Verona High 2005

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

The Preps of Verona High arrived at the school at the same time that they usually did, 10:00 am on the dot. Jamie, the youngest out of The Preps (only 16 years), stayed close to his comrades in fear that the local group of gangmembers that attended the school would not show up seeing as they were not only mortal enemies but because of the school history and they had reputations which proceeded them.

"You know this fight that has been going on between us and the gang?" Jamie began

"What about it?" Christopher, the eldest out of the Preps (standing at 19), asked

"Well, we don't really have to fight them do we? The fight was between our grandparents, not us." Jamie briefly stated

"You wanna break tradition?" Christopher joked

"No, I..."

Before Jamie could finish, he was cut off by the sound of motorcycles. The Preps turned their heads and saw The Gangbusters pulling up to the school parking lot, on their motorcyles. Christopher gestured his head towards the school doors, Jamie ran inside while the rest of The Preps stayed behind to confront The Gangbusters (again...). One of the members of The Gangbusters, 17-year-old Roman, who was sporting a snake tattoo on his palm and only clothed in a leather vest and brown kakhis and a purple bandana that barely covered his honey colored hair, pranced up to Christopher.

"Think we can get through one day without fighting?" Christopher asked

"Has hell frozen over?" Romn asked with a smile

"I guess that means no." Christopher said solemnly, Roman shook his head.

"Catch me on a good day when it's bad for you." Roman remarked

The Gangbusters began to walk away when the most hastiest of The Preps, 18-year-old William, choked up a huge amount of spit and launched it at the back of Roman's neck, unforunately it missed him and hit The Gangbusters top member 17-year-old Benny. Benny felt the wetness on his cheek, he wiped it off and stared on at The Preps in complete surprise. Roman, who was furious at this insult, stormed back up to Christopher and lifted him at least 2 feet off the ground.

"You better have one helluva of an excuse." Roman cried as he threw Christopher into the air, sending the Prep member over his own Mercedes and onto the hard pavement with a thud.

"Roman, don't!" Benny cried as he tried to restrain Roman

"He just spit in your face!" Roman argued

"We don't want to get busted for a third time in the same week!" Benny warned

"Yeah, why don't we all just shake hands and go out for ice cream?" Christopher suggested sarcastically, as he lifted himself off the ground.

"Don't take me for a dumbass!" Roman yelled, he was once again restrained by Benny.

Suddenly, the leader of The Preps, 22-year-old Carl Teleworth, arrived at the school grounds in his black colored Jaguar. Baring a red school coat and red pants to match, a pair of blue tented shades covered his eyes as he walked approached the scene.

"Have I missed something important?" Carl asked

"Carl, thank god! Can you tell Mr.Dickweed over there to stay cool UNTIL we get off school grounds?" Benny asked

"So you want me to tell my guys to let this whole thing blowover? If that is the case...I have one word: Never." Carl stated

"Carl, I don't exactly want to call you an amigo. I just want this bust to be over and we won't have our asses thrown in jail...AGAIN!" Benny snapped

Carl approached Benny and then punched him square in the jaw, he then proceeded to kick him straight in the face.

"Gentlemen, the game has begun." Carl announced

Pretty soon, both gangs were tackling and beating on each other. Carl and Christopher handled Roman and Benny, while the other members faced each other. Pretty soon, their elderly school principal Mr.Powers, arrived on the scene and blew a whistle. The gangs finally stopped throwing punches, and at the end of it all: they looked to have survived the third World War.

"Not again..." Mr.Powers groaned