
When she looked out the window again, he was still sitting out there, staring at the horizon. She knew he was looking out in the direction of Usopp and the Going Merry, but she only confirmed this in her heart – her head saying that Luffy probably had blocked it from his head anyway.

Nami looked up again, and it started to rain. He kept his vigil however, and she bit her lip in worry. Gathering up her blanket to block the cold, she walked to the window, tilting her head when Luffy persisted to stay where he was.

Her brow furrowed, and she pushed her window open a few minutes later.


He looked at her.

"Come out of the rain."

Raising a hand as if to feel the rain, he then stood up slowly, walking across the roof to reach her window sill. A bit confused, she backed up as he climbed through, damp from the sudden, heavy rain, and shaking off the cold. She shut the window, and padded to the bathroom to get him a towel.

When she was back, he was lying on her bed, facing the ceiling. He blinked, and she tossed the towel onto his face. Luffy jerked in shock before his hand reached to take it, looking at it with a slightly dazed expression.

"Dry yourself off," she said, and then lied on the bed, and bundling herself up again.

After a moment, he smiled at her - just a little bit. Taking off his hat, he scrubbed the towel through his hair, wringing out the rain before he wiped it over his arms.

Pulling his knees into his arms, he rolled to face her, and stared through her. Nami found that she couldn't look away, even knowing that he wasn't really seeing her or even thinking about her.

A few moments later, she situated the blanket to toss it over him and share half.

"You'll catch a cold."

Without missing a beat, he said, "Good thing I got you."

Biting her lip, her hand searched for his under the blanket, and gave it a tight squeeze when she did. She said, "Yeah, you do."

He didn't cry again, but it was that moment when Nami realized his cheeks were still wet from the rain, and she imagined for a moment that they were tears again - pouring from his eyes as if they might never stop. As he pulled her close, she embraced his form, and pretended that his shivers weren't from the cold but from sobbing. She held him; he didn't let go.

Since she had been unable to comfort him after the fight, she supposed that this was the next best thing.




Just something I whipped up today. Enjoy.
