What if Sakura was a Sociopath like Sai? What would she do if Danzou offers her a possible spot in the ANBU root? Will she accept? Well, read and find out! –Possible SakuSai

My Def of Sociopath: n. a person who holds no emotions, but acts as what they find best for what situation they are in. They learn about how to act in different situations by learning from reading books, watching movies/television, or by watching other people interacting. They don't really have emotions of their own, they can kill someone and feel no remorse, etc. ((Like Sai, from Naruto))

Def for DP: Definite Promotion


Well, here is yet another story by me, and I've been thinking weather or not I should 'give away' the other story's I have… Give me your opinion if you want, but if you want to 'take' on of my story's, email me at and I'll give you all I 'got!

But this will be a SakuSai story with a little one-sided SakuSasu. It might change, or it might not, but there will also be some OOC here… Don't get mad, okay? But now then, let's go on with the story!


Sakura- 6

Sai- 7

Danzou- 33


The small pink haired girl named Sakura looked at the group of children playing with each other, laughing, screaming, and smiling. She then looked down at the large book in her lap and frowned.

' 'Understanding the youths emotions' doesn't do a great job at explaining why they're so happy…' she thought, still not getting the whole concept of emotions. She just shrugged and continued reading, until she noticed an uproar at the playground in front of her.

"Help mother! It's the demon!" a little boy cried and ran away with his mother, and soon, the rest of the kid's followed suit. Sakura looked around for any signs of a demon, but found nothing other than a small blond boy, crying.

'I don't get it… Not at all…' she sighed and looked for the answers in her book- only to be disturbed once more.

"Your Sakura, right?" Sakura looked over her shoulder to see a smiling boy, around her age- maybe older, with short black hair, falling into his dark eyes. He wore a simple black t-shirt that stoped at his stomach and beige knee-length shorts, all toped off with some plain black nin sandals. He was extremely pale and had on a fake smile, similar to her own.

"Yes, I am…" 'How does one act in a situation like this…?' The boy smiled at her and held out his hand.

"I'm Sai, nice to meet you," he gave her a wide fox-like smile-fake- and tilted his head to the side slightly. A bit perplexed by his actions, she shook his hand quickly then took her hand back with hast. "What are you doing?" he asked softly, and sat down beside her, crossing his leg's, leaning toward her slightly.

Sakura shrugged and handed the book to him, and he laughed. "So you're reading this too?" Sakura tilted her head to the side and pulled her eyebrows together. 'This is how I should act, right?'

"What do you mean? Are you reading it too?" Sai nodded and handed the book back to her.

"I am, and to tell the truth, your much farther in the book than I am." Sakura nodded and looked away, not sure how to act. "But I'm not here to discuss books, sadly." She turned her attention back to him and put of one of her fake 'confused' look's.

"What are you here to discuss, then, if not book's?" Sai laughed again and gave her a fake smile.

"Do you want to become a ninja when you're older?" Sakura nodded slowly. She had been told ninja's had no need for emotions. 'That would make my life easier, I wont have to read these books anymore.' "Same here. But you don't have a family, and neither do I." Her eyes narrowed slightly. 'Does he know me? Really, really know me?' Before she could ask or do anything, Sai was pulling her up from her seat on the bench.

"I'm here to let you see Danzou-sama." He pointed to a large building near the Hokage monuments. "He lives over there, and work's there to. He's head of the ANBU root." Sakura sighed.

"I don't think I get it Sai-san. I know of the ANBU, but what's the ANBU root?" she was tired of not understanding and decided to get an answer for once.

Sai smiled at her and started walking, Sakura following a few steps behind him.

"The ANBU root is almost the same as the regular ANBU, but there, they strive for peace. We live by the rule 'emotion brings hatred, and hatred brings war.' Danzou-sama is looking for people like us." He stopped and gave Sakura a fake grin.

"He wants young people, so we get to train early and get stronger than most other people. And even better, you and I are… special." It clicked in Sakura's mind.

"You're a sociopath." Sai nodded.

"You too! Danzou-sama wants us to join him, well, you, since I already joined." He paused and pointed to Sakura, then to himself. "If you joined, like I did, you would get a DP (Def. at top of page). I already have mine, and I've already started to train." He gave her a fake smile and continued walking.

Sakura took this all in. 'I do want to be a ninja, and the ANBU root seems just like the work for me… They don't want emotions, so I won't have to try to act normal… But is it worth it? I won't really be giving anything up… But it seems a little strange…' Sakura sighed and looked Sai in the eye.

"I'll do it… But what will happen to where I live? And how soon do I train, and with who?" Sai laughed and grabbed her left hand and started running.

"Danzou-sama will tell you everything, come on!" He gave her another smile, this one more convincing than the others, and they ran into the large building.


"Danzou-sama, this is Sakura-chan." Sai stated, once the two were in a darkly lit room. Sakura focused her eyes on a dark figure, trying to notice any features, to no avail.

"So then Sakura-san. I am guessing Sai has told you all about the ANBU root?" A deep booming voice echoed in the empty room. Sakura simply nodded, unsure of how to act.

"Good. And your choice?" Again she paused, unsure. She put a hand on her chin, deep in thought, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking, she saw Sai, with a genuine smile on, surprising her, and telling her her answer. She turned to face the dark figure once more.

"I will join the ANBU root." She heard a deep laughter and felt Sai pat her back softly in a quiet congratulations.

"Well then Sakura-san, you will be sharing a living quarters with Sai. It is a simple three bedroom apartment here in the root complex." Sakura nodded and glanced at Sai. "You and Sai will also be teammates, in a way. You two will train together, and I will have you taught together. Do you understand?"

Sakura and Sai both shared a fake grin, and nodded to Danzou.

"Good. You are dismissed. Sai, could you please show Sakura-san her way around?" Sai nodded and bowed, along with Sakura, and the two left.


Sakura just emerged from the shower and put on her new clothes. Sighing, she looked around her large room. The walls were a simple gray, the bedding and accessories were either black or blue. She found it comforting, but unneeded. Shrugging, she looked at herself in a full-length mirror in the corner of the room.

Her long hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, some loose hair framing her cheeks. She wore a plain black tank top that stopped at her waist, then a long-sleeved fishnet shirt under the tank top. She had on plain and baggy beige knee-length shorts and black nin sandals. 'I'm dressed like Sai…' she noted, but didn't complain.

She stepped out of her room and into the living room to see Sai.

"So, are you ready to train?" He asked and got up from his seat on the grey couch.

Giving him a fake smile and nodded. Sai paused, then gave her another genuine smile, surprising her again. 'I feel strange when he does that…'

"Let's go ahead and get started then, okay Sakura-chan? I'll train you though, since I've been training longer." Sakura nodded and followed him out of the apartment.


Well, how did you like it? Was it good, crappy, or what? But, just so you know, the next chapter will have a time-skip, Sakura will be 13, and Sai will be 14… But Sakura will go to the Academy, don't worry… And Sai will still work for the ANBU root… That might have come out confusing, but at least I know what I meant! Well, review please, and tell me what you thought about this, please!

Kaiki karai kibun