Author's Note: Unlike Miniatus Vir, my other story about Scott, this story will be about what would have happened if Jean had not died at Alkali Lake, and how that would have affected their lives.

Note 2: This is a repost, and I had it betaed by the awesome, incomparable WCUGirl. Go read her stories and review. She's awesome.

Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men, Alyssa Earnest, Emily Rachery, or Robi Wexler.

When Scott Summers saw the waves of water advance towards his fiancée, he thought his heart would stop.

He was filled with an inexplicable rage, a thousand elongated moments later, as he tried to figure out some way he could save her. There was no way. They were several hundred feet in the air, and she was holding back the water, and no matter how he tried to convince himself of the strength Jean possessed… he knew she couldn't hold it for long. Painful gasps ripped through his throat, but no sound seemed to come out. His entire body felt cold and clammy, though his heart burned with fury. He had no idea who his anger was directed at, but he suspected himself. He was her fiancé, her best friend and her lover. It was his job and his job alone to protect her and save her from all threats. He was completely helpless to do so.

Scott heard the Professor's voice speak, but it reached his ears as Jean's. He ran from the window, tearing his eyes away from his beautiful Jean who was using all of her strength to save them. He fell to his knees, hungry for Jean's words, though it hit him as a physical blow that these would be her last. He wasn't sure what Professor Xavier was saying; all he comprehended was that Jean loved him, and that this was the only way. But it couldn't be! She couldn't die, not two months before their wedding, not before he could give her a family and they could grow old together. Death was inevitable, but she deserved more time.

"Jean…" His voice was choked and weak, bordering on hysterical. "I love you. Don't do this. Please."

He ran from the Professor's side back up to the control panel to look down at Jean once more. The waves seemed closer to her than before, a sure sign that her strength was waning. Soon, she would let go, and she would drown. She would die, right before his eyes. He turned to his teammates.

"STORM! Do something!" He ordered, his eyes inevitably attracted back to Jean. "Somebody, please…" He leaned over the controls, his hands bracing him against the windshields. "Can't anybody do anything?!" He was coming dangerously close to shrieking, unable to do anything else.

Scott felt as though it was he that was running out of strength as the telekinetic wall Jean had created weakened, the water inching closer to her. He wanted to scream, hoping that his words would reach her in her last moments, but there was nothing he could do. She would drown, and he would be alone. His best friend would be dead. His life would mean nothing if she was gone. He could hardly draw breath as he waited for her to disappear underneath the waves.

He heard a muted BAMF, as if there was a thick wall surrounding him, and he paid no heed to it. His mind was focused only on Jean, and it would not focus on anything else. If these were his last moments with his beloved, then he would soak in all he could. His eyes were riveted to the small form of his fiancée, forcing himself not to blink, though tears bubbled on the bottom of his view. He thought it was his imagination when suddenly, a small blue form appeared next to hers, and then both bodies disappeared, and the water crashed down in the small space Jean's telekinetic wall had enclosed her in.

"What the hell? WHERE IS SHE?!" Scott screamed when he heard another BAMF behind him, and he whirled around.

There stood Kurt Wagner, the Nightcrawler, with Jean's limp form in his arms.

Scott immediately ran to Kurt, unable to even thank the German as he accepted the burden of Jean's unconscious body. He leaned his face close to hers, shaking with fear that when he did so, he would not feel the gentle pressure of her breath. He sucked in a lungful of air, attempting to keep himself still enough to do so. He collapsed to his knees when he felt and assured himself that Jean was truly breathing. He leaned his forehead against hers, feeling her stir in his arms.

"Jean?" Scott asked, fearful that she would fall back into unconsciousness or into a coma. "Jean, are you okay?"

"Scott?" She breathed, looking up to meet his eyes through his visor. "Is everyone-?" She jerked herself into a sitting position, looking around and meeting the eyes of the students and the other X-Men. He took a deep breath, and then fell back into Scott's comforting and warm embrace. "Everyone's okay." She relaxed, letting Scott take charge and lift her up.

Scott was still shaking with shock and fear as he set her next to Bobby. "Here, Cyclops." The teenager put an arm around Jean, steadying her so Scott could put a safety restraint around her, securing her in place.

"Storm," Scott's voice was still unsteady, but he fought through it. "Get us home. I think she might need some medical attention, and…" He trailed off, knowing Storm would understand that he needed to be with her.

"Okay." She nodded, sitting down. She settled herself into the pilot's chair, plugging in the coordinates for the mansion. Her heart was thudding, having come within a hair's breadth of losing her best friend. She closed her eyes, staying at the controls even though she set the jet to autopilot, knowing she was in no emotional state to be in control.

Scott sat down on Jean's other side, one arm around her shoulders, holding her against himself. She accepted the comfort and warmth of his body and leaned her cheek on her fiancé's shoulder, closing her eyes, easily falling into a deep sleep. Scott let out a breath, finding it incredibly easy to relax and lean his head back against the jet's walls now that Jean was once more in his arms. She was alive. He was utterly consumed with an unspeakable joy at that simple thought.