Disclaimer: I do not own cars or any of the characters.

" Rocket! Rocket where are you!" Jen called out. She had no idea were she was, all she remembered was driveing with her pal ' Red Rocket' then waking up on the side of the road. Rocket was a 1969 Olds W-30 442, a muscle car that her dad had found and raised. He was like a big brother to her, he looked after her after her mom died giving birth to her. Feeling frustrated, Jen let lose a string of swear words in Irish and kicked a rock out of her path. That was when she saw something red in the distance, moving towards her at a high speed. "Rocket! I finally found you- wait a minute, Rocket doesn't go that fast." Jen's eyes widen as she looked for something to hide behind, but there was nothing. She knew what other cars would think of her; she would be a wild animal that should be locked up. " I'll have to use the 'last ditch' option." Jen thought before she layed on the ground like she was hurt.

Lightning saw her lying by the side of the road and turned to Doc. " Doc, what's that by the road?" They slowed down as they came closer to Jen and Docs eyes widen slightly.

" Well I'll be, it's a human. A young one too be the looks of it." Lightning looked confused as they rolled closer.

" Doc, just what is a human? And why haven't I seen one before?"

" They were the first things on the planet but then they just started dying off about thirty years ago. Most of them are in zoos but there are still a few wild ones wandering around. Others are kept as pets but they can be hard to care for." They were about a foot away from Jen when there was a roar of an engine. Jen opened her eyes and kicked Lightning who was closer.

" OW!" Lightning yelled she did several backwards summersalts and landed on her feet then ran in the direction of the noise, she knew that engine anywhere.

" Rocket! Rocket help me!" Jen yelled when she heard Doc and Lightning comming up behind her. Lightning drove infront of her and when she tried going around Doc cut her off.

" Easy kid, we're not going to hurt you-" Lightning started but was cut off by an angry voice.

" But I'll hurt you if you don't get away from her!" A red muscle car stopped right between them and Jen, alowing her to quickly climb on his hood and grab the sunroof that had been placed there just for her. " Did they hurt you Jen?" He asked, not takeing his eyes off Doc and Lightning who were blocking the exit out of town.

" No Rocket, I'm all right. But what about you? You have a dent in your left side!"

" Don't worry about it, just hold on tight!" With that, Rocket sped off towards Raditor Springs with Doc and Lightning on his bumper.

Sheriff was at Flo's Dinner with Sarge when he heard a loud noise comming from the highway into town.

" Hey man, what's going on out here?" Ramone asked as he came out of his shop with his new paint job.

" Don't know hun, but it looks like Doc and Lightning are chaseing some one." Flo answered him as she looked down the road. Sure enough, Rocket zoomed pass only to be stopped by Sarge who tail gated him. He went into a spin that sent Jen flying from his hood and landed with a thump on the road. " Is that a human?"

" Yes I'm a human! What else I be?" Jen shouted at them as she ran to Rocket, who had been cornerd by Doc, Lightning, Sheriff and Sarge. " Get away from him or I'll kick you again!" She yelled at Lightning.

" It can talk!"

" I'm insulted. Yes I can talk and I am a girl thank you!" She then turned to inspect the damage Sarge had done. " Great, to add to your dent on your left side you now have a dent in your right side near your back bummer and your missing some paint to top it off." By then Sally, Red, Filmore and Lizzie had joined the group and were looking at Rocket and Jen in couriosity.

" I can fix that, but I would like to know why and how you two came here." Doc asked both of them.

Rocket looked at Jen out of the corner of his eye and gave a slight nod. " Go ahead, something tells me we're going to be here a while."

When Jen spoke, her voice was riddled with anger. " A racecar called Chick came across my village and took every one away to a zoo. Only me, Rocket and a few others got away."

"Why that no good-" Lightning started be but stopped when Doc gave him a stern look that clearly said to keep quiet. Then Doc turned back to Jen and Rocket.

" If you will follow me and can take care of those dents."

" I'm not going anywhere without Jen, how do I know you would hurt her?" Rocket asked eyeing them with suspition.

" Like don't worry man. We like, wont hurt her. How about some organic fuel?" Filmore said in his usually drawl. As he said that, a low rumble came from Jen who scratched the back of her head, a little embarressed.

" You hungry dear?" Flo asked with a smile. Jen nodded and Flo turned to Rocket. " I have some human food at the diner, she can get something to eat while you get those dents taken care of, then you can get some oil for yourself, okay?"

Rocket and Jen looked at each other. It had been a couple of days since ether of them had something to eat and it was starting to show with Jen. She was getting skinnier everday and didn't seem to have very much energy anymore. " Fine." They both said at the same time then went seperate ways, Rocket following Doc to his clinic and Jen walking behind Flo and Ramone.

" I'm going to need your help getting the food off the shelf, it's at the top." Flo said as they entered the diner.

" No problem, anything for you." Ramone answered. Jen was a good five feet away from them and close to the door just incase she had to make a run for it. The last time a strange car had 'helped' her, she was almost sold as a pet. Her father had punished her dearly for that and she had the scars to prove it. That was when she noticed that Ramone was starting to lean to one side. What she didn't see was the rope that was coiled around her leg had snagged as Ramone fell." Uh oh, woah... WOAH!" Jen suddenly found herself hanging in the air as Ramone crashed to the ground on his roof, his hydraulics swaying in the air.

Jen let out another string of swear words, this time in Spanish, as she tried to get her leg free.

" I'll be right back, I need of help to get you back on your tires." Flo said as she rolled out of the dinner.

" This is just great, what else can go wrong today $#!?" Jen said to herself in Spanish again.

" Watch your language kid, I can understand everthing your saying." Ramone said to her from the floor.

" Your Spanish?"

" Yes."

" Ah crud it all to heck." Jen looked to her left and saw that she was level with the shelves. She arched her back so she wasn't looking at it upside down and found a can of pasta and a bottle of water. " Found the food."

" Good, 'cause here comes Flo with Sheriff and Sarge."

" I told you that the human was trouble, look at the mess she got into already." Sarge said as the three of them flipped Ramone back on his tires.

" I maybe hanging up here but I can still hear you! You misserable old Jeep."

" What did she just say?" Sarge asked as Ramone sapressed a chuckle. Sarge glared at him then at Jen who glared right back at him. " What did you just say to me you little pest?"

Jen just sneered at him. " That's for me to know and for you to find out." She pushed her shirt back up. " Flo? Could you please get me down before I loose my shirt?" She didn't want any one to see the scars on her back, but it was to late for that.

Sarge's eyes widen slightly when he saw the scars on Jen's back. Most were old but there was a couple of new ones that crissed crossed on the old ones. There was even a couple of bullet wounds." Those came from a knife from the looks of it. What happend with this kid?" By then Jen was back on the ground with the food in one of her hands while she pulled her leg free of the rope with the other. " I'll have to talk to Sheriff and Doc about it"

Rocket staired straight ahead of him as Doc fixed the dents. He disliked other cars because of what they had done to do to him and his village.

" No sence worrying about it now kid, what's done is done. Atlease you have Jen with you." Doc said to him and when he didn't answer, he continued. " Just out of curiosity, why were you living in a human village? Didn't you have a family?"

" I was abandoned when I was four years old and Jen's dad found and raised me. She's my family now."

" And a tough one at that. She kicked Lightning before you showed up." Doc said with a chuckle.

" She was trained for that. Her father made sure of it." Rocket's voice held a tinge of anger that Doc picked up on right away.

" He sounds like he's tough. Wasn't he a good father to her?"

" That's not my story to tell. You'll have to talk to Jen about that, so good luck." Rocket didn't want to talk about how many times Jen had come back home tired and bleeding from the 'training' her father made her do, how she cried herself to sleep beside him every night. It broke his heart to see like that, she was like a little sister to him. He recalled a couple of nights ago when she woke up crying, saying that her father was hitting her again. It had taken several minutes for him to calm her down and convince her to go back to sleep. " Are you done?"

" Yes, you can go now. I'll talk to Ramone about giving you a touch up paint job." Doc watched Rocket as he drove out of the clinic.

After he left, the phone rang.

" Doc? It's Sarge. I need to talk to you and Sheriff about Jen."

" Okay, I'll get Sheriff and meet you at the track tonight after their both asleep." With that, he hung up and drove to Flo's.

Rocket had just got to Flo's and saw Jen out front eating someting out of a can and drinking a bottle of water. " Hey Jen. Feeling better now?" He asked as he drove up beside her. She gave him a thumbs up as she drank some of the water. Flo drove up to him and gave him a can of oil.

" On the house hun."

" Thanks." He drank some and took the time to look around. It was a small place but that was fine with him, their village was just a little bit bigger.

Then a blue Porsha drove up. " Hi, my name's Sally. You two can have a place to sleep at the Cozy Cone to sleep tonight." She smiled at them in a comfortabe way that neither Rocket nor Jen had seen before. Then Rocket saw Jen do something she hadn't done in months.

She smiled back. " That sounds all right, what do you think Rocket?"

He smiled back at her. " Sounds good."

" Good, you can have number three." Sally said to them with another smile then started to talk with Flo.

" You like it here Jen?" Rocket asked in Irish.

Jen looked over at him. " Every one here is so nice. It feels like a dream, that I could wake up at any minute. In other words, yes I like it here."

Rocket nodded and looked at Flo who was laughing at one of Ramone's jokes before he turned back to Jen. " Flo reminds me of your mom, you know." He saw a far away look come over her eyes. " Your mom was alot like her. Kind, generous and willing to put others welfar before her own... Jen, do you want to stay here?"

She snapped back to reality and looked at him. " Do you want to?"

" If your happy here, then we can stay." He smiled as she nodded her with joy.

There was suddenly a noise coming from the highway and then suddenly there were reporters everywhere.

" Lightning! How does it feel to find a human?"

" Lightning! Will you keep it or sell it?"

" What will you name it?"

Doc, Sally and Mater looked back to Rocket and Jen and saw that they were both scared. Jen was crouching on Rockets trunk while Rocket backed away from the increaseing mob. He looked ready to bolt as the mob pressed in. Sheriff saw this and grew angry.

" STOP!" The mob grew quiet at the outburst and stared at Sheriff. " You will leave Radiator Springs at once, or so help me I'll get the national police on you! NOW GET LOST!!" Slowly, the mob left but a green car stayed behind. " Didn't you here me? I said 'get lost' and I mean now!"

" I don't think so, not until I get what's mine."

" Chick." Lightning spat out in disguss, " What do you want?"

" Chick?" A small voice squeaked out. Turning around, they saw a terrified looking Jen on Rocket's trunk while Rocket was glaring daggars at Chick. " Make him go away Rocket, make him go away."

Flo and Ramone drove over to them and whispered to them, " Ramone's gonna take Jen to his shop and hide her in the back. She'll be safe there." But before Jen could move Chick rammed the front of Rocket and sent her flying to the ground. He tried to get to her but Jen had landed on her feet and ran towards a tree. She quickly climbed the tree and Rocket rammed Ckick in the side and parked infront of the tree.

" You stay away from my little sister." He said in a dangerously low voice.

" 'Little sister?' Don't make me laugh, that human belongs to me and I already have plans for her. Sell her to a zoo or breed her." Ckick anouced with a sneer. Before he could say anything else, Sheriff and Sarge drove up infront of Rocket.

" If you don't leave right now I'll arrest you for assalt."

Ckick looked at them and then at Jen. " Don't think you'll be safe here human, after all, you belong to me." With that he drove away.

Rocket sighed. This was getting to be a very rough day. " You can come down now Jen." He heard her climb down then dropped beside him and look at him with concern.

" Are you all right Rocket?"

" I'm just tired sis, maybe we should get some rest."

" Not before I fix those dents, then you can get some rest and tomorrow you can get a touch up paint job."

As Rocket drove away there was suddenly a loud bang and then he heard Jen gasp. " Jen? What's wro-" He stopped in mid-sentance when he saw her raise her hand. It was covered in blood.

" Rocket...help." She pitched forward and Rocket drove to catch her on his hood. She was unconsence.

" Sis? Sis wake up." He nuged her with his hood but she didn't move. His world started to spin and he didn't see or hear the others drive up to him. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Jen's blood pooling on his hood.

Cliffhanger! I'll put up the 2nd chapter when I can. Flames are welcome as they will be used to heat my three story house!

This is my first story so please be nice.