Amelia Morgan

Chapter Eight

Rory was standing in the entry way to her dorm dumbfounded. She had never tasted alcohol before, but she knew without a doubt that was what on Finn's breath, and there was definitely a lot of it on his breath. As she stood there, she heard a thud on the door; clearly it was Finn's head. She just couldn't believe that he would show up out of the blue, after leaving her God knows where in a brand new city, and he had the nerve to show back up drunk.

"Rory. Love. Please, let me in. We need to talk." Rory was taken aback that he was still there, nearly five minutes had passed. "I fucked up. I realize that. I just want to talk." She had no idea how to respond. "Please at least let me know you hear me. For all I know, I could be talking to that whack job."

The young Gilmore suddenly found her courage to speak up. She started yelling at the Aussie as she flung the door open and Finn stumbled in and fell to the ground. "You left me alone! You left me alone and in a brand new city. I could have been raped or murdered and you just left me. Then, you show up here hours later drunker than Hemmingway. I didn't peg you as a stereotypical society boy. I thought you were better than that. I thought you cared." By the end of her rant, Rory was crying.

Finn just looked up at her ashamed. He had no idea what to say or to do; he decided to just go to his typical fallback when he screwed up. Somehow he got back to his feet and stumbled out the door, but right before Rory had the chance to slam the door again, he looked back and mumbled the quietest of apologies, "I'm sorry. You don't have to worry about seeing me again. Good-bye, love."

Amelia walked away from Logan and plopped herself on the couch, "you want to talk, so, talk."

Logan sighed as he downed his whiskey and got up and walked over to join Amelia on the couch. They sat in an awkward silence before Logan sucked in a breath and started, "As you know, I am sorry. I know I can't say that enough. But, please believe me; I am truly and deeply sorry." Logan paused as he hiccupped. "I could give you a variety of excuses, but I will stick with the truth. I was afraid. I knew I couldn't say good-bye, I was watching my life slip away. You know what I have had to deal with, with my father, and he was threatening…"

Amelia abruptly cut him off, "Don't give me the poor me sob story, cause you know that gets nowhere with me. You talk about not liking your family, about not wanting to take over Huntzberger Enterprises, yet you still bow to their wishes. You could easily walk away."

The anger was starting to rise within Logan, as was always the case when this conversation came up. "You know it is not that easy. Not all of us have a big brother taking all the proverbial bullets for us."

He knew he said the wrong thing when Amelia sat straight up and looked him directly in the eye. "How dare you bring Finn into this! I never asked Finn to sacrifice himself! Hell, I never knew he did until half an hour ago! It is that easy, you just don't want to work for what you want! Look at Tristan DuGray, he is doing it and he is doing quite well for himself."

"If Tristan isn't fucking up, then why don't you just go screw him, play your games with him, and just leave me to my fucking arranged marriage."

Logan got up from the couch and poured himself another drink as Amelia yelled at his back. "You asshole! Is that all I was to you, an easy lay? I never played games with you, let alone you were never just a lay! We had a relationship, where I was faithful for three years!" Logan looked on as a wave of realization hit Amelia, "wait, you said arranged marriage. What do you mean about an arranged marriage?"

"Millie, you have been in society long enough, I shouldn't have to explain what an arranged marriage is, but just in case…" Logan started playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

However, Amelia quickly stopped him, "Logan, I know what an arranged marriage is, but what did you mean by 'your arranged marriage?'"

The blonde walked over to Amelia, grabbed her hands, and took in a deep breath, preparing to explain, "Remember how I went home for Easter break? Well, I was informed then that…"

At that precise moment, they were interrupted by none other than the elder Morgan sibling busting in through the door. Unlike his normal demeanor, he didn't even acknowledge the pair on the couch. Instead, he grabbed a fresh bottle of top shelf scotch and headed straight for his room, slamming the door behind him.

Amelia was torn; she was stuck between the two men in her life. On one side, was the man she thought she loved, and the talk of an arranged marriage. On the other, was her older brother, the only person in her family she cared about. One look at Logan and she knew he would be able to wait. She opened her mouth to speak, but he beat her to it, "Go, he needs you more than me. I will still be here and ready to explain once you take care of Finn." Amelia thanked him and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek as she got up and headed towards Finn's room.

Rory just stood in the open doorway dumbfounded. She couldn't figure out what just happened. All she knew was that she felt daggers piercing her heart, as her mind tried to reason that it was not her fault. Her heart was saying to chase after him, but her mind was saying that it was not her place, that she wasn't the one who messed up.

The young Gilmore was still standing in shock as none other than Paris Gellar came barging out of her room. "It is fucking one AM and why the hell is there yelling happening right outside of my room! Doesn't anybody have even a little bit of respect? I didn't think of you to be one up past ten Gilmore, let alone be someone who brings boys around late at night. Whatever happed to Virgin Mary Rory Gilmore?! Oh, yeah, that title turned into Magdalene a long time ago, with…"

Rory stopped Paris's rant with her own screaming, "Just shut up Paris! I didn't ask any boys to come over!"

"Well, you better make it clear that they are not welcome here!" Paris snapped back as she rushed back to her room.

Rory turned to lean against the wall and reached out to start shutting the door when a man came to a stop in front of the door, "Hi, is Logan here?"

Letting out a sigh, Rory turned to the strange man. She could tell it was another society boy, "How is it that I go to college and I still can't avoid society boys?"

Looking a little dumbfounded, the society boy stuttered out, "So, Logan, here or not?"

"I have no idea who Logan is."

"You don't know who Logan Huntzberger is?"


"But, you recognized that I am a society boy?"

"That is correct."

"Wow," the man stuttered out looking completely dumbfounded.

"Well, since there is no Logan here, I am going to bed," Rory went to shut the door as the society boy put his hand on the door, keeping it open.

"This is Amelia Morgan's suite, correct?" Confused, Rory just nodded in response. "Damn, I would have sworn this would have been his first stop. Could you not tell Amelia I was here? That would help save a life."

"Sure, if that means I get to go to bed after this no good rotten day."

"Great! See you around!" The man started to walk away. As Rory was finishing shutting the door, the man returned to the door frame, "I'm Colin McCrae by the way, and you can call me any time." Colin winked and held out a business card for Rory to take.

Finn heard the click of his door opening as he sat on the edge of his bed with his back to the door, "Please, just go away."

"Finn..." Amelia took a singular step into the room.

"I said go away. I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine, I will leave under one condition, you have to hand me the bottle."

Pissed off, Finn just chucked the bottle at the wall in front of him and watched as it shattered.

Shocked, and a little scared, Amelia just stuttered out, "Well, that works too, I guess," as she headed back out the door and to the kitchen.

As she returned to the kitchen, Logan looked over to her, "what was the clash?"

Sighing, Amelia sat on a bar stool and put her head in her hands, "he threw the bottle at the wall."

Nervously, Logan looked at Amelia, "Did you bring the broken bottle out with you?"

"Nooo… why would I?"

"Goddamnit!" Logan yelled as he got up and ran to Finn's room. As Logan tried the handle, it wouldn't budge. "Fuck! Finn, unlock the door! You can wallow in your misery, but I am not going to let you do this again."

From inside the locked room, Finn muttered out, "Why does it matter mate? My life is going to be hell anyways. I ruin everything I touch."

"Finn, think of Amelia. Don't do this."

"You can watch out for her."

"It is not the same Finn."

"Yes it is."

"No, it's not. I will knock down this door Finn."

"Good luck trying."

By this point Amelia had sunk down along the wall and was bawling. Logan looked over at her and his heart started breaking. "Do you hear her crying? Think of how bad it will be if you go through with it! She already lost her parents; do you think she will be able to survive the loss of you?"

There was silence that fell over the apartment, besides Amelia's silent sobs. Logan looked down at his watch and then over at Amelia and they made eye contact for the smallest of moments and that look said more words than the two could ever say. The silence was finally broken as a door was thrown open, taking both Amelia and Logan by surprise.

However, it was not the door they wanted to open; it was the main door to the apartment and in strolled none other than Colin McCrae. "I should have known to come here first. Why would you hang out at a dorm room when there is booze here?" Colin talked as he walked towards the bar, "Thank god we had the good sense to stock the bar before we left. Hey! Did you already drink all of my favorite..." At this point Colin looked over at the pair and realization and panic spread over his face, "how long has he been in there?"

Logan looked down at his watch again. "Two minutes of silence."

"God this is the worst part."

"Tell me about it."

"Better or worse."


"So, we should give him less time."

"I am fine with that."

Amelia look up at her brother's best friends with a look of confusion, "What are you guys talking about? Has he done this before?"

Logan and Colin looked at each other before Logan sighed and Colin interjected, "We can't say right now."

That just pissed Amelia off, "What do you mean you cannot say! This is my goddamn brother and he is in there threatening to kill himself! You tell me right now!"

Logan crouched down next to Amelia, "He really hasn't told you everything, has he?"

Amelia pushed Logan sending him falling backwards, "That is why I am asking! I want to know what is going on with MY brother!"

As Logan was going to get back up, he caught a glimpse of his watch, "Fuck! Colin, we have to get in there! It has been too long." Both Colin and Logan positioned themselves at the door and looked at each other, Colin nodded his head and the two men slammed themselves into the door. The door creaked, but didn't budge. Colin and Logan rammed into it four more times before it gave and the boys fell through where the door was and landed on the ground. Amelia ran in after the boys before either could stop her. She made it to the bed where Finn was laying.