A/N: It's nearing midnight on a school night, but I can't help myself. I was browsing Wiki to find a good Celtic band, when I came across Oi Polloi, who sings their newer songs (about important political issues) in Scottish Gaelic. Look them up on Myspace. Bloody brilliant. This is the English translation of the song Sgrudadh 2323, which immediately made me think of the Flock.

Hah. I actually didn't write this then. I was going to, but I got kicked off. My tummy hurts. :( And my new kitten is clawing his way up my pants. O.o

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride (JP does) and I do not own Sgrudadh 2323 (Oi Polloi does).

Claimer: I do however own this.

Experiment 2323

(Max's POV)

It was the fall of 2021 that all was made right in the world. As you all have to know, I am Maximum Ride. Yes, the Maximum Ride; the bird kid.

All during my life at the School, there was one evil whitecoat that stood out in my mind: Conner Andron. He was the one the made Iggy blind; the one that would shock Fang if he said a single word; the one that...well, let's not talk about what he did to me.

He was convicted that year, and sent to Russia. And the Russians? They gave them what they deserved! Put in jail.

They were broken out of their cells and taken to a lab.

They came from far away
From another world they came to Earth
Abducting you against your will
You're imprisoned by alien creatures

"Scientist"? Don't make me fucking sick
This time you're the victim
How do you fucking like it now?
Experiment 2323

Apparently, their "rescuers" had heard about what they did and were sickened by it all. I can't blame them.

They experimented on the whitecoats, recreating the tests done on us and all the other mutants. The newspapers said you could hear their screams for miles. Later, after more info was gathered, we found out that they were all referred to as Experiment, and sometimes they were called by their number. Conner was number 2323.

Bastard in a white coat
You experimented on countless animals
But now you're imprisoned on their vessel

Bastard in a white coat
Now YOU'RE the one on the table
And they're experimenting on YOU

See, I'm only hearing about this now. It went on for years. The "rescuers" (or Protectors as they called themselves) had chosen a remote location and paid off everybody near enough to know what was going on so they'd keep quiet.

How do you fucking like it now?
Experiment 2323

"Insert the laser probe into his anus and commence the vivisection"

The Flock and I (yes, we're all still in touch, considering Fang and I are married, and the others didn't want to leave us) had a party to celebrate.

Celebrate someone dissecting humans? Yes, exactly. The way we saw it was that someone had finally heard our prayers.

Oi! Oi!

How do you fucking like it now?
How do you fucking like it now?
Experiment 2323

If I ever see Conner Andron ever again, I'll look them in the eye and say "How did you like it, Experiment 2323?"

And I can promise you that I'll wear a smile on my face for the rest of my days after that.

A/N: Meh. I don't like it too much, but I'm in a bit of a writing rut.

Suggestions are welcome, reviews are love.