The Light Tournament

Black flames came from Hiei's arm. The Dragon of Darkness flame was going to come out and, Hiei had not used the power in a very long time. He was hoping that it didn't kill him. But, even if it did, he was taking Tailiem with him. He was going to pay for evything he had done to Kurana and Kurama.

" So? You are going to kill me with your Darkness Flame?" Talilem laughed as if it was a game. " I would love to see you even come close."

"You got it!" Hiei ordered.

Hiei ran toward Tailiem as he put Kurana behind him. His powers of flames become more powerful as he grew his Spirit Energy. He punched right through Tailiem's chest, but only to the fire demon's dismay, Tailiem vanished. Hiei was confused but he looked at Kurana and saw her face. It was blood red from her tears. Her eyes, ice blue as if from the night sky. He moved forward to her, and pushed her hair away from her face. Hiei broke the chains and he pulled Kurana in his arms.

" I was so scared. I thought he would have done something to you. But you're not in heat anymore."

"No, I'm not. Hiei, I... I'm really sorry about all this."

"Don't be. Come on. Lets get out for this place before he comes back."

They turned and saw Yusuke and Kurama standing from the ground. " Kurana."

"Brother!" Kurana went and slammed against her brother hugging him so tight. Kurama pulled her close. He was so happy to have in his arms again.

Then Yusuke was thrown against the wall. Hiei saw Tailiem near him and he ran toward him. Kurama held Kurana back from them, he wasn't going to lose her. Hiei wasn't either. He moved faster then he had before and he went after Tailiem with everything he had in him. Talilem was so focused on Yusuke that he didn't even see Hiei coming at him. Hiei plungged his arm right through Tailiem's black cold heart.

" This time, you will stay away from her." said Hiei. Tailiem's body moved away from Hiei. He staggered back form the fire demon and fell to the ground. Kurana moved slowly over to Hiei and put her hand with his. They saw Tailiem's body disappear into nothing.

"Guys? Can we please go home?" said Yusuke.

"Yeah. I think that would be the best idea." said Kurama.

Kurana and Hiei turned to join them and returned to human world. Hiei held her hand so tight that she would never forget that he would always protect her no matter what happened from now on.

One month Later

Kurana sat on the back porch of her brother's house. It took him awhile to talk into his mother and step-father into allowing her to be part of the family. But his mother agreed to sign the adoption papers and she became part of the family. She looked out at the lake with the moon shining down on the water. The wind seemed to come so slow. Thats when she knew he was there watching her.

"You can come out now, Hiei."

Hiei came from the shadow of the tree near by and he came up behind her wrapping his arms around her. Kurana felt his head next to hers and the warmth in his arms. Hiei locked her against him.

" I missed you. How has school been?"

" It's fine. But, I never seem to stop thinking about you and I'm always hoping to see you."

Hiei smiled and he picked her up in his arms and took her to the other side of the lake. Kurana looked at him and he just smiled.

" Hiei, why are we over here? Kurama will worry."

"Don't worry. I told him I was taking you over here. After everything that happened, I just wanted to spend time with you."

Kurana laughed and smiled at him. She sat in his lap putting her arms around his neck. "Well, looks like your stuck with me.'' Hiei laughed at her remark. He pulled her closer and tightened his grip around her waist and bent his head down toward hers and captured her mouth with his. His kiss was full of passion, love and protection.

Kurana wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer against her. She moaned as he deepened the kiss. Hiei pushed her against the ground holding her under him. He kissed her even more deeper then before. Hiei held her arms above her head as he moved from her mouth to her neck. He was hard but he started to become gentle.


"Sh. I know what I'm doing. I just want to feel you against me. I have wanted to be with you for so long. Please, Kurana."

Kurana smiled and pushed against him. "All I was going to say was that I want you more then anything."

He looked at her. Hiei smiled at her. " Thats good to hear. I have wanted you for a long time. Kurama never gave up the you would be back, I never gave up either."

"I love you, Hiei."

"I love you too, Kurana."