kandykisseshearts: haha well your welcome on replying to your comment first, but honestly I just go to my review list and copy and paste the penname but I did put ur comment first on purpose this time:). I'm glad you liked this story hopefully you'll like the new one im working one it's a Dizzie/Dasey but its very Casey bashing

daisy617: haha I had to do the kiss because it would be such a Derek thing to do. Thank you so much for all your kind words while I wrote this=]

Nightcrawlerlover: I definitely don't mind you correcting me, if I didn't suck at proof reading so much you wouldn't have to:) Thank you so much for all your reviews they were part of the reason I never gave up on this story

Vixx Vygone: thank you for reviewing and I'm sorry there will be no sequel but I am planning on making more dizzie stories my new idea I'm still working out but it should be up soon

SuperxXxGirl79:thank you so much!! I'm glad you didn't hate it:) haha


I don't own Life with Derek but I do own Lizzie's evil boyfriend David and Amanda Lizzie's friend and Sam's family

Couples: Lizzie/Derek friendship at first then Dizzie later. And Lizzie/David but this is basically Lizzie and Derek centric though.

Warnings: Abuse, Drugs, Sex, Cursing.


(Last Chapter)

"We have found the defended…guilty.""David Roberts you are being sentenced to fifteen to twenty-five years in prison. Court dismissed." The gavel was banged on the table and almost everyone was cheering. Derek could hear David screaming as the policemen handcuffed him and took him looked over at Lizzie who was frozen in place, with a huge smile on her face."I'm free." She whispered once noticing Derek looking at took her in his arms and said "We're free." Before kissing her squarely on the lips, neither of them giving two shits who saw them.


Elizabeth McDonald smiled to herself as she stared at her reflection in the full sized mirror. Her white dream dress looking even more beautiful then she remembered when she bought it two months prior.

As a child, Lizzie never thought she would be someone to get married at such an early age; especially at the age of twenty three; but now she's never been surer of anything in her life.

She stared at herself and couldn't believe how fast time has went by. It seemed like only yesterday she was twelve years old, meeting her new family the Venturis. She never knew how much would change, and how many obstacles it took to get here.

She snapped out of her trip to memory lane when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said quietly but loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. Lizzie turned around to see seventeen year old Marti pop her head in and smile sweetly looking at her soon to be sister-in-law.

"Oh sweetie you look beautiful." Marti praised coming in the room to give her sister a big hug.

"Thank you Marti, you look beautiful as always." Lizzie said softly looking at the young woman Marti has become.

Her beautiful raven hair was curled slightly and put into a lose bun with strands falling in front of her ivory face. Her big brown eyes looking intense with just the right amount of eye liner and mascara, unlike usual when she uses too much of both, her eyes look almost black. She was wearing a simple dark purple bridesmaid's dress that hugged her slender body perfectly. My, how she's grown up.

"Are you nervous?" Marti joked her mouth turning into a smirk. She knew Lizzie wasn't nervous; she, like her older brother knew that they found the one and they wanted the world to know it already.

"Me? Never." Liz smiled and gave Marti a friendly pushed.

Suddenly the door opened again and Casey, Emily, Gabi, and Bella walked in also wearing the same dress as Marti. Casey looked like she usually did, except instead of her long light brown hair, she cut a few inches off and died it blonde, but she still looked the same as she did since she was fifteen years old to Lizzie. Emily looked the same as well; her usual bird's nest hair is always straightened and now so long it's down to her hips. Gabi and Bella look a lot more different than they used to. Gabi had dark brown wavy hair with tan skin that brought out her gorgeous blue eyes, while Bella had light brown hair, dark, almost black eyes and fair skin that made her look hauntingly beautiful.

"Awh." The four girls complimented and smiled as Lizzie rolled her eyes at them.

"Are you ready?" Casey asked excitedly. When she first found out about Derek and Lizzie, she was not exactly supportive. She tested their relationship any opportunity she could, and even went as far to bring a girl to Derek's dorm room his freshman year at college and try to seduce him, but nothing, he didn't even look at the girl because she wasn't Lizzie. After Casey almost lost her sister for the second time Casey backed off and was behind her little sister every step of the way. She even planned her whole wedding.

"Of course I am. I've been ready for four years." She joked and grabbed her bouquet of Stargazer lilies and took a deep breath.

"I'm getting married today." She smiled and followed her friends out of the spare room.


Derek Venturi was in a daze all day. He couldn't believe today he was getting married. Never in his life did he think he was ever going to get married and now he's getting married at twenty seven years old; clearly the big man upstairs had other plans for him than he had for himself. He had to remember to start praying everyday.

He looked at the people sitting in their chairs all smiling up at him as he stood with his father in front of their outdoor alter. He wanted to get married in a church like he thought Lizzie deserved, but she wouldn't have it. She said she knew getting married by the lake near their new house was what she wanted.

He felt his dad put his hand on his shoulder and he turned and smiled at him. When his father found out about him and Liz, he was so afraid his dad was going to throw them both out on their asses; but after a long painful week of silence and a talk with Nora, they both accepted their relationship seeing as they weren't related by blood and met each other when they were teenagers.

"You're ready my son." He whispered just as the music started playing.

"Yeah I am." He muttered to himself with a smile on his face. He was ready.

He smiled as he saw Edwin and Casey walk down the aisle together both smiling and laughing at something. He winked at them both and soon his brother was at his side. He saw then, Sam and Marti walk down the aisle together and it almost pained his heart that his Smarti is all grown up. She smiled sweetly at her older brother and stood next to Casey who was watching Trevor walk down with Bella and than Tim, Derek's friend and Casey's current boyfriend walk down with Gabi. It also pained him those girls were growing up; they were his sisters just as much as Marti was.

When he heard the bride's song come on and everyone stand up his eyes immediately brightened when he saw her.

She was being given away by her father who too, took a little bit to get used to their relationship but finally accepted them after awhile. She looked absolutely radiant in her dress. It was a simple tube top off-white dress (because God knows they weren't innocent) the flowed down her perfect body. At her waist was a gold ribbon that highlighted her golden brown hair that was in loose waves. He could see the small sapphire heart he gave her for her twentieth birthday and on her wrist was her grandmother's charm bracelet, all the different charms shining in the sunlight. She was carrying a bouquet of her favorite flowers and he realized how much they suited her. They were both beautiful and perfect. His love was perfect in everyway possible and she was all his.

Their eyes met and they both couldn't stop the smile that brightened on their faces. The love they felt was too strong to hide, not that they wanted to; they never did. They were made for each other and anyone who didn't understand that wasn't their problem.

We watch the season pull up its own stakes
And catch the last weekend of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced,
Another sun soaked season fades away

Lizzie and her father reached Derek and Dennis lifts Lizzie's thin vale and kisses his daughter tenderly on the forehead before taking her hand and placing it in Derek's.

"Take care of her Derek, even more than you already do." He says to his soon to be son in law and smiles at him before patting him on the shoulder.

"Like that's possible." Lizzie jokes and Derek and everyone standing laughs at her joke. It was true, Derek is very protective of her, and while Lizzie appreciated it, it sometimes drove her nuts and everyone knew it.

As Dennis sat down next to Nora, who had tears in her eyes as she watched her baby get married. He took her hand and smiled at her. They both knew it was meant to be for them.

You have stolen my heart

Derek took both of Lizzie's hands in his after she gave her flowers to Casey and brought them to his lips.

"I missed not waking up with you this morning." He whispered lovingly.

"Stupid Casey." They both said together laughing before turning their attention to the Pastor, who was giving them both warm smiles.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we gather here today to celebrate the love between a man and a woman. A love so strong and so pure that I'm sure God Himself is smiling down upon us today. Derek Anthony Venturi and Elizabeth Mary McDonald are here today to proclaim their love to you all and to the Lord. They wished to recite their own vows; Derek, you may begin." The Pastor pushed his glasses up closer and closed his Bible and looked at Derek.

Invitation only, grand farewells
Crash the best one, of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed, too early to say goodnight

"Liz, I can honestly say when we first met, I NEVER thought we would end up here." He started and everyone laughed knowing how and when they both met, when she was twelve and him fifteen after their parents got eloped.

"Even before we got together, I knew there was something about you. You were different than your mom and sister; you had a fire and passion they didn't have. You knew your flaws and ran with them and I admired that. Plus you were a sports lover which immediately made us get along." He paused and grinned at her and she smiled as tears started forming in her eyes.

"When everything changed…when David came and brought us together, God I had no idea we would end up here. I knew I loved you, and I knew I would protect you from ever getting hurt like that again, but marriage?! I never thought I would be lucky enough for someone to love me like you do and wanna marry me. Although we've had some pretty tragic and messed up memories….I wouldn't change them for anything. Being with you has made me a better man. Loving you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me." He said as he tenderly wiped away the tears that were now flowing free from her beautiful eyes.

"I know there are probably some people out there who think our love is wrong; our love isn't pure, but they don't know us. They think we're ugly but I know that we're beautiful. Our love can face anything and as long as I have you by my side I will die happily; because my life will have had meaning to it. I'm going to live a happy life because I have you as my wife." He finished and he had to choke up his sobs. God he loved her so much, only she would get him to talk about his feelings so openly to a billon people. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her tears away but he knew he had to wait. He's going to have forever.

You have stolen my heart

After a couple seconds of silence the Pastor spoke again.

"Elizabeth, you may start when you're ready." He spoke in a raspy voice as he too, wiped some stray tears from his eyes.

And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all, will sleep well

Lizzie wiped her eyes and smiled. "When I first met you Derek, I thought you were everything I didn't want. You were cocky, arrogant because of your good looks, sarcastic, and basically made my sister's life a living nightmare." She laughed and so did he.

"But when I finally got to know you, and saw how much we have in common, I found a friend who didn't try and change me into something I wasn't. When I got in too deep with David you saved me from him, and from myself. You refused to believe I wasn't worthy of love and through every nightmare is a blessing in disguise. Like an unknown friendship. But we already had that. We were like kindred spirits drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Soon we became an unknown love and I wouldn't have it any other way. Derek I love everything about you. I love your sarcastic comments because they lighten up awkward silences and usually make me laugh. I love your arrogance because you are you and wont change for anyone and I never want you to. I love how you are so over protective of me even after all these years because I know with you I'm always safe. I love how you sing the most random songs in the shower because I always wake up to the sound of your voice. I love how you know my every flaw and love me anyway." She started sobbing opening now and his desire to kiss her only grew stronger as tears of his own openly started falling.

"Without you Derek, I don't know how I'd survive. You saved my life years ago and you brought me to life to the day you told me you loved me. I've been so lucky to have you in my life. I never thought we'd end up here either and I thank God everyday that we did, because loving you and being with you has made me the happiest woman alive. Forever with you is never going to have a dull moment and I'm looking forward to it. I love you so much and I can't wait for you to officially be all mine, to the world and to God." She finished and despite tradition Derek immediately pulled her closer to him and kissed her with everything he had and she kissed him back with the same intensity. He couldn't wait. He's never heard anything more beautiful in his life.

You have stolen
You have stolen my heart

Everyone laughed once they pulled away blushing as the Pastor laughed as well.

"Before that, we need to exchange rings." The Pastor joked and Derek took the rings from Edwin and handed Lizzie his ring before taking her hand to put the simple white gold wedding band with a surprise engraving inside.

"Derek Michael Venturi, do you take Elizabeth Mary McDonald to be your wife? Do you take her as your wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all the days of your life?" The Pastor asked smiling.

"I do." He said with a hundred percent certainty.

I watch you spin around in your highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones

"This ring is a symbol of your love. Like your love, this ring is never ending and will forever be noticed by you, man, and God. Derek, you may put the ring on Elizabeth's finger." He instructed and Derek gently slipped the ring on her finger on top of her white gold engagement ring. She smiled lovingly at him. It was finally real. She took his also simple white gold wedding ring and took his left hand.

We all look like we feel

"Elizabeth Mary McDonald, do you take Derek Michael Venturi to be your husband? Do you take her as your husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all the days of your life?" The Pastor asked once again, to Lizzie who's smile brightened as she looked at the Pastor and then to Derek.

"I do." She echoed her husband's words and she slipped his ring on his finger.

"By the power vested in me, and by the state of Ontario, I now pronounce you Mr Derek Michael Venturi, Derek you may now kiss your bride." The Pastor finished and smiled in satisfaction when Derek took his wife into his arms and kissed her once again with everything he had. They were finally married. It was about damn time!

They both could hear the claps and the music start but they paid it no mind. They broke apart as the Pastor handed them the marriage license which they both quickly signed before handing to Casey.

They looked at their family and friends and everyone that supported them through out the years and smiled. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Venturi ran to their limo hand in hand off the face whatever came their way.

When they got into the limo Derek pulled into a sweet kiss before pulling away.

"Look on the inside of your wedding ring." He instructed and she looked at him confused before doing what he asked.

"Unknown Friendship became an Unknown Love." She smiled as tears started falling once again. She pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. Because his words couldn't have been anymore true. Derek Venturi didn't stole her heart; she gave it to him with no hesitation.

You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart

THE END!!!!!!

Song is stolen by Dashboard Confessionals and in Derek's vow where he said "they don't know us they think we're ugly but I know we're beautiful" I used but I got it from grey's anatomy SLEXIE all the way haha


H t t p : / / b l o g . b r I d e p o w e r . c o m / w p – c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 0 9 / 0 8 / a n g e l I n a – s t r a p l e s s – w e d d I n g – g o w n . j p g


H t t p : / / w w w . m a r I e c l a I r e . c o . u k / I m a g e B a n k / c a c h e / c / C o a s t – B u r l I n g t o n – D r e s s – L P . j p g _ e _ b 5 3 1 4 4 6 b 8 1 5 d 8 4 1 f a 5 7 f f 7 a c 2 9 5 5 9 9 2 3 . j p g

I just wanted to thank everyone who read this story and gave me all the nice reviews. It really meant a lot and I hope I hear from you when I write other Dizzie stories. Thank you again and I hope you liked 3