Title: Walls
Author: Lomeinie
Rating: G
Spoilers: Early Season 2, nothing serious

Summary: Francie takes Jack's advice and mulls over the results -- one shot piece...

Disclaimer: Don't own Francie or the Alias universe and I haven't made any money from this so please do not sue me!

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When he had first given her the advice, Francie had thought that Jack Bristow was very strange to say the least. Because Francie knew of the relationship's history between Sydney and Jack, she never really had a very high opinion of her friend's dad. But since she had had no other suggestions, Francie figured she had nothing to lose, so she painted the walls of her restaurant red.

As it turned out the suggestion wasn't a bad one at all because on the night the restuarant held its grand opening, Francie had had more people than she could count either tell her personally that they loved the color of the walls or they had asked her staff to relay their compliments. They had all said that the color red made them feel warm and at home. They said the walls gave her place personality.

So no matter what she thought of Jack personally, he seemed to know something about interior decoration, and sooner or later Francie knew she would owe him dinner for the tip.