So I've been kind of dead, but I'm back. Kind of.

I got the idea for this when I saw this piece of artwork: http://illbewaiting.

you should really look at the whole gallery, a very good artist.

Riku pushed his hands through his hair, feeling as if this action was almost too tiresome. Lately being with Sora did that to him. "Riku," he heard Sora whine from behind him, "don't you want to see what I'm wearing to the party?"

Riku lay down on Sora's bed, closing his eyes and placing his hands on his stomach. "No." He loved Sora. Yes, he loved Sora dearly. Sora had caught his eye when he first came to high school; a naive freshman with his pants a size too small and his hair unnaturally spiky. Whose eye didn't Sora catch? Riku had made his move the week after he had met Sora, taking him out to dinner and a movie. He smiled at the thought. Sora had been so naive; he hadn't even realized it was a date, just two guys hanging out. When Riku had paid for dinner Sora had insisted on paying for the movie. Of course Riku hadn't let him, but he had gotten one hand on Sora's knee before the kid had asked, "Is this a date?" Luckily Sora thought he was cute, and they got along great so things went smoothly. They were in a relationship. They were in a good solid relationship, and everything was going good. Until about three months ago.

Sora was really sweet, but he also gave into anyone's will fairly easily. Everyone in school knew that, except Sora. Riku loved Sora, and Sora loved Riku, and everyone knew that. Some people though didn't like that Sora wasn't on the market, even a year and a half after they had gotten together. It was normal right? People thought Sora was cute, and most people are vain and want who they want no matter who it tears up. Sora had gone to a friend's birthday party. He had told Riku that he hadn't wanted to go without him, that he wanted to stay home and take care of his "ill lover." Riku had insisted though. Riku had told Sora to go and have fun, come home and tell him about some silly thing.

The silly thing of the night had been Sora.

It was hard of course. He had done things. He had become this person that was still Sora but different. It was like someone else was wearing Sora's skin, kissing him like Sora did, speaking like Sora did, but snorting lines in the bathroom. Sora didn't do that. His Sora didn't do that. He didn't know that Sora was doing it until he heard whips of gossip in the hallways. "I hear Sora did a line off someone's stomach." "Did he really give that dude a blow job for a hit?" "I hear he got drunk, puked on the front lawn, then left with some older guy from H.B.U. like this über hot guy." Things had just never been the same, even if they had discussed it. Sora had never fessed to the coke. He had never confessed to any of it. I caught him though in the act.

No wonder he was more hyper in those months after the party.

I found his stash. His little mirror and razor, packed into the zippered pocket of his wallet, tucked behind a movie card from Blockbuster. His stash in his back pocket, always. Riku had ignored it when he had felt it, yes he was entitled to grab Sora's ass, he had just let go. Later when Sora had fallen asleep, on the floor, no not in his bed, he had checked the pockets of his jeans.

The rest was history.

Sora never fessed up to it, but he knew that Riku knew. Riku would sometimes catch Sora with a hand in his jean pocket, a dazed look on his normally lively face. Yet Sora was still Sora. Sora still wore his pants a size too small. Sora still had hair that defied the laws of gravity. Sora still caught the eye of many of the people they went to school with. The only difference was that Sora went to the bathroom more.

The only difference was that Sora was snorting a lot more coke.

"Hey Riku, I'm gonna go get a drink. Want something?" Sora asked.

"I'm good." Riku said, watching as Sora bounced off through the crowd of dancing teenagers. Riku leaned against the wall, wondering if Sora was really going to get a drink or to do some more drugs. He had looked it up the other day. Cocaine snorting could lead to necrosis of the nasal membranes. Cocaine can cause a stimulus in sexual pleasure. Sharing a straw while snorting cocaine can lead to Hepatitis C. Crazy right? His boyfriend could have hep. C. He could have hep C. Riku sighed, leaning back against the wall. He needed to break up with Sora.

He waited a few seconds against the wall, letting the thought twist through his head. It wouldn't be Riku and Sora anymore. It would be Riku. Just Riku. Riku and Sora would be in reference to what they had. It would be Just Sora. It would be Just Riku. He felt this heavy weight fall onto his shoulders and he slipped down to sit on the floor. Maybe he could be The Silly Thing of the night. He could be so drunk he fell to the ground. He smiled to himself, a state of giddiness washing over the impending doom of breaking a heart.

"Riku, why are you sitting on the floor?" Sora asked, leaning down so that there faces were eye level.

"Things seem a lot clearer down here that's all." Riku replied, the state of giddiness not leaving him. The thought of being someone he wasn't for a few moments making his body feel weightless.

Sora quirked his eyebrow and tilted his head like a dog. "Are you on drugs?"

This feeling also made his tongue looser. "No, but I saw you snorting up some coke. Did you know you can get hep C from that stuff?" Sora's eyes widened and he took a step back, tripping over someone and landing on his butt. Riku stood up, brushing off his own butt and extended a hand to help him up. While pulling Sora up he explained, "Yeah, if you share the straw. You should go get tested."

"Thanks for telling me." Sora said quietly, staring down at his feet.

"No problem, its probably the last good thing you'll hear from me."

"What do you mean?"

"Sora, I think we need to break up."

And time stood still. People frozen in dance, making out, throwing up, walking out, breaking up. Sora's face was a mixture of longing and anger, his eyes wide and his mouth in a grimace. Riku walked away, moving people who seemed suspended aside. He thought that he might have heard Sora call out his name but he didn't look back. The feeling of weightlessness was gone and replaced by a 200 pound boulder.

He wasn't going to be the silly thing tonight.