom and Avery."

"Whoo!" everyone cheered happily, clapping and hollering.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Spiederman interrupted. "His middle name is 'Darius?' Uhh, why?"

Avery jumped up onto a chair to tell the answer. "Because had it not been for Darius' birthday, Mom and Tommy never would've gotten back together, and Ryan never would've been born."

"Boo," Spiederman groaned. "That's a lame story."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I can bring four back at a time, so I'm thinking Avery, Sadie, Don, and Victoria should probably come first."

"We have to wait?" Nic whined. "Come on, Thomas." She waved a finger between her and Spiederman. "We're family."

The new, and exhausted, father sighed and looked around. "If you're quiet, you can sneak back in groups, about three at a time. Room 347." He took the first four and led them down the hallway.

Jude, worn out and a mess, was sitting up in her standard hospital bed, holding her new baby in her arms, unable to wipe the smile off of her face.

"Mom!" Avery cried, shoving past Tommy to hurry and hug her mom and little brother simultaneously. "He's so little."

"You were smaller," Sadie reported quietly. "Barely even six pounds."

"Can I hold him?" Avery asked. "I'll be real careful. I only half-dropped Finn once."

Jude carefully laid Ryan in Avery's arms and sighed. "My two babies."

"Mom," Avery whined. "I'm eleven and so not a baby anymore."

Stuart wrapped an arm around her slender shoulders. "I don't really think you ever were."

Twenty minutes later, everyone had successfully convened in Jude's room, chatting about and cooing over the newest edition to the G-Major family.

"I miss babies," Nic admitted. "Finn's getting so big now."

"Not a chance," Spiederman interrupted her. "You promised we could wait until I was forty before we brought up kids again."

"Yeah, but I don't want my kids to be as far apart as Tommy and I were," Nic replied. "I want them to be best friends."

Spiederman, who'd rarely ever been able to tell his wife no, shook his head. "We'll discuss it later."

"Thank you," she beamed, kissing his cheek. "A girl would be nice. To dress-up and teach about makeup and boys and clothes."

"Until then, you've got Avery," Wally pointed out. "She's still impressionable."

"Another thing I'm not sure she ever was," Stuart spoke up, though Wally didn't understand.

Kwest, who was taking his turn to hold his new nephew, scoffed lightly. "He really is a beautiful baby."

"You say that like you're shocked," Avery spoke up. "Come on, look at me. How could he be anything other than absolutely gorgeous?"

"On second thought," Nic began, "maybe another boy wouldn't be so bad."