It seems that it took even longer to update than before…It has been very hard for me to write this fic and maybe I somehow regret ever starting this journey with this story. Yet, I have decided to complete this even if it kills me. It probably does, but I want to do it anyways. So, hopefully you enjoy reading this :)

Please do not flame (I do not find a reason for it so you better not either). I apologize for the possible misspellings and other errors.

Pairing: Sasuke x Naruto

Summary: Naruto was absolutely lost. What will happen when he ends up in a band and meets this angst ridden raven haired Sasuke and tastes him and his world? (SasuNaru, Rated M) REVIEW, should I continue or not?

Disclaimer: I have no rights over the characters or what so ever (do not sue me Mr. Kishimoto), I am just loaning them and returning to the rightful owner (Mr. Kishimoto). I just own the story, do not plagiarize – it is based on a true story. I will bite your head off if you try.

Naruto decided to let life take him wherever it wanted to take him. Pondering over things just made his head hurt and quite frankly - he hated it. Why were things always so complicated?

Time passed by and before Naruto knew; he had very deep feelings for the stoic Uchiha boy. Everything that had happened had made the bond between them grow stronger. Naruto understood that he could not live without Sasuke; he needed the other like flowers need water.

But was it love? Naruto came to a conclusion that he loved Sasuke, but was he really in love with the boy? They are quite different things, being in love and love somebody.

Naruto knew he would not stand here if he had had a crush on Sasuke. He knew himself too well - every time he had a crush, it faded away at some point and he started to hate the object of his admiration. You see, we create images of the people we like to fit our own desires, and when the reality and fantasy do not meet, we get angry and blame the other person.

So Sasuke had to be someone special, since Naruto did not have any presumptions concerning him. Little by little Naruto started to see the little details that made "his" Sasuke. Naruto loved the way he walked, the way he talked, how he dressed…Naruto's skin was on fire when Sasuke slid his fingers on it, just plain gracefulness.

But then there was the fact that Naruto's parents would not approve the other boy; well, him being a boy, a REAL boy. Naruto's parents teased their son about the Uchiha boy, laughing that they were an item and blaming him for joining the band just for Sasuke. He did not even know Sasuke back then!

Since his parents thought they were dating already, why would not they do it for real? Maybe he could learn to really love Sasuke, just like Jack and Rose in Titanic - that eternal stuff. Naruto decided to say "yes" to Sasuke, promise to be his. Naruto decided to do it on his own birthday so one more month to go. Naruto wanted it to be very special and that is why he decided to wait for the right moment - his birthday.

Well, things never go as planned and Naruto had to find it out the roughest way. Week before his real birthday Naruto decided to throw a birthday party in which he invited his closest friends and of course Sasuke. The birthday party was also a great opportunity to introduce Sasuke to his friends.

Naruto wanted to look dashing so he put on his black leather pants and the tank top he got from Sasuke as a present. Everybody came as planned, but Naruto could not help but to notice that Sasuke was a little distant.

Sasuke had promised to see his friends after the party since they were supposed to go to a local bar. Sasuke stared at his phone all the time and did not even touch Naruto. Somehow Naruto felt sadness float in him.

Their relationship had grown and Naruto had adjusted to it by letting Sasuke take him by the hand and other silly stuff the other boy liked to do. Now he was more interested in the bar than Naruto and it hurt like hell.

Yet, Naruto knew he had been unfair too, but this was just - well - plainly painful. On top of everything, Sasuke left earlier than he had promised, because that fucking Sasori and some other random dudes were waiting for him. Great.

Sasuke left and Naruto felt just empty. Tenten said to Naruto that he had found a nice and gentle boy, since Sasuke had not even looked at her boobies, although she practically showed them to him. Naruto smiled faintly and tried to have fun with his friends, but he could not shake the bad feeling he had in his gut.

Soon the party was over and everyone left. Naruto was exhausted and sat among his presents studying them happily. He just loved his friends. He was so tired he decided to sleep, but not until he had sent a "good night" message to Sasuke - that had become a habit of some sort for them. Sasuke wrote that he was having fun and judging by the grammatical errors he was drunk too. It was still good to hear that Sasuke was alive and well and with that in mind Naruto fell asleep.

The next morning all hell broke loose. Naruto got a message from Sasuke that said he had met his ex-crush at the bar and they had kissed. Sasuke had been so drunk that when the boy had asked him to get some fresh air, he had agreed.

Then Orochimaru had shoved his tongue practically in Sasuke's throat and they had started making-out. Yeah, it was a sloppy kiss and all that, but the worst was yet to come. Sasuke wrote that it seemed he had still a crush on Orochimaru and yet he was in love with Naruto.

What the heck? One cannot love nor have a crush on two people at the same time! Naruto was absolutely lost. What about the words and oaths of an eternal love, caring and all that shit? That Sasuke is a fucking liar…Naruto felt betrayed.

It was never really the kiss that made him tick but the fact that Sasuke lied. "You are the only one for me"-bullshit was the fact that broke Naruto's heart and Naruto was just about to give himself to Sasuke. The incident lead to crying of three days in a row and also Naruto's mother got worried over his son.

First Naruto called Shikamaru, who was as amazed as Naruto - how could Sasuke do that? Sasuke always seemed so gentle and nice. Then eventually Naruto told everything to his mother and like mothers always do, she comforted him. She wanted Naruto to make his own decision; was Sasuke worth anything anymore? She was angry too, but was still ready to support whatever Naruto decided for himself.

Well, they were not practically dating, he and Sasuke…but the pain was no lesser because of it. You do not say you love someone and then kiss some other person. It just is not right.

Sasuke eventually asked if they could talk. It had been a few days since the incident and he wrote a text message to Naruto that he had been thinking about everything and well, he was not ready to loose Naruto over something like that, meaning Orochimaru.

Naruto promised to meet him at the park. Naruto took his shades with him, since he knew he would cry. Just seeing Sasuke would make him cry. The next day Naruto walked with heavy feet to the park, where he saw Sasuke already sitting. He sat next to him not talking, not saying anything.

Why, Naruto wanted to know. Why would Sasuke do something like that to hurt him? Sasuke said that he was frustrated about their situation, how he wanted Naruto but Naruto did not want him. Sasuke just did not understand that Naruto needed time; he needed it to solve things to himself.

Naruto had not been ready to cut his wings and now that he finally was…Sasuke destroyed him. Why people always hurt the ones they love the most?

Sasuke said he was sorry and that he did not have a real crush on Orochimaru; it was the shadow of the alcohol playing with his mind. The next morning, he had already known that Naruto was all he ever wanted.

The craziest thing was that Sasori had told Sasuke that he should not tell Naruto about this fling, but Sasuke had felt obligated to. For that, Naruto was really thankful. It would have been a lot worse if he had found out everything from someone else or just years later.

Minutes grew into hours, tears turned into river until the decision how to proceed was decided. To walk away or not to walk away? That question had floated in Naruto's mind for a few days now. What would he do?

He looked at Sasuke, who looked red-eyed and miserable - yet, Naruto knew it was not time for sympathy. It was never time for sympathy; it does not lead anywhere. The sleepless nights and the talks with Naruto's dearest ones had helped him make a decision.

Let us be friends again, but only friends. Naruto was not ready to go back where they had stood before this, nor did he want. He did not want to taste the betrayal on Sasuke's lips.

It was not the answer Sasuke wanted to hear of course, but he was still happy that he did not loose Naruto over this. Naruto wanted to see if they ever evolved into anything more than friendship - he wanted see whether this was worth it. Only time would tell and still…Naruto missed those sinful lips of that dark boy.