Necropolis demon

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, what in the world would possibly make anyone think that I did?

Necro: Itachi's a vampire telling a tale of love for his lil bro, what else is there to know?



In the cloak of darkness a creature of the night made his way through the foliage of grass and leaves, hunting his prey with hunger reflected in his blood-red eyes. A little boy, no older than ten ran as fast as his tiny bruised feet would let him, trying in vain to escape from the ominous figure gaining behind him. The chase had gone long enough for the mysterious hunter, with a swift movement he was gone without a trace. The boy stopped, sensing that his persecutor had gone, he sighed in relief.

Then came the billowing cloak from above, the creature pounced.

Fangs delved into tender flesh, blood poured out from the wound.

And so the vampire drank…

Rather morbid isn't it? To drink the blood of your brethren in order to survive, I mean. Let me assure you that I take no pride in it though I do not necessarily detest it.

Simply put, to me, I see it as natural, as natural as the cycle of human life. To live, to die, to exist, and then…to vanish. Others may think my ways are cruel, inhumane, or otherwise but I remain loyal to my views.

Good evening to you mortal. My name is Itachi…

…and I am a Vampire.

Laugh if you must. Cower if you fear. Do whatever is necessary to put a state of calm into your mind, to place a firm hold on reality as you stand before I, the undying. But please, do stay for a while…I have a tale to tell.

Don't be alarmed, I won't hurt you or feed on you, as you've witnessed I have just fed, you have my word. Rest assured that there was no pain for the young boy, why, I even disposed his body properly.

His beautiful corpse will be found tomorrow long before it decays and starts to rot and emit that horrid stench of death. It will be given a proper burial…I will make sure of that.

Sit down and be comfortable, this will be a rather long story as any story would be coming from a being that has lived for so long.


…This tale is a tale of love, forbidden in every aspect, opposed by many; my kin, your humanity, everyone, but love nonetheless…between a mortal and a vampire

But where should I begin? I see it best to start from my early years of mortality.

Yes…yes this love has indeed started before I became this…everlasting embodiment of seduction.

Let us begin.


I was a youthful boy back then, thirteen years old if I remember correctly, ah…so many decades have passed, I cannot even recall my exact age back then. But what is a number of years lived compared to afterlife?

Life was terrifyingly perfect for me as I was an Uchiha, a prodigy at that, a noble by all standards. My family was wealthy, powerful and influential, respected and honored and feared throughout the land. I lived in the largest residence in our private complex; we Uchihas had several homes you see, clustered together into a neighborhood to take up a relatively large portion of the whole village. The Uchiha homes were both grand and well-protected, we were absolutely untouchable.

Uchiha, a proud and prominent clan of government officials, dating back to centuries of loyalty to the country…and I, was the centerpiece of it all.

Uchiha Itachi, the boy genius, the prodigy, the perfect example of an Uchiha.

It was sickening…

…How those mongrels groveled and bowed down in fear before me…I was young, a boy, proud that I was I couldn't help but feel disgusted at the antics of the people around me who so had the nerve to have me view them as 'family'.

I had no family, no, they were never my family…they merely gloried in my presence, in my existence because I was a jewel, a precious and irreplaceable one-of-a-kind jewel to be flaunted to other families.

Uchiha. Uchiha. All for the glory of the clan…

To have lived only for such high expectations took so much from me, my mortal life as I view it now was a lie…those cheers, those praises…even the smiles of my beautiful mother and those congratulating words from my father…

…all of it was meaningless to me.

I was a boy in despair, forever locked up in a room of white, looking desperately for a window for salvation. I was broken, bleeding, in pain…

The only comfort I ever found was in my brother, my sweet innocent baby brother…


The sound of his name rolls out of my tongue so beautifully…

He…my little brother, my ambitious and strong-willed brother who I knew envied but loved me more over…he was my anchor to sanity. Had it not been for his gestures of kindness, his meaningful words of admiration for me…I would have gone completely insane.

He was my warmth, and I mean this in the most explicit way…all the smiles and energy I could have had as a child had I lived a normal life lived in him, my savior…

My forbidden fruit.

From the way I speak of him, you can clearly see how important he is to me although I don't quite think I could ever muster the ability to admit it to others.

I loved him so much…adorable little boy that he was…only seven years of age in comparison to my thirteen.

It was wrong, but at the start I didn't know it.

There was another person close to me…in fact he served as comfort for me before Sasuke was born.

Yes, even in my earlier years, much earlier that what I speak of now, I was in pain.

Shisui, my cousin, was like an older brother to me. Like me, he was a genius, although everyone knew I was much superior, but back then, when there was only simplicity and childish ignorance between us, much more on his part of course, we were equals.

It was as if all the times I spent with him were normal…as close to normal as it could get for us.

I felt for him, but not in the way I felt for Sasuke later on. It was brotherly, and as we grew older and matured into fine young men that our family could be proud of, I realized for certain that Shisui was truly my best friend and that what I felt was the bond of our friendship.

Back then I had no clear idea of such warmth, I had difficulties classifying my feelings for people close to me, not that there were many.

Shisui was like a brother, he was simply always there for me to look up to and find solace in.

I remember, sometimes during warm summer days, we would go out for a nice picnic, all three of us: Shisui, Sasuke and I, looking like close brothers. I immensely enjoyed it all, Sasuke had a liking for Shisui as well, Shisui had always been the more animated of the two of us, I being rather quiet and brooding, at least he was a step closer to being normal and sociable.

But…somehow, along the way of our friendship, I began to loathe him secretly.

Whenever I was away, it was Shisui who played the role of loving older brother for Sasuke, he was rather good at it.

I soon grew jealous of him and his closeness to my brother…

Sasuke loved me more of course, but sometimes…I couldn't quite accept it as I looked on at Shisui's smiling face.

His smiles gradually became malicious and ill towards me, as if he knew a secret that I didn't. Such knowing looks from him made me want to tear him apart slowly…

Eventually…whenever I saw Shisui, I saw blood.

But I held back, pretending that nothing was off just so Sasuke, poor disillusioned Sasuke, would not have to worry about me.

Sweet child didn't suspect a thing.

I was utterly ready to allow myself to put up facades with Shisui for the rest of my life if only to keep Sasuke happy, until I found out about his little secret.

Dreadful as it was, I still mourn my course of action upon discovering it…as it was this move that led me to the first chapter of my tragedy.


The sun was slowly delving into a sunset, casting a fading yellow glow across the pink tinted sky of that afternoon's end. The view of this has always been breath-taking for me since I've never had much spare time in my hands to allow myself the quiet opportunity alone to watch sunsets. But for once in a very long time, I managed to free myself from my father's lectures early. It went without question that I immediately went to the lake where I oft find my little brother playing in the grass.

I crossed the small wooden foot bridge and walked through the stone path of the flower gardens, taking little notice to the new flowers that had begun to spring to life after my mother's daily care of them. The sounds of a child's giggling soon reached me and I felt a carefree sigh about to escape my lips, but then as I silently walked up to surprise Sasuke with my presence, I found him with none other than that wretched cousin of mine.

They were together…indecently.

That abysmal excuse of a best friend was half-naked and had his hands crawling under my brother's clothes, touching heated flesh. He was placing soft meaningful kisses on my brother's neck, slowly moving downwards to where I shan't continue to narrate to you.

And my little brother, sweet Sasuke of mine, had no idea of how wrong this was…he giggled as a child does, thinking that they were playing an innocent game of tickling and giggling.

"S-stop, I-I can't breathe…it, it feels weird there." I heard Sasuke gasp in mid-laughter.

Oh…the wickedness of it all…

A man I had once treated as a brother and an innocent boy, limbs tangled together, sweat intermingling with each other's flesh, shocks of pleasure shooting through that bastard's body, Sasuke's face flushed…I couldn't stand it anymore.

I was furious…yet strangely aroused by all this…but anger overpowered my desire.

"Shisui! Get off of my brother!" menacing as always I spoke, a slight tinge of hatred apparent in my usually calm voice. But I didn't care that I was breaking down my composed air, all I cared about was keeping Sasuke in my arms and that filth's blood on my hands. I truly, truly saw blood this time.

"Itachi!" surprised and mortified at my sudden appearance, Shisui quickly got to his feet, grabbing his discarded robe and clutching it to himself fearfully.

I glared at him, fully intent on making him pay for his treachery, I was mad, completely and utterly mad…sanity seemed a far away thing for me at that moment.

"Aniki! You're here!" I looked to where Sasuke was sitting up, a smile plastered on his adorable face. Oh Sasuke…

"Sasuke, go back home please, it's getting dark."

"But, I wanted to play with you Aniki!" the boy pouted. Ah…I just love the way he calls me 'Aniki', big brother…

"Go home Sasuke, Aniki and Shisui have something important to discuss." A pity I had to use the term 'Aniki' in this scenario. Sasuke pouted once more then came up to me to give me a nice hug before turning towards the traitor to give him a goodbye wave.


"Yes Aniki?"

"…I want to speak to you after dinner. Also, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell mother and father about your afternoon today."

My words confused him, "Why not? Did…did something bad happen? What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Later." I was on the verge of hitting Shisui, my knuckles were trembling but fortunately Sasuke didn't notice, "I'll tell you all about it later so just go home and wait for me."

"All right, I love you!" with that, Sasuke trodded towards home, oblivious to what was going to happen between Shisui and I.

…little brother, your words of love wounded me as they were far from the love I so wanted from you.

Once Sasuke was beyond earshot I turned to Shisui and gave him my most scathing glare, but I think he hadn't had enough time to notice it as my fist collided with his jaw too quick.

…I…couldn't help myself…honest, I couldn't…my fist kept pounding on him, I couldn't see anymore beyond the veil of loathing. It was at that moment that I realized just how much I despised Shisui, I was so dangerously close to killing him then and there.

He tried to fight back or at least defend himself from my blows, I could see it in his fearing eyes…he knew he could die by my hands, he really did, and so he did everything he could to flee from me.

We were on the grass now, I was straddling him and pummeling him to the dirt, his groans of pain were muffled by my blood-stained hand covering his mouth. Somewhere along the beating, some specs of his blood stained my clothes..

Sweat. Grime. Tears. Blood…all over him.

I was a mad man.

The sun by then had completely disappeared and night came…cloudless…



…to this day I think that…somehow…subconsciously, I held back on my punches…that perhaps deep inside of me a speck of optimism lived, hoping that perhaps Shisui was still my best friend…I was a desperate man who had no one but my brother…I really truly hoped to myself that I could salvage Shisui…

…that night, as his groans of suffering faded and my fists finally rested…I let him live.

I couldn't kill him, no, I couldn't.

But I couldn't forgive him as well…

The image of him touching what was mine still burns to this day in my mind's eye…the pain was too unbearable.

Still…that traitor lived.

I left him there alone on the grass. Bloody as he was I still managed to threaten him into keeping his mouth shut before he lost consciousness. He wouldn't have dared to tell anyone about our little brawl, otherwise I would've exposed him for taking advantage of Sasuke.


When I came home for dinner that night Sasuke was already there at the table waiting anxiously for me to take my seat beside him as I usually do. Our parents weren't home, at a clan meeting I suspected. We ate in companionable silence, just the two of us, making very little sounds with only our barely audible chews and sips along with the occasional clash of chopsticks with rice bowls.

For a child Sasuke was rather mature, he could tell I was tired and hadn't ushered me to answer questions about what happened earlier, this I am most thankful for. After dinner I went upstairs silently and slipped into my bedroom, not bothering to change out of my daytime clothes.

That was a grave mistake.

I remember, although vaguely as I was supposedly half-asleep at the time, Sasuke sneaking into my room to perhaps check on me. I had the feeling that he was acting a tad bit too clueless at dinner, not even bothering to take a closer look at the small crescent-shaped wounds on my arms that had been inflicted by Shisui's nails embedding themselves into my flesh as he had struggled to break away from my grip earlier. I am certain that he had spotted the barely visible specs of blood on my clothes and from that must've certainly drawn his conclusions.

Foolish little brother…do you not understand the fact that I do not wish for you to know these things? That I wish to keep you ignorant of such indecencies and malice and conflict?

I slept most uncomfortably that night, being plagued by dreams Shisui's betrayal of me and Sasuke's innocence being threatened.

It is safe to say that I might as well have stayed up all night.


Necro: Guys. I'm new to Naruto ok so don't go all bitch-fitty on me coz I bruise easily. Hehe. XD. REvIeW pLeAsE!!!